

Casey Krinsky

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Real Identity: Casey Krinsky
Affiliations: Metropolis High School
Appearances (Episodes): #AllAboutZee
Powers/Skills: Power Absorption and Shape Shifting
Voiced By: Laura Jill Miller

One day at Metropolis High School, Casey Krinsky bumped into Zee Zatara. She apologized for being such a klutz and realized who she bumped into. To her surprise, Zatara helped her up and gave her her bag since her backpack got torn up. Krinsky declared she was the most popular and most nicest girl in school. Zatara chuckled and asked what her name was then told her it was nice to meet her. Zatara told her she would see her around then left. Krinsky was enamored. The cafeteria was serving tots for Tot Day so Krinsky secured six bowls for the girls before it ran out. By the time the girls rushed inside, it was all gone. Krinsky called out to Zatara and presented the tots. She was an instant hit with the girls. Krinsky commented it was her pleasure then ominously stated she would do anything for Zee Zatara. The next day, Zatara stepped out of her limousine and Krinsky was already waiting. She presented her itinerary for the whole day and picked up her favorite, a half-caf vanilla latte. Zatara chuckled nervously and thanked her.

While out shopping, Zee Zatara saw Casey Krinsky in a dressing room with the same outfit and hairstyle as her. Krinsky didn't see her. Zatara nervously stepped back and avoided detection. Zatara became paranoid. While in the girls locker room, she looked around for Krinsky then opened her locker. Krinsky's reflection was in her mirror. Sure enough, Krinsky was behind her. She revealed she noticed a conflict on Zatara's calendar so she had Roxanne move her dance recital to next week so Zatara could attend Sandra's quinceanera. Zatara wondered how she got her calendar. Krinsky replied it was on her cell phone. Zatara asked how she got her phone. Krinsky replied it was in her purse, suggested putting a lock on it, presented said lock, and told her the combination was her great-grandmother's birthday backwards then bid her goodbye until that night. Zatara was confused. Krinsky told her to check her calendar. Zatara looked and there was an item for bonding time at Zee's place at 5 pm with Krinsky. Zatara was horrified.

The next day, Zatara sent Krinsky across town to get her Stella-Gabrielles re-heeled so she would have enough time to tell the other Super Hero Girls about her plight. They didn't think Krinsky was obsessed with her. Zatara listed off that she got her lattes, helped with her math homework, and rearranged her social calendar so she could attend every event she wanted to. They were not swayed. Krinsky had returned with the heels and a tray of tots she arranged for secretly with the lunch lady. She also presented a gift for everyone, kittens. Zatara was stunned speechless. Krinsky named hers Zee and creepily petted it. Zatara ran to the rest room and splashed water on her face. Krinsky followed her. Zatara had enough and yelled at her to stop following her around like a little lost kitten and that they weren't BFFs. Krinsky apologized and mused she wouldn't want to be friends with her either. Zatara sighed and apologized for misunderstanding her kindness. Krinsky hugged Zatara but wouldn't budge. Zatara became nervous and told her it was time to let go.

Krinsky didn't take kindly to her words and proclaimed she wouldn't let go until she had Zatara's beauty, popularity, and friends. Krinsky's skin crystallized then in a flash, she looked exactly like Zee Zatara. Zatara tried to cast but her magic was gone. Krinsky was confused then realized she stole Zatara's magical powers, too. She cast and hit Zatara with a blast that made her look like Krinsky. Krinsky walked outside to the girls and they were unaware of what happened. Zatara tried to warn them but the girls only saw Krinsky and realized Zatara was right about her weird obsession. The girls went to Sweet Justice after school. As everyone ate, Krinsky took everything in. Cruz asked if something was wrong. Krinsky remarked she couldn't see how life could get any better. Danvers believed hot sauce would make it better. Gordon triggered the dispenser and they headed downstairs to their base. While Cruz used a hand construct to pour some hot sauce on Danvers' dish, Krinsky realized they were all of the Super Hero Girls. She gleefully activated her ability and stole everyone's. She took on aspects of everyone's costume into her form and stole all their powers then flew up through the street above and declared herself Mega Casey Krinsky. Civilians ran for it.

Krinsky landed atop a parked car and squashed it flat. She vowed to would be the most popular girl in school and the most powerful hero in the world. She grabbed a light pole and threw it into a print shop then bashed an ice cream cart. She remarked she was super hot, too. The girls peeked up from the hole Krinsky made. Danvers took off after Krinsky but instead of flying, she fell flat on her face. Danvers deduced their powers were stolen. Diana reminded everyone they only had to work together to stop her. Krinsky snagged her with the Lasso of Truth. Diana stated they had no chance. Krinsky pulled over over then kicked her into Danvers and they slammed into the others, knocking them out. Krinsky was pleased the mousy little girl was now gone. She noticed Zatara in an alley then remarked she will be. Zatara ran to the Metropolis Pier and dodged several Batarangs. Krinksy used Bumblebee's visor and locked onto her then fired several missile constructs. Nearly all the stands were blown up. Zatara climbed out of the debris and ran into the House of Mirrors.

Krinsky shrank and flew in after her then went to normal size. Krinsky was reduced to punching mirrors while Zatara ran around. Annoyed with the smoke and mirrors, Krinsky goaded her to come out and fight because she was tired of seeing her face. She stopped and corrected it was now Zatara's. Zatara keyed on that and mocked her, asking if she didn't like what she saw. Krinsky exclaimed no one did. She created a mallet construct. Zatara states she and her friends liked her at first but her evil plot messed up a chance at friendship and acceptance. Krinsky began to shed her diamond skin and lost her focus. She casted and was reduced to her normal form. Zatanna offered a fresh start but Krinsky rejected her. She promised she would reveal their secret identities to the city then ran off. The other Super Hero Girls arrived and tried to console Zatanna. The next day, Krinsky tried telling everyone at school who the girls were but she was met with skepticism and sarcasm. One girl recalled she was running around the previous day claiming she was Zee Zatara. Krinsky told her she was Zatara but now she wasn't and was back to herself again. Everyone walked away unconvinced.