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Release Dates: May 7, 2013




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Movie Guide

Superman: Unbound

Click on the movie title to find summaries and information about each individual show. Check out the glossary for quick stats definitions, and if you have any information, opinions, or images to add, make sure to use the forum, or contact us!

Guide Glossary:
Heroes: Characters that are major players in the episode, the plot revolves around these characters.
Villains: Usually the opposition to the Heroes, but more often than not, the plot also revolves around these characters at times.
Supporting: Secondary Characters that appear, but have smaller parts than starring characters.
Objects: Non-characters that appear.
Places: Places visited by characters or mentioned.
Written By: Lists which staff members were credited with writing the episode.
Directed By: Lists which staff member was credited for directing the episode.

Movie (2013)

Movie: Superman: Unbound
An unstoppable android on the horizon. A mysterious fireball hurtling toward Earth. A fearless - and beautiful - reporter who'll stop at nothing to get her story. It's just another day for the heroic Man of Steel... only this time, for better or for worse, he has his unpredictable cousin, Supergirl, by his side. The gritty adventure begins as Superman learns about the ruthless force known as Brainiac, who has seized and miniaturized Krypton's capital city of Kandor. Determined to liberate the captured metropolis and protect his home planet from Brainiac's increasing power, Superman takes on his most menacing enemy yet.