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Issue #5
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March 7
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Floronic Man

Back to Villains Main > Floronic Man

Real Identity: Jason Woodrue
Appearances (Movies): Batman and Harley Quinn
Appearances (Comics): Harley Quinn and Batman (The Last Laugh Part 3 and Part 4) and Batman and Harley Quinn (Floronic Man: The Judgement of the Green)
Powers/Skills: Plant Manipulation, Enhanced Strength, Regeneration, and Unarmed Combat
Voiced By: Kevin Michael Richardson

Floronic Man is an exiled dryad from another dimension named Floria. He relocated to Earth and saw the same fate that ruined his home threatened his new one. Floronic Man focused on a radical plan to save everything green and beautiful, by removing a key threat to it: humanity. He learned of the Green and its avatar Swamp Thing, a protector of all plant life. He admired Swamp Thing. At some point, he removed several tubers off Swamp Thing's corpse when he was temporarily dead. When eaten, they gave him the power to connect to the Green for a short time and perform feats like teleporting long distances. A few years later, Poison Ivy purchased four barrels of biochemicals from her supplier, Floronic Man, of her plan to protect a rare non-sterile form of Fatshedera Lizei vine from Wayne Enterprises' development of the banks of the Newton River for a hotel complex. He saw greatness and much potential in Ivy. Ivy replied she didn't want greatness, just chemicals.

Floronic Man saw her plan to protect the rare flower as futile when she could be doing something meaningful. She had no interest in his ideas. They were interrupted by Harley's return. Floronic Man came back the next day and taught Ivy how to control wild plants. He stated it wasn't about control but also surrender, merging with it and allowing it to move but not forcing it. She regretted letting him return as soon as he started talking about how she was more like his kind than the mammals. Floronic Man teased he'd be seeing her again then left. One year and a couple months later, Harold Goldblum was kidnapped from his apartment by Poison Ivy and Floronic Man for his expertise in man-made pandemic attacks. Floronic Man made one crucial error and left behind a leaf from his body at the apartment. Goldblum was subjected to Ivy's hypnotic kiss and ordered to help them with figuring out a plan to turn the human race into animal/plant hybrids in a bid to save the planet from destruction.

To keep him subservient, Ivy had to kiss him every six hours. Trying to reverse engineer their own DNA for the virus would takes years, even decades. It was determined they could expedite the process with Dr. Alec Holland's Bio-Restorative Formula. Two days later, Floronic Man and Poison Ivy broke into the Gotham City branch of S.T.A.R. Labs but the former tripped the alarm. Floronic Man engaged the security guards while Poison Ivy quickly tried to locate files on Dr. Alec Holland's Bio-Restorative Formula. The guards' bullets did little against Floronic Man's regenerative abilities. He shoved and threw them around like rag dolls, and killed at least one. One guard was nearly thrown at Ivy. She knocked him out with a stapler and continued searching. The formula was discovered. She downloaded the classified level 12 file to her thumb drive. Batman went over Goldblum's apartment and found Floronic Man's leaf, immediately recognizing it as a completely different phylum from anything in their dimension.

Ivy kissed Goldblum again to keep him under her control for another six hours. Floronic Man found Ivy's method of mind control through kissing disgusting and suggested torture. Ivy objected to it and they got into it about what "humane" meant. Batman deduced Ivy and Floronic Man were going to convert the formula that turned Holland into Swamp Thing into a fast-acting virus then save humanity by turning it into animal/plant hybirds but was more alarmed that if the virus was mis-prepared, it would simply kill everyone on the planet. Harley Quinn was recruited to their mission and believed the best way to find Ivy was through Doug, her henchman. Goldblum substituted water from the Weinwright Swamp of Louisiana with that of Slaughter Swamp near Gotham City. He experimented on white lab mice. After injecting one, the mouse turned green and mutated leaf-like features on its back. Floronic Man was elated the mouse was stable. Ivy exclaimed how beautiful it was and scooped it up in her palms.

Floronic Man proclaimed it was the harbinger of the new age. Before he could finish, the mouse imploded and liquefied. Goldblum recorded it as "subject response negative." Floronic Man accused him of faking and not even trying. Ivy reiterated Goldblum was still under her control and told him to explain what went wrong. Goldblum started off saying the formula was a complex azeotrope and while the virus conversion of the formula worked perfectly on paper, there were literally millions of variables that could have corrupted the process. Floronic Man implored him to take a guess. Goldblum believed it was the swamp water. Ivy thought it was a pain in the ass. Floronic Man warmed up to the idea of unleashing the virus at Weinwright Swamp since the Gulf Stream Currents would carry the virus into the Greater Atlantic Ocean. Batman, Nightwing, and Harley dropped in through the skylight. Ivy was surprised Harley was with them. Harley tried to talk to Ivy but she was adamant there was no other way.

Batman punched him four times in vain. Floronic Man picked him up, threw Batman into a bookshelf, then threw a cabinet at him. Batman threw a pill at his head and partially dissolved it but it regenerated. He swatted Harley aside then punched Batman twice. Batman dodged his stomp then collapsed a scaffold on him. Floronic Man erupted from the pile. After Floronic Man swatted two Batarangs away, an electrical spark started a fire. Nightwing tackled Harley just in time to avoid an explosion. Floronic Man stuffed a laptop and papers into a duffel bag. Goldblum suddenly returned to normal but was confused. Before Ivy could hypnotize him again, Goldblum came to and was stabbed in the heart by Floronic Man. Harley called out to Ivy for help. Ivy paused but Floronic Man reminded her Harley betrayed her. He and Ivy fled then the ceiling collapsed and an explosion was triggered. Near the 10 mile marker outside of Gotham, Ivy and Floronic Man hid among some trees and observed a roadblock by the Main Street exit.

Ivy regretted leaving the others to the fire. Floronic Man accused her of getting cold feet but she denied it. Ivy was confident she could disguise herself but not him. To circumvent detection at police roadblocks, airports, or train stations altogether, Floronic Man decided to use the last tuber he took off Swamp Thing's corpse a few years ago with Poison Ivy. Ivy was revolted by the taste but soon felt its effects, observing a yellow aura around the trees. Floronic Man instructed her to take his hand then he touched one of the trees. She began to trip out but Floronic Man told her to relax, concentrate on their destination, and become one with the Green, an elemental force which connects all forms of plant life on Earth. They vanished into the tree. Floronic Man quickly reached for his duffel bag. They were teleported from Gotham City to Weinwright Swamp in Louisiana. Ivy tried to concentrate on finishing the virus but Floronic Man became impatient.

Floronic Man paced but stopped while Ivy tried to slowly push out the right amount of chemical from a syringe. Floronic Man started tapping his fingers on a stump. Ivy sighed. Harley shoved Batman and Nightwing into the tendrils of a plant trap to buy time so she could try and reason with Ivy but it didn't work. Ivy was still convinced she was saving the world. Harley threw concentrated weed-killer balls into the trap's mouth and disintegrated it. A fight broke out between Harley and Ivy while Batman and Nightwing fought Floronic Man. Floronic Man punched Batman into a tree. Nightwing intervened and threw the Bio-Feedback Batarang into Floronic Man's back. He was momentarily overcome by the current but crushed the Batarang, shrugged off Nightwing's punches and slammed him to the ground. Batman grabbed his Sonic Disrupter and blasted him. Floronic Man extended an arm and punched him, breaking the disrupter in the process. A.R.G.U.S. tactical agents caught up and opened fire.

Floronic Man slammed the ground and Ivy's plant traps ate the agents. Batman wrapped Floronic Man with a grapnel line then Nightwing got him in a head lock. Agents shot at Floronic Man. He backed up and crushed Nightwing into a tree then pulled Batman forward and punched him. Harley realized Ivy didn't even test the forumula. Ivy contended she was going to save the world one way or another. Harley went with the "nuclear option" and made the saddest cute face she could. Ivy caved in, put down the container holding the virus, consoled Harley and wept. Batman and Nightwing were tossed near them. Ivy declared she was no longer willing to take a risk on the virus. Floronic Man was disgusted and raised a giant stalk. Ivy used her abilities to resist the stalk but was forced to kneel. She stood back up and declared the plant world belonged to her. She took control, gestured, and it shredded in half. Floronic Man simply punched her out then shoved Harley aside.

Floronic Man grabbed the virus and went on a rant about humanity's end and Earth would finally be spared from poison and ignorance but Swamp Thing suddenly rose up from the swamp. While he admitted Floronic Man's cause was just, his actions would upset the balance in the Green. Floronic Man dropped to his knees and apologized. Batman, Nightwing, and Harley were relieved Swamp Thing was going to save the world. However, Swamp Thing decided it was not his place to judge and returned to the Parliament of the Trees to seek out hidden truths and know the unknowable nature in all its infinite splendors. Floronic Man laughed and removed the lid. Harley suddenly got an idea and asked for a match. Batman understood and got out a matchbook. Floronic Man was lit on fire. He ran off in a panic.

Three minutes later, Floronic Man dove into the swamp to put out the fire and vowed to make Batman, Nightwing, Harley, and Ivy pay. Especially Ivy. The trees stated he had been summoned by the Parliament of the Trees. Floronic Man was honored. Swamp Thing replied it was no honor and he threatened the balance of life on the planet. He had to answer for his actions. Floronic Man explained all he ever did was to try to protect the Green while Swamp Thing did nothing. A tree silenced him and stated his actions troubled the Green. Floronic Man countered his world was destroyed by machines and smog and he survived by escaping his dimension. He stated he refused to let the same fate befall his new home and he strove to remove the threats. A tree ruled he was forgiven for not understanding the nature of balance on Earth but that didn't make him less of a threat then invoked his own testimony. Swamp Thing asked if destroying Floronic Man would make them no better than him. Floronic Man left and swam away.

Swamp Thing was already waiting by the time he surfaced. He realized Swamp Thing was worse than humanity and declared the Green needed action, not talk. He punched a hole through Swamp Thing's stomach. Floronic Man couldn't believe he admired Swamp Thing. He was digusted with the Parlimanent and called Swamp Thing a coward for his inaction then attacked him again, snapping his arms off. Swamp Thing ordered him again to face the Parliament for his crimes. Floronic Man ranted he was the only one who knew true power and wasn't afraid to use it. Branches shot up from the water and entangled Floronic Man. The Green deemed Floronic Man unworthy and dragged him underwater.