

Thera-Magnetic Wave Generator

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Real Identity: Not Applicable
Appearances (Episodes): #AmBatgirl Part 1
Powers/Skills: Wave Generation
Voiced By: Not Applicable

After breaking into a jewelry store in Metropolis, The Riddler left a clue for his next crime, "What is always on its way here, but never arrives?" He soon broke into the Metropolis Museum and used a glass cutter to steal the prototype Thera-Magnetic Wave Generator from the World of Tomorrow exhibit. He couldn't wait to see it on the black market. Batgirl threw a batarang at the case. Riddler mistook her for Batman, tossed the generator, and tried to run but she threw a bola at his legs. Batgirl tried grunting like Batman but Riddler couldn't understand her. She finally spoke in her regular voice and repeated he had run out of time.