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Release Date: February 26, 2008



Feb. 22-24, 2007
Movie will be aired at Wonder Con.

Feb. 26, 2008
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Back to Heroes Main > Robin

Real Identity: Richard "Dick" Grayson
Affiliation(s): Teen Titans
Skills: Acrobatics, Deduction, Martial Arts and Technology
Voiced By: Shane Haboucha

Dick Grayson was an eight year old star in his family act, "The Flying Graysons" who performed for Haly's Circus. Grayson was trained as a toddler and exhibited a natural ability. On one fateful night, he overheard crime lord Anthony "Boss" Zucco arguing with Mr. Haly for extortion money. Haly refused and Zucco randomly chose to sabotage the Grayson's props. Grayson and Gotham City's elite watched in horror as his parents fell to their deaths. Guilty for being unable to do anything, Grayson was lost.

That is until Gotham's philanthropist, Bruce Wayne decided to adopt him. Grayson was frustrated with Wayne's late hours and tried to solve his parents' murder and encountered Batman. Together they found Zucco but he died of a heart attack. Batman saw a kindred soul in Grayson and revealed his secret to him. Grayson took up Batman's offer and became Robin, Batman's partner. Robin remained a child at heart and couldn't believe that even Batman knew Superman until he saw it with his own eyes. Robin later went onto help found the Teen Titans.