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Green Lantern Rings

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Real Identity: Not Applicable
Appearances: Shazam Slam (Abate and Switch), The Fatal Fare, Booray for Bizarro, The Ringer, System Error (Pocket Dimension), Race Against Crime, and Barehanded
Powers/Skills: Hard Light Construct
Voiced By: Not Applicable

The Green Lantern Rings are considered one of the most powerful weapons in the universe. Fueled by willpower, the ring can generate hard light constructs of anything its user can imagine from a missile to a speeding train and tracks to a simple microscope or giant microphone. When its power runs low, a Lantern must recharge if off their Lantern Power Battery. The super android Amazo is able to duplicate the power ring and its abilities. Following a battle with Kanjar Ro and his gang, Green Lantern Hal Jordan went to a Robo-Gas to get his bearings. He took off his power ring and washed his face. After stepping outside, Jordan tried to fly and fell on the ground. He summoned his power ring but nothing happened. He ran inside and the ring was gone. He suspected Lobo first and then the Two-Headed Babajorian but neither had it. Jordan realized the ring probably fell down the drain but his Life Support Belt was about to run out of power.

The energy of Jordan's ring infected a lifeform in the drain that descended from a hairball. It rapidly expanded in size and lashed out. Rather than prejudge again, Jordan realized it was just scared and reached in to retrieve his ring. Jordan was restored into a Green Lantern and the Hairball returned to normal.