

L06-D-05 Laser Cannon

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Real Identity: Not Applicable
Appearances (Movies): Mechs Vs. Mutants
Powers/Skills: Cold Generation
Voiced By: Not Applicable

The L06-D-05 Laser Cannon was a Wayne Enterprises prototype only at the design stage as of the Penguin and Mr. Freeze's assault on Gotham City. In theory, it would be the most powerful laser cannon. Batman recalled the cannon and speculated it would be able to stop the mutated Clayface. Dr. Langstrom took the cannon's digital blueprints to Robin. They met up with Nightwing and Flash at Gotham Police Headquarters and started gathering components on the roof and assembling in haste. Some of the cannon's required parts were so unique and hard to find, the Flash had to run to Central City and back to Gotham in two minutes time. Nightwing dragged a cable across the roof to provide sufficent amps to the cannon. Langstrom powered up the cannon but it couldn't support valence co-sharing between the bonded particles and overloaded. Mr. Freeze appeared and shared his assessment of the cannon's flaws. Langstrom realized he was right.

Mr. Freeze offered his help to rectify the mayhem he had a part in causing and presented one of his Arctic Devices. He believed the device coupled with the laser cannon would be an effective weapon against Clayface. Langstrom agreed but Freeze had to help set it up. With little time left, Freeze fired the cannon on Clayface but it only partially froze him. Freeze knew only a sustained blast would stop him. As the only one who could manage the Arctic Device, Freeze remained at the helm as Clayface pelted the roof with lava. Freeze succeeded at freezing Clayface solid in time.