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Real Identity: Katar Hol
Affiliations: Justice League
Appearances: Follow That Space Cab!, Repulse!, The Fatal Fare, Best Day Ever, Race Against Crime, Party Animal, and Unleashed
Powers/Skills: Enhanced Strength, Flight, Survival in Space, and Armed Combat
Voiced By: Troy Baker

Hawkman is a stoic winged warrior from Thanagar and member of the Justice League. Hawkman responded to Superman's distress call in space and knocked Lobo off his Spacehog. Superman knew Lobo would lure him into a trap and asked Space Cabbie to follow them to the nearby Abandoned Anthracite Mine. While Superman recharged himself off a yellow sun, Lobo ambushed Hawkman and cut him off from his battle mace. Just as Lobo fired his blaster, Superman landed in front of Hawkman and took the blast. They continued to battle against Lobo until he accidentally stepped on his bounty, Mister Mind, and squashed him into two pieces. Superman, Hawkman, and Cabbie eventually found their way to the Watchtower and placed Mister Mind's remains in a prison dome, anticipating his regeneration. In order to pay Space Cabbie, Superman crushed a piece of anthracite Hawkman found in his wings and turned it into a diamond. Cabbie accepted and took a photo with them.

Hawkman joined Superman and Wonder Woman in Metropolis to combat a new menace calling himself Repulse. Armed with a repulsive electromagnetic charge, he was able to deflect all direct attacks. Superman cut a hole under Repulse with his heat vision and pursued him in the sewers only to discover it was really Lex Luthor all along. Hawkman was put off by Superman and Wonder Woman's public display of affection but the Repulse suddenly enveloped Superman. Wonder Woman and Hawkman went to Stryker's Island Penitentiary to question Luthor but he wasn't forthcoming. Hawkman pulled off a part of the prison door and Wonder Woman tied up Luthor in her Lasso of Truth. He told them what the Repulse was and thought of way to beat it. With a black hole. Hawkman took the helm of Justice-1. He and Wonder Woman watched Superman start to use Black Hole XT-357 to drain the Repulse's energy but Luthor tried to blast him into it. Ultimately, Superman was able to rid himself of the Repulse. Hawkman scanned Superman to verify it was gone.

Hawkman, Wonder Woman, and Superman acted on tips from informants and found several Apokoliptian battleships about to boom to Earth. Justice 1 was unable to catch up in time so Superman went in alone. Wonder Woman and Hawkman watched as the ships boomed away. Hawkman confirmed they didn't make it to Earth but to parts unknown. They later picked up Space Cabbie's signal and followed him to Earth where Swamp Thing neutralized his fare, Kanto, an agent of Darkseid. Cabbie drove Hawkman and Swamp Thing to the Third Moon. Hawkman protected Cabbie and blocked Darkseid's Omega Effect with his mace then took off and fought the Parademons. After Superman boomed Darkseid to Schlough, the acid lake planet, his forces were defeated. Hawkman reported to Superman that all their prisoners were stored aboard Justice 1. Hawkman was in Canada, near Calgary, during the Amazo incident. Hawkman fought Joker in Cairo. He dodged the Mother Box's energy blasts in the sky then charged with his mace but Joker boomed away with Lex Luthor. Hawkman joined the raid on one of Luthor's hideouts soon after.

Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Hawkman, and Cyborg took on Lex Luthor outside S.T.A.R. Labs but the power of his Time Suit was too much. He tied up Wonder Woman with her Lasso of Truth then tossed her into Hawkman and they crashed into a building. Luthor soon used his power to freeze Lantern, Wonder Woman and Hawkman in time. After Flash defeated Luthor, they were restored to normal and fell to the ground. Hawkman attended Green Arrow's Christmas party on Christmas Eve. Hawkman was one of the Leaguers who boomed out of the Watchtower to stop the Red Lanterns from invading Earth.