

Booster Gold

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Real Identity: Michael Jon Carter
Affiliation(s): Justice League Unlimited
Appearances (JLU): Initiation, The Greatest Story Never Told, Ultimatum, Dark Heart, Once and Future Thing Part One, Part Two, Doomsday Sanction, The Balance, Flashpoint, Panic in the Sky, Divided We Fall, The Great Brain Robbery and Destroyer
Appearances (JLI Comics): The Mirror Crack'd and The Mirror Crack'd Part Seven
Powers: Suit gives invulnerability, incresed physical attributes, flight and projectile blasts
Voiced By: Tom Everett Scott

In the 25th century, 2462 AD to be exact, Michael Jon Carter was a security guard at a museum. Carter dreamt up a new plan, to go back into the past with a cache of stolen futuristic technology via a time machine and become a famous and rich super hero like the ones he idolized as a child. Carter devised a suit, using the various technology, and had the ability to fly and a gauntlet on one of his arms that fires laser blasts. Carter began calling himself Booster Gold. But Carter had a long way to go in his new life of super heroism, learning exactly what it means to be one. His actions dictated ambition and naivety since all he wanted at first was fame. He is followed by a sentient computer named Skeetz which contains a data repository on essentially everything.

Booster went to Flash's surprise birthday party but spent most of it fending off Elongated Man, who was after his slices of cake. During the battle with Granny Goodness and Kalibak, Wonder Woman slammed into Booster and his cakes were tossed up into the air. Elongated Man happily opened his mouth and ate the cake slice he wanted. Booster attended the celebration on the Watchtower after the Multiverse crisis ended. He and Booster Gold watched in disgust as Flash stuffed cake in his mouth at super speed as he talked about the final battle with the doppelganger of Amazo. They had no idea what he was saying. Booster admitted he oddly couldn't look away. He left to help fight Grodd in Washington DC.