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Real Identity: Hecate
Appearances (Movies): Batman vs. Two-Face
Powers/Skills: Agility
Voiced By: Not Applicable

Hecate is a black cat owned by Catwoman. After Catwoman realized Batman stood her up outside her Gotham State Penitentiary, she reflected light off her necklace. Hecate understood the signal and walked inside the building, under the chair a guard was sitting on and rubbed on Lucilee Diamond's leg. Diamond was smitten and picked Hecate up. Hecate purred. Diamond went to Catwoman's cell to tell her the parole board denied her request. Diamond noticed Hecate purring again and asked Catwoman if the cat was a friend of hers. Catwoman confirmed Hecate was. Hecate snarled and slashed Diamond's left arm. The drugs acted fast. Diamond gasped, groaned, and lost consciousness. Catwoman congratulated Hecate and declared he earned an extra treat. She petted the back of his neck and he purred. Catwoman took Diamonds clothes and put her costume on Diamond and escaped. Hecate was present when Catwoman received an invitation from Two-Face to bid for the secret identity of Batman.