

Redonka Sea Creature

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Real Identity: Not Applicable
Appearances: The Death of Superman Chapter Four Power: Slugfest!
Powers: Shape Shifting, Invulnerability, and Poison Excretion
Voiced By: Not Applicable

A sea creature native to the Redonka System polluted and destroyed the oceans on thirty worlds. It stores its mass in another dimension, and shape shifts its appearance in seconds, then proceeds to eat all the local life forms then excretes poison. Eventually, a bounty was placed on it. After Doomsday's asteroid landed on Earth, Lobo arrived on Earth in search of the creature. It posed as a child on a small island where it sunk several fishing boats and caused an evacuation. Superman was ignorant of the situation and kicked Lobo off the Spacehog. To prove his words, Lobo knocked Superman towards the child. It revealed its true form and swallowed Superman whole.

The creature's guts oozed acid on him. Its hide was nearly invulnerable and resisted his heat vision and punches. He simply flew back out its mouth and knocked out some teeth. To take away its speed, Lobo told Superman to hit it with freeze breath. The creature was slowed down and Lobo fired his equipment at it. The creature shrank then Lobo stuck it in a small capsule. He was relieved he ran into Superman and didn't have to chase it underwater. He stated they would split the capture fee. Superman declined and told Lobo to keep his half as an apology.