

Lexcorp Warsuit

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Real Identity: Not Applicable
Appearances (Episodes): #SweetJustice Part 4
Appearances (Games): Teen Power
Powers/Skills: Enhanced Strength, Technology Linking, and Rocket Propulsion
Voiced By: Not Applicable

As part of Lena Luthor's plan to entrap Metropolis's teenagers in virtual reality, she flew to the Metropolis Pier in a stolen Lexcorp Warsuit and linked to Lexcorp VR Glasses and Demo-Bots to it. She commanded the robots to destroy the pier. Wonder Woman suggested they take out the general to defeat the army and they came up with a plan to short out the mainframe of the warsuit. Supergirl got an idea to use a guitar and amp to short out Luthor's warsuit. Bumblebee connected the motherboard and cable to the suit's CPU while Batgirl rigged the amp to go past its maximum of 10. Zatanna, Wonder Woman, and Supergirl distracted Luthor while Bumblebee flew into the suit and Green Lantern got Batgirl past the Demo-Bots. Zatanna created mirages of herself. The warsuit swatted at them then Wonder Woman lassoed an arm with her Lasso of Truth and held it down while Supergirl held the other arm behind the suit's back.

Luthor activated the rocket thruster boots and ascended above the pier and prepared to level it. With the amp hooked up, Batgirl turned it to 11 and threw the guitar to Supergirl. As soon as the warsuit went offline, so did all the Demo-Bots. The suit plummeted and landed on its back. The Lexcorp VR Glasses went offline, too, and teenagers all over Metropolis abandoned them and went to watch movies at home. Lena Luthor exited the warsuit and cried no fair. Lex Luthor arrived with their parents. She was put into the backseat of the family car where she threw a tantrum. Lilian Luthor felt bad about the warsuit. Lex Luthor brushed it off and was just happy his sister was okay. Lex and Lena Luthor exchanged raspberries once Lilian turned her back. Lena Luthor vowed revenge.

One of the Lexcorp Hob's Bay restoration project ceremonies was interrupted by a Lexcorp Warsuit. Zatanna teleported the warsuit, the other Super Hero Girls, Catwoman, and Harley Quinn to Zatara's Realm, a subspace reality in her hat. The gravitational properties seemed to be somewhat preserved in the realm but the buildings from Hob's Bay floated in place in a random configuration. She told them it was safe to do anything without worry of causing any property damage to Hob's. The girls suspected the pilot of the Warsuit was Toyman's ally in the many attacks on Hob's. The Warsuit attempted to keep a distance from the girls by using a red laser but they quickly deduced there was a weak point in the chest plate. Zatanna instructed them to lure the Warsuit into white light and she would be able to neutralize it temporarily. After taking several hits, the Warsuit retreated. The girls repeated the plan and it tried to fly away again. The girls took down its barrier and disabled the Warsuit. They were all transported back to the real world. Lena Luthor managed to flee the Warsuit without being seen.