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Martian Manhunter

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Real Identity: J'onn J'Onzz
Affiliation(s): Justice League
Powers/Skills: Shape Shifting, Flight, Intangibility, Telepathy, Enhanced Strength, and Unarmed Combat
Voiced By: Jonathan Adams

On Mars, J'onn J'Onzz was regarded as the greatest warrior of the Green Martians. He started a family with his wife M'yri'ah after the birth of their daughter, K'hym. Tragedy struck when the White Martians incited a civil war and ravaged the Green Martian's city. As all his people were murdered, J'Onzz was accidentally teleported to Earth by Dr. Erdel.

In Middleton, Denver, Colorado, Dr. Saul Erdel attempted to send and receive a deep space signal to find alien life. Instead, he teleported a Martian to Earth. After forming a bond with Erdel, he learned much about his sense of heroism and good will. J'Onzz concluded that he wanted to be a force of good and protect his adopted home. He took on the appearance of a murdered police detective, John Jones. He later became a superhero named Martian Manhunter and joined the Justice League.

Years later, he and the most of the Justice League agreed to help Alexander Luthor to defeat the Crime Syndicate. Martian Manhunter and the Flash disrupted one of Johnny Quick's smuggling operations. He appeared as a sea serpent and constricted Archer, one of Quick's Made Men, into submission then scuttled Quick's ship. The League's success caught the attention of President Wilson, who wanted to preserve status quo rather than challenge it. Manhunter read Wilson's daughter's mind without permission and presented the notion that the President was a soldier who didn't want to risk causing senseless bloodshed in a war, something J'Onzz understood. Out of guilt and concern, J'Onzz secretly followed Rose Wilson as she went to public rallies against the Syndicate. He saved her life from Archer and subdued him for the police.

She implored Manhunter to use his true form around her and he in turn apologized for reading her mind earlier. In an unexpected turn, he realized they were attuned, their minds in sync to a strong degree. When Wilson tried to kiss him, J'Onzz formed a mind-link with her and they both learned each others' pasts. President Wilson was displeased with the attempt on his daughter's life and authorized a strike on the Syndicate's lunar base. Manhunter accompanied them and reunited with the League. Despite the chance at love again, he upheld his promise to protect his universe's Earth and parted ways with Rose Wilson.