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Red Tornado

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Real Identity: Tornado Champion
Affiliation(s): Justice League
Powers/Skills: Aerokinesis
Voiced By: Not Applicable

An alien lifeform from the planet Rann journeyed to Earth intent on finding a new identity for itself. It decided to assume control of a robotic form called Red Tornado and a human alter ego John Ulthoon. Red Tornado settled down in Happy Harbor, Rhode Island as a professor of archeology at a local community college. All the while, he observed people and tried to understand the human condition in order to become more like them.

Years later, Batman convinced Red Tornado to join an expanded Justice League. He arrived with a small team of recruits when Superwoman, Captain Super, Uncle Super, and Captain Super Junior teleported into the Watchtower in search of the Quantum Trigger. Red Tornado's powers proved ineffectual against the Super's and he was subdued by Uncle Super after failing to asphyxiate him.