

Green Lantern Kilowog

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Real Identity: Kilowog
Affiliations: Green Lantern Corps
Appearances (Episodes): #HateTriangle and #TheGreenRoom
Appearances (Graphic Novels): Ghosting
Powers/Skills: Wields Power Ring
Voiced By: Jason Spisak

Kilowog trained Jessica Cruz and Hal Jordan in space near Earth. He observed the pair spar with each other and didn't get why she didn't attack. He ended the session and they flew to him on an asteroid. Kilowog stated she would be in the infirmary if she was fighting someone else. Hal Jordan reminded him he said she didn't fight. Kilowog exclaimed everyone in the Green Lantern Corps fought. He generated a big hammer construct and charged. Cruz created a shield. Kilowog told her the power ring was only as strong as its user's willpower, fear weakened the mind and fear rendered the ring useless. He asked her why she wouldn't fight back and asked if she was afraid. Cruz declared she wasn't afraid and launched an octopus construct on Kilowog's face. After he pried it off, he realized he was standing on a rug construct and Cruz yanked it away. Kilowog fell on his back. She claimed there was always another way. He contended she got lucky and she wouldn't be able to keep it up forever and sooner or later, she would have to learn to fight.

The Guardians of the Universe held a disciplinary hearing to determine whether or not Jessica Cruz was in violation of the Green Lantern code 3.4.8-0, Article V. Kilowog acted as the prosecutor and created a construct of the book about the Corps's code to make sure. He also made himself a construct of reading glasses. They dissipated once he was done then used his ring to activate the screen in the tribunal room. He stated an alien menace went on a rampage on First Street in Metropolis that threatened thousands of lives with sonic blasts emitted from its mouth but Cruz refused to attack it. Kilowog pointed to Cruz and asked her how she pleaded. She sat and smiled. Kilowog whispered to her that pacifism was her thing but she stood to lose her ring and advised her to throw herself on the court's mercy. Cruz insisted she didn't need to plead because she already absolved herself in her incredibly long and thorough report about the incident. She asked him if he read it. Kilowog became nervous and lied he did, claiming he found it "wordful." Hal Jordan suddenly burst into the room stating he was her peer advocate.

Kilowog moved to begin again. Jordan objected and claimed he was being immaterial. Cruz made a gavel and pounded it, overruling him. Kilowog was confused why she was overruling her own lawyer. She stated she just wanted him to be quiet. Kilowog sighed and repeated the charge was Cruz's failure to act allowed the alien creature to nearly destroy Metropolis. Jordan called it circumstantial hearsay. Cruz asked him why he was speaking. Jordan thought he was calling her bluff and floating up to the five Guardians presiding over the hearing. He stated he was just a simple man that dealt in simple truths. Cruz thought he was half-right. Jordan continued they were all present for the truth and noted Kilowog was not present during the said event. He asked Kilowog if he did or did not actually see Cruz not do or not-not do anything to not prevent or not-not prevent the alleged disaster. Kilowog had no clue how to answer that question. Jordan thought he made a point then concluded Kilowog had no proof that any damages were a direct result of her negligence. He winked at Cruz and poured himself a glass of water. Kilowog produced Exhibit A, recorded testimony from a woman present at the incident, She claimed she saw everything and it was a direct result of Green Lantern's negligence. Jordan did a spit take.

Cruz tried to direct everyone to page 389, subsection G, paragraph 98 of her report but Jordan cut her off and told her not to worry. Kilowog called his first witness with his ring, Supergirl. She landed face first in the witness booth. Jordan thought he had the advantage since she was a BFF of Cruz's. Cruz stated she already had Supergirl's statement in her report. Jordan claimed "my witness." Kilowog pointed out he was supposed to say "your witness" when he was done but knew better and let him proceed. Supergirl recollected she attacked the alien in Centennial Park but Green Lantern made a wall construct that ricocheted her into a Fresh Fish delivery truck. And the smell of mackerel was still in her cape. Kilowog asked her what happened next. She told them the alien destroyed the park's Metrobelisk which ticked her off even more because that was supposedly the only monument that didn't honor Superman. Kilowog interpreted it as Supergirl would have stopped the alien if not for Cruz's actions. He implored Cruz to change her plea so she wouldn't lose her ring.

Supergirl became alarmed and tried to recant but Kilowog sent her back to Earth. Jordan saw it as proof that if Supergirl could not stop the monster, no one could. He made little constructs of Cruz fighting the alien. Kilowog called his next witness, Hawkman. He asked Hawkman what he remembered about the event from last Tuesday. Hawkman recalled he heard alarms, got there, saw the thing, pounded it, and it flew off scared. Kilowog sent him back to Earth. Kilowog stated if Cruz was aggressive, the disaster could have been avoided. He declared the prosecution rests. The Guardians were ready to adjourn to deliberate but Jordan tried to bring in Garth Bernstein to make a false statment. She fired Jordan. She was about to be declared guilty but Jordan burst in and stated the defense un-rests. Kilowog countered that wasn't a thing. Jordan planted the report in his face and thought he was pretty sure it was a thing because he had to un-fire himself to do it. He summoned one more witness, the alien in the incident: Kongulon. Kilowog was on guard and made his big hammer construct. Kongulon activated her universal translator and explained she was a police officer on her planet and came to Earth to save it from a bomb left behind by a prankster among her race millions of years ago. Kilowog scoffed at the notion a prank was a bomb with the power to destroy the planet. She added Jessica Cruz came to her aid and helped save the world.