

Mister Miracle

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Real Identity: Scott Free
Affiliations: Justice League Unlimited
Appearances (STAS): Apokolips...Now! Part One and Part Two
Appearances (JL/U): Twilight Part Two and The Ties that Bind
Appearances (JLI Comics): The Mirror Crack'd and The Mirror Crack'd Part Seven
Skills: Escape Artist
Voiced By: Ioan Gruffudd

Mister Miracle is the son of Highfather, leader of the New Gods on New Genesis. As an infant, he was part of a peace treaty called "The Pact" between Darkseid and Highfather. It involved switching their children. Raised in one of Granny Goodness' orphanages, Goodness named him "Scott Free" in mockery. Free lived up to his namesake and routinely tried to escape. No matter what, Free's spirits were never broken. At some point, he took the name Mister Miracle. He fell in love with Big Barda and together they fled Apokolips and later married. When on Earth, Miracle and Barda go on the road with the former's manager, Oberon, defying new death traps for audiences. At other times he is on New Genesis with the New Gods.

Mister Miracle is an expert fighter, but more renowned as a master escape artist. Free's Mother Box, a sentient computer was incorporated in his costume. He is also armed with Aero Discs with which he uses for flight and cubes that have an array of abilities like firing lasers, emitting sonic vibrations or releasing cable wires. When Granny Goodness kidnapped Oberon in an attempt to consolidate power on Apokolips, she blackmailed Miracle to extract Kalibak. Miracle had to challenge the refurbished X-Pit prison complex on Apokolips from which he originally escaped from. Miracle and Barda went to the Justice League for help but was refused as the civil war on Apokolips kept Earth safe. The Flash didn't agree and went with them to free Kalibak.

At some point after Darkseid and Lex Luthor vanished from Earth with the Anti-Life Equation, Mister Miracle and Big Barda became members of the Justice League. They attended Flash's surprise birthday party at the Metrotower. Granny Goodness and Kalibak boomed into the party and attempted to destroy the League in order to earn the support of Apokolips and take the throne. Mister Miracle had a plan and asked Big Barda to tell the rest of the League to take cover. Miracle used his Mother Box to trace the Boom Tubes used by Granny Goodness and Big Barda, reversed their polarities, and sucked them and their forces back through their tubes to Apokolips. At first, nothing happened and Barda pointed that out. Miracle quipped she had an infinite array of admirable qualities that he loved. The Boom Tubes appeared and pulled the villains back to Apokolips. Miracle attended the celebration on the Watchtower after the Multiverse crisis ended. He left to help fight Grodd in Washington DC.