

Jason Woodrue

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Real Identity: Jason Woodrue
Appearances (Novels): Bumblebee at Super Hero High
Skills: Plant Manipulation and Knowledge of Plants
Voiced By: Not Applicable

(Novels only) Jason Woodrue is a former botany professor and was one of three finalists who applied for the assistant job Poison Ivy posted. He was tall, skinny, had impeccable manners, and wore round wire rimmed glasses, a tailored dark green tweed three piece suit with a blue silk handkerchief, a crisp pink shirt, and skinny tie the color of his light green eyes. He felt it was imperative to always look one's best. Petey Boggs, Woodrue, and Karena Tisk had to pass a written test, a plant problem, and worst-case scenario. He did well on the written test and picked ripe fruit and pulled weeds with no problem. After the supervillain Firefly tried to torch Ivy's mega greenhouse, Woodrue opened the dam to put out the fire. Ivy hired Woodrue and gushed about him for days. Big Barda thought he was a snob. Woodrue managed to insert himself in every shot of Harley Quinn's Harley's Quintessentials Greenhouse Hullabaloo. After Queen Bee was defeated, Woodrue ambushed Ivy in Centennial Park. Vines and leaf sprouts grew around his body. He declared he never liked working for her, misted Ivy's face with Queen Bee's slumber dust, grabbed her with vines, and announced she was going to work for him.