


February 8, 2022
4K/Blu-Ray/Digital Release

Streaming Release


Back to Heroes Main > Batwoman

Real Identity: Kate Kane
Powers/Skills: Above Average Physical Attributes, Unarmed Combat
Voiced By: Stephanie Beatriz

Batwoman aided Interpol with taking down the international consortium Leviathan. She sprayed a liquid tracker on the Cat's Eye Emerald in Gotham City before Black Mask procured it and took it with him to Spain as his entrance fee payment into Leviathan. To prevent the emerald from being prematurely removed by Catwoman, Batwoman triggered the vault security with a batarang then followed Catwoman and Leviathan into town on her Batcycle. She suddenly appeared in front of Catwoman. Catwoman swerved and wrecked her car. Batwoman took Catwoman and her cat Isis with her aboard an airplane confiscated from the Penguin by Interpol. Batwoman left the emerald behind for Leviathan to find so they could continue to be tracked.