

General Zartok

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Real Identity: General Zartok
Affiliation(s): Cardonia
Appearances: Lost Planet and Invasion
Powers/Skills: Military Warfare and Armed Combat
Voiced By: Clancy Brown

General Zartok was a military officer for the bloodthirsty Cardonian Horde. Zartok believed he was destined to win the greatest battle in history. During The Last Stand of Thalius Prime, soldiers followed Zartok with unquestioning loyalty and massacred many Thalians, whom he considered weak. Zartok took a Thalian Moon Staff as a trophy of war. However, the Cardonians were defeated. Some point later, Zartok's warship was stranded on Mogo. He allied with two other stranded villains, Drusa and Grood. They later encountered Hal Jordan's group who were in search of a Green Lantern recruit. Kilowog recognized the moon staff but mistook Zartok for a Thalian. Zartok played along in order to steal the Interceptor. He went along with Kilowog to search for the new Green Lantern. Eventually, Zartok attempted to kill Kilowog but Mogo intervened and blasted steam in his face. Kilowog then tossed him over a cliff but Drusa picked him up with the Interceptor. Mogo intervened and safely disabled the ship. Razer then dispatched them and they were restraind by Jordan and Kilowog.

Mogo took custody of the two as he did of Grood, trapping them in rock and soil. He later released the pair. Zartok's ambitions were reignited when a message from the Red Lanterns was received. He believed Atrocitus needed a leader for his armada. However, Atrocitus desired Drusa for her technical experience with Aya and the Interceptor.