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Release Date: February 26, 2008



Feb. 22-24, 2007
Movie will be aired at Wonder Con.

Feb. 26, 2008
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Ra's al Ghul

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Real Identity: Unknown
Affiliation(s): The Demon
Skills: Near Immortality, Genius, Hand to Hand Combat, Armed Combat and Alchemy

Around 600 years ago, a man was born in a tribe of nomads. They resided near Arabia. The man grew up to be fascinated by science and moved to Arabia to learn more. He soon became a physician and marries his love. While conducting research, he discovers the Lazarus Pit, a globe spanning series of alchemical pits and posions that were excavated above the intersection of electromagnetic leylines. The Pit could heal anything and render a man immortal for a temporary time. After killing a sadistic prince, he is left to die. He escapes and seeks his tribe to help him get revenge. They agree and use what later becomes germ warfare on the city. He declares himself, "Ra's al Ghul." In Arabic, it translates to "The Demon's Head." Ra's passes centuries by traveling the globe and participates in military conflicts, including the Napoleonic Wars and the French Revolution.

Over time, he gathers a vast quantity of wealth and founds an organization called the Demon. Within in the Demon are smaller groups such as the League of Assassins. Ra's begins to adopt an ultimate goal of rejuvenating Earth to its ecological splendor and is dubbed a terrorist. Seeking an heir for his international empire, he kidnapped Robin and tried to manipulate Batman to marrying his daughter Talia only to be refused.