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Release Date: February 26, 2008



Feb. 22-24, 2007
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Feb. 26, 2008
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Green Lantern (Abin Sur)

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Real Identity: Abin Sur
Affiliation(s): Green Lantern Corps
Skills: Power ring (Generates hard light constructs, database, language translator)
Voiced By: Corey Burton

Abin Sur was once the Green Lantern of Space Sector 2814. He was one of 3600 dedicated to policing all of the known sectors in space. When he was deployed to Earth to help end the Centre, he was caught in the self-destruction of Operation Flying Cloud. The explosion flooded the atmosphere with light and poisons from the yellow spectrum, the only weakness of the Green Lanterns.

Sur struggled to Earth and landed in the California desert near Ferris Aircraft. Near death, he ordered his ring to find a replacement, someone with the courage of conviction despite personal cost. That someone was Hal Jordan. After passing his ring and explaining the technology, Sur passed on.