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Release Date: 2010



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Justice League

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Real Identity: Various
Powers/Skills: Various
Voiced By: Various

After defeating the menace of Starro, the prospect of future invasion helped influence the formation of the Justice League. Its first duty was to protect Earth from evil and act as defender of basic human rights and the pursuit of liberty and justice. The six original members are Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, and the Flash. After some time, a kinship was formed and most knew each other's secret identities while trust was still an issue for some. Likewise, on a parallel Earth, tyranny and oppression inspired Alexander Luthor to found his own Justice League. But over time, all but he were killed in the line of duty.

Some time later, Batman began construction of the Watchtower, the headquarters and base of operations for the Justice League. However, the sudden appearance of a second Lex Luthor captured all but Batman's attention. While they went to a parallel Earth to take down the mafia known as the Crime Syndicate, Batman stayed behind to complete the Watchtower. A short time later, an incursion from that Earth led to Batman's involvement in stopping the Syndicate. He left five potential recruits behind to guard the Watchtower.

On the Moon, the Justice League infiltrated the Crime Syndicate's Panopticon base and fought their evil analogues. Owlman dealt his hand and proceeded to destroy the Multiverse. Both sides cooperated to stop the madman. Once Batman returned in success, the Justice League returned home and entertained the idea of a membership drive. He anticipated this and introduced the rest of the League to the five recruits.



Black Canary

Black Lightning


The Flash

Green Lantern

The Jester

Alexander Luthor

Martian Manhunter

Red Tornado


Wonder Woman