


February 17
Chapter II
Streams on Max

February 17
Season 2
Ep. 11-12
The Ulti-Bat Rises
Part 1-2
Airs on CN
7:52 am

February 18
Season 2
Ep. 13
A T-Rexcellent Adventure
Airs on CN
7:52 am

February 18
DC Finest
Harley Quinn:
Birth of Mirth
Softcover Collection
For Sale

February 19
Season 2
Ep. 14
Bats in Show
Airs on CN
7:52 am

February 19
Batman, Riddler
Ra's, Harley
For Sale

February 20
Harley Quinn
Season 5
Episode 6
Streams on Max

February 20
Season 2
Ep. 15
Gotham Guardians
Airs on CN
7:52 am

February 21
Season 2
Ep. 16
Save the Bat
Dance for Me
Airs on CN
7:52 am

February 26
Little Batman
Month One
Issue #4
For Sale

February 27
Harley Quinn
Season 5
Episode 7
Streams on Max

Differences between Justice League: Fearful Symmetry draft and Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths

The following is a list of differences between a draft of unproduced direct-to-video movie Justice League: Fearful Symmetry (later known as Justice League: Worlds Collide) and a produced movie based on the script, Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths. In the "Justice Leage Unlimited" section of the late Dwayne McDuffie's website's script page, the script titled "JLU TV ep106 Fearful Symmetry SCRIPT 116pgs" can be downloaded. At one point the Justice League: World's Collide script was called Justice League: Fearful Symmetry. The link to the "Justice Leage Unlimited" section is here.

Differences between Justice League: Fearful Symmetry draft and Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths


-Crime Syndicate

--Fearful Symmetry (FS): Starts with seven families.

--Crisis on Two Earths (COTE): Starts with six families.

-Green Lantern

--FS: John Stewart

--COTE: Hal Jordan

-President of the USA Earth-2

--FS: Taylor

--COTE: Slade Wilson

-First Daughter Earth-2

--FS: Marie Taylor

--COTE: Rose Wilson


--FS: Invaders from "Secret Origins"

--COTE: White Martians

-Jimmy Olsen Earth-2

--FS: Jimmy Bow-Tie

--COTE: Mr. Action

-Joker Earth-2

--FS: The Court Jester

--COTE: The Jester

-Batman's back ups

--FS: Aquaman, Supergirl, Steel, Metamorpho, and Static

--COTE: Aquaman, Black Canary, Red Tornado, Firestorm, and Black Lightning

Fearful Symmetry 11/7/2003 Draft

-Page 1

--FS: Jester slams the door shut, Luthor shoots keypad, they run through corridors of sub-basement repeating the sequence of electronic lockpicking/door jamming, after entering vault Jester fries keypad with joy-buzzer.

--COTE: Omitted

--FS: Luthor uses a Jack Kirby version of the Jaws of Life to pry the vault door open, Jester tries to close his ears

--COTE: Luthor's right hand lights up and he pries the vault door open

-Page 2

--FS: After Jester says "way to be stealthy," Luthor quips "Says the man with bells all over his costume." Jester salutes with one of the points of his hat mockingly, jingling the bell

--COTE: Omitted

--FS: After the vault door pops open, Luthor says, "This isn't about stealth anymore, C.J. It's a race."

--COTE: Omitted

--FS: Luthor says, "The Quantum Trigger. Now we have a chance." and Jester says, "Not if we don't get going" then points at a security monitor.

--COTE: Jester says, "The Quantum Trigger." and Luthor says, "Now we have a chance." They look at a security monitor bank.

-Page 3

--FS: Monitor is in black and white. Jester exclaims, "Run away!"

--COTE: Monitors are in color. Jester exclaims, "Run!"

--FS: After Luthor says, "That's not going to slow them down for long", Jester says, "I got news for you...That's not going to slow them down at all.

--COTE: After Luthor says, "That's not going to slow them down for long", Jester says, "That's not going to slow them down at all."

-Page 4

--FS: Angelique and J'edd pause, hover and look where their quarry ran

--COTE: They fly without pause past them

--FS: Jester says, "It's time to get serious, Lex. After Luthor asks, "What are you saying?" Jester says, "If we both run, we both get caught. You know what has to be done. Take the cosmic doohickey and go. I'll buy you some time." Luthor says, "We can make it together. We can..."

--COTE: Jester says, "It's time to get serious, Lex. After Luthor says, "We can do this."

--FS: Luthor reluctantly climbs down into the sewers. Jester looks at him.

--COTE: Luthor climbs down. Jester closes hatch on him. Close up on Luthor's stunned face.

-Page 5

--FS: Angelique draws her sword. Jester starts vamping. Asks J'edd if he's on a carb diet

--COTE: Jester is hit by Angelique and J'edd.

-Page 6

--FS: Jester backs into a wall, show off his scepter, Angelique slaps it away, J'edd lifts up and slams Jester against wall, searches Jester, Jester giggles, J'edd drops him in disgust. Angelique threatens with sword, and gestures "give it to me."

--COTE: Angelique stabs Jester and gestures "give it to me."

--FS: Jester says, "I've only got one more joke..."

--COTE: Jester says, "I'm down to my last joke anyway."

-Page 7

--FS: Outside, Luthor frantically assembles a Transit Device

--COTE: It is already assembled

--FS: After Luthor says, "But not just yet," Power Ring draws up a shield. Everyone but Ultraman flinches at an expected explosion.

--COTE: Omitted.

-Page 8

--FS: Luthor is gone.

--COTE: Luthor is gone. Close up on Ultraman's face.

-Page 9

--FS: Exterior of half-constructed new Watchtower. Superman is in a space suit.

--COTE: Moon, pan down, Superman carrying a big component towards the half-constructed new Watchtower. Superman is not in a space suit.

--FS: Wonder Woman boots up a bank of monitors, Batman installs a chipset into the Matter Transmitter Platform. J'onn is causally carrying a huge piece of machinery across the room. J'onn notes, "We're well ahead of schedule."

--COTE: Wonder Woman causally carries a cylindrical piece of machinery and inserts it into the Matter Transmitter Platform. Batman is at its console. J'onn is watching the monitor bank, Flash on a screen. J'onn's line is skipped.

--FS: Wonder Woman looks at the newly live monitors, revealing multiple sections of the Watchtower.

--COTE: Omitted.

-Page 10

--FS: After Batman says he would rather not think about the cost, Flash quips, "Seems to me like "Mr. I've got a plan for everything" would have collision insurance. Batman replies, "It wasn't an accident. I crashed the old Watchtower on purpose." Flash says, "Put in a claim. I won't tell if you don't."

--COTE: Omitted.

--FS: Flash is worried about being teleported, "I dunno, Bats."

--COTE: Flash is worried about being teleported, "I don't know, Batman."

-Page 11

--FS: Batman eats and studies data on high-tech PDA as he walks away

--COTE: Batman eats and walks away.

--FS: Wonder Woman puts hand on Flash's shoulder to console him and says, "Do you really think he would risk your life?"

--COTE: Wonder Woman says, "Do you really think he would risk your life if he wasn't sure?"

-Page 12

--FS: After the car crash, Luthor asks, "Would you be kind enough to tell me where I could find the nearest police station?"

--COTE: After the car crash, Luthor asks, "Good morning. Would you be kind enough to tell me where I could find the nearest police station?"

--FS: The Desk Sergeant has his head buried in the pile of reports in front of him. Luthor drums his fingertips on top of the Sergeant's papers.

--COTE: The Desk Sergeant is reading a Daily Planet newspaper.

-Page 13

--FS: Luthor says, "I want you to contact the Justice League."

--COTE: Luthor says, "I want you to contact the Justice League for me."

--FS: Luthor says, "I don't know...I'll destroy the world."

--COTE: Luthor says, "Oh, I don't know...I'll destroy the world?"

--FS: Luthor wanders to an unused interrogation room, the cops part as he passes, never taking their guns off him. Desk Sergeant asks, "That's it?" Luthor replies," A cup of coffee would be nice."

--COTE: Omitted.

--FS: Superman still in his space suit with a large piece of hull. Batman says, "Get in here, we've got a problem."

--COTE: Superman does not have a space suit on. Batman says, "We've got a problem."

--FS: At the police station, Superman says, "It was only a matter of time before he went bad again."

--COTE: Omitted.

-Page 14

--FS: Flash says, "And they call me the Flash."

--COTE: Flash says, "Oh, and they call me The Flash."

--FS: Superman peers at Luthor and says, "I've scanned him to a molecular level. He's clean."

--COTE: Omitted.

-Page 15

--FS: Superman uses his telescopic and x-ray vision at the same time, rapidly looking across town, finally moving into a bookstore, where "our" Lex Luthor is signing copies of his new book, "LUTHOR: Savior of Justice". Superman notes, "but our Luthor's across town at a book signing." Luthor says, "Really? I've often thought about committing my insights to paper." Superman is annoyed, Luthor backs off and says, "At the very least, I've got quite a story to tell you."

--COTE: FS: Superman uses his telescopic and x-ray vision at the same time, rapidly looking across town, finally moving into Stryker's Island Penitentiary, where "our" Lex Luthor is in his prison cell. Superman says, "Still in his cell on Strykyer's Island." Luthor says, "And now that we've clarified the matter of my evil twin, I've got quite a story to tell you."

--FS: Luthor looks down sheepishly at himself.

--COTE: Luthor looks down sheepishly at himself and says, "Oh."

-Page 16

--FS: Flash says, "Wait. Don't tell me, on your world you're a member of the Justice League."

--COTE: Flash says, "Oh wait, wait. Don't tell me, on your world you're a member of the Justice League."

--FS: Luthor says, "As a matter of fact, I was."

--COTE: Luthor says, "As a matter of fact, I was." Wonder Woman notes, "Past tense."

--FS: Hit hard by the thought of his lost comrades, he's about to sit in the one empty chair. Green Lantern bristles and says, "Nobody told you to sit there." Wonder Woman puts a supportive hand on his shoulder. Lex is taken aback. He steps away from it and says, "Of course. I also know something about loss, Green Lantern. Lantern could care less and replies, "Do you?"

--COTE: Omitted.

-Page 17

--FS: As Lex explains the Crime Syndicate and shows a map of his USA. His lines are intercut with images of each member starting with Superwoman who flies into a diamond exchange, rips the heavy vault doors open and helps herself to the precious gems. Luthor notes, "For years, they've run rampant, doing whatever they pleased." Power Ring generates a giant hand and takes a carrier full of sports cars. Owlman is in his Owlplane and fires a missile at at S.T.A.R. Labs facility. He swings in and steals a Kirby-esque piece of equipment and is reeled up back into his plane. Lex notes they are into "Drug running, looting, controlling the rackets..." Johnny Quick reforms Lincoln's face into his on Mount Rushmore.

--COTE: Intercut images are omitted. Luthor says, "They've run rampant for years, doing whatever they pleased."

-Page 18

--FS: Intercut images continue. Ultraman lands on White House lawn, soldiers draw weapons, he sneers at them, walks past. Luthor says, "In the hope of maintaining some minimal order, the authorities simply pretend they aren't there. Increasingly, they refuse to be ignored." A group of young children in a park play a game pretending to be the Crime Syndicate in tee-shirts with logos or crude costumes, push each other down and sneer and posture. Luthor says, "And perversely, our children, lacking other examples, see them as heroes.

--COTE: Images omitted. Luthor says, "In the hope of maintaining some minimal order, the authorities simply pretend they aren't there. But increasingly, they refuse to be ignored"

--FS: Luthor says, "They Syndicate has completely intimidated civil authority. They police won't arrest them and prosecutors won't press charges. It's rare now to find anyone willing to even speak out against them."

--COTE: Luthor says, "They Syndicate has completely intimidated civil authority. The police won't arrest them and prosecutors wouldn't press charges if they did. They only thing keeping them from completely overthrowing the government...is the threat of a nuclear response. You people are my world's last hope."

--FS: J'onn responds, "But you and your League fought them." Luthor replies, "To the last man." Lantern notes, "Not quite."

--COTE: Omitted.

-Page 19

--FS: Lex is angry with Lantern and says, "If you knew the sacrifices that were made, just so I could come here to ask for your help..." Lantern calmly folds his hands in front of his face and his ring glitters. He says, "Then try asking nice...." Luthor stops moving toward and adjusts his wording, "You don't understand how powerful they are, they completely control organized crime on my world. There isn't a criminal anywhere, super powered or otherwise, who doesn't report to them. We fought..." Luthor takes a breath and regains composure. He pleads.

--COTE: Omitted.

-Page 20

--FS: J'onn says, "He's telling the truth, I've read his mind. In any event, we have a responsibility to the millions of people being oppressed on his world."

--COTE: J'onn says, "I've read his mind, he's telling the truth. Regardless, we have a responsibility to the millions of people being oppressed on his world."

--FS: Green Lantern says, "Look, for all my power, I'm a beat cop."

--COTE: Green Lantern says, "Look, for all my power, when it comes down to it I'm a beat cop."

--FS: Green Lantern is shamed, he lowers his head before nodding in agreement.

--COTE: Omitted.

-Page 21

--FS: Flash says, "Say what?"

--COTE: Flash says, "Why not?"

--FS: Batman says, "We've got too much on our plate right here. We're still shorthanded."

--COTE: Batman says, "We've got too much on our plate right here. We haven't even finished constructing our new headquarters."

--FS: Superman says, "Our primary mission is to protect the Earth."

--COTE: Superman says, "Our first responsibility is to protect the Earth."

--FS: Superman says, "But we're not going to turn our backs on an entire world. We have to go."

--COTE: Superman says, "But we're talking about millions of people. We can't just turn our backs. We have to go."

--FS: Batman scowls, saying nothing. Superman addresses the room and asks, "Show of hands?" Everyone but Batman raises their hands and they go outside to Luthor except Batman.

--COTE: Luthor paces outside the room. The door ropens, the League except Batman exists.

-Page 22

--FS: It is suggested pictures of other members of Luthor's Justice League could be on the corridor walls. Owlman's team is specified to be Sai, Model Citizen, Black Power, and Aurora and he appears to have absorbed J'edd's Made Men of Extruded Man, Breakdance, Gypsy Woman, and Vamp.

--COTE: No pictures. Aurora moves a JL logo aside. It isn't until later in the movie at the Crime Syndicate meeting where it's observed Owlman didn't waste anytime helping himself to J'edd's men.

--FS: Owlman turns to Superwoman, caressing her face with his palm.

--COTE: Omitted.

--FS: Owlman says, "I'd never have found this place at all if not for the residual quantum energy trail."

--COTE: Omitted.

-Page 23

--FS: Superwoman says, "Any sign of the Quantum Trigger yet?"

--COTE: Superwoman says, "Any sign of the Quantum Trigger?"

--FS: Black Power's bolts arc between the computer and Owlman's utility belt.

--COTE: Black Power's bolts arc on the computer.

--FS: Luthor says, "...disorienting but there are no other side effect--"

--COTE: Luthor says, "This could be disorienting but there are no other side effect that--"

--FS: Luthor exclaims, "We're compromised!"

--COTE: Superwoman says, "What the hell?" then Luthor exclaims, "We're compromised!"

--FS: Owlman says, "New members? I don't suppose Luthor told you what we did to the old ones?"

--COTE: Owlman says, "I don't have time for this. I need that data. Take them down."

-Page 24

--FS: Superwoman says, "Luthor! We haven't had a chance to play in ages..." She leaps at Lex. Luthor says, "Play with this."

--COTE: Omitted.

--FS: Superman grabs Superwoman by the scruff of her neck.

--COTE: Superman grabs Superwoman's right wrist.

-Page 25

--FS: Breakdance's vibrational force drives Superman to his knees.

--COTE: Superman resists the vibrational force and slowly walks towards Breakdance, grabs him, considers punching him then throws him at a hall. He is hit by a column swung by Superwoman.

--FS: Extruded Man stretches a big right hand at Flash, punching him in the jaw.

--COTE: Omitted.

--FS: J'onn morphs rapidly to avoid Black Power's electrical blasts. He smashes J'onn between two pieces of machinery.

--COTE: J'onn maneuvers in flight to avoid Black Power's electrical blasts. He smashes J'onn between two pieces of machinery. They fall apart upon landing but J'onn is nowhere to be seen. He phases up through the floor behind Black Power and uppercuts him. Flash runs by with Extruded Man. Green Lantern is chased by Aurora.

--FS: Superman is still pinned by Breakdance's vibrational forces. Superwoman winds up and punches him. Green Lantern blocks the punch with a shield construct. She yelps.

--COTE: Omitted.

-Page 26

--FS: A green energy fist extrudes from the shield and knocks Superwoman out. Green Lantern is grasped from behind in a giant rainbow energy hand from Aurora.

--COTE: Omitted.

--FS: Flash is hypnotized by Model Citizen. Aurora creates energy scissors.

--COTE: Flash is hypnotized by Model Citizen. Wonder Woman knocks Vamp off, uses the Lasso of Truth, Vamp turns into snake and bites her bracelet then turns into  bear. Wonder Woman remarks, "Hera" and knees her in the gut. Vamp is knocked out and reverts to her normal form.

-Page 27

--FS: Green Lantern smashes the energy scissors. Wonder Woman defeats Sai.

--COTE: Green Lantern smashes the energy scissors and punches her into a column. Wonder Woman defeating Sai and fighting Vamp is moved up to earlier in the sequence when Flash first grabs Extruded Man.

--FS: J'onn phases through smashed machinery and punches Black Power.

--COTE: The fight is moved earlier in the sequence. He phases through the floor instead.

--FS: Superman, still pinned by vibrational forces, uses heat vision and cuts a circle in the ceiling above Breakdance. Debris falls and conks him on the head.

--COTE: Omitted.

-Page 28

--FS: Wonder Woman hogties Vamp, in lion form, with her lasso. Vamp morphs back.

--COTE: Omitted.

--FS: Model Citizen and Flash, "This isn't like the Jedi mind trick."

--COTE: Model Citizen and Flash, This is not like the Jedi mind trick."

-Page 29

--FS: Wonder Woman says, "How many times are you going to fall for the mind control thing?"

--COTE: Omitted.

--FS: Superman rises on unsteady feet.

--COTE: Superman uppercuts Superwoman into the ceiling.

--FS: Luthor regains consciousness.

--COTE: Luthor regains consciousness. Superman blows Owlman away with super breath.

-Page 30

--FS: Wonder Woman defeats Vamp.

--COTE: Moved up earlier in the sequence.

--FS: J'onn helps Luthor to his feet.

--COTE: Luthor stands on his own.

-Page 31

--FS: J'onn asks, "Superman did you hear?" and Superman responds, "I hear everything." Luthor says, "Then listen to his: At least three more incoming, almost as tough as Superwoman." Superman pounds the floor with both hands upending Superwoman with a shockwave. He says, "Follow me!" and pounds through walls to the outside.

--COTE: Superman says, "Don't make us guess. What are we in for?" Luthor replies, "At least three Made Men, almost as tough as Superwoman." Superman asks, "Made Men?" Luthor yells, "Later! We don't have time to explain." Superman pounds through walls to the outside.

--FS: Flash stops himself from exiting the hole by windmilling his arms, "Oh-kaay!"

--COTE: Flash can't stop and runs out the hole and drops, "Oh, crap!"

-Page 32

--FS: Green Lantern scoops Flash up in an energy globe and says, "I got you."

--COTE: Green Lantern scoops Flash up in an energy catcher's mitt and says, "I've got you."

--FS: Model Citizen, Aurora, Black Power, Breakdance, and Vamp, who morphs into a dragon, flies after Luthor and the Justice League.

--COTE: Omitted.

--FS: Owlman shoots at them with machine gun fire.

--COTE: Owlman fires two missiles. Flash says, "Head's up."

--FS: Superman pulls out of his fall. Luthor calls to him.

--COTE: Superman says, "More trouble." Thunder in the distance.

-Page 33

--FS: Luthor says, "Bad time for a nap."

--COTE: Omitted.

--FS: Owlman's cockpit opens.

--COTE: Owlman's cockpit opens and pops Wonder Woman's chin.

--FS: Owlman's exo-skeleton motors whir. She hip tosses him out of the plane.

--COTE: Owlman's exo-skeleton motors whir. Captain Super tackles Superman, Green Lantern makes a shield. The Supers battle the League. Superwoman joins in. Wonder Woman headbutts Owlman.

--FS: Black Power fires electrical blasts at League. Vamp is breathing streams of fire at them.

--COTE: Omitted.

-Page 34

--FS: The three Supers arrive.

--COTE: Moved up earlier in the sequence.

--FS: Vamp rakes Green Lanterns' back with her talons. Luthor shoots Uncle Super.

--COTE: Vamp omitted. Luthor vs. Uncle moved up earlier in the sequence.

-Page 35

--FS: Luthor and J'onn are hit by an extended electrical blast. Aurora has Superman pinned in energy pincers while Captain Super and Superwoman takes turns punching him.

--COTE: Captain Super and Superwoman take turns punching Superman.

--FS: Wonder Woman stands on the wing of the Owlplane and reels up Flash.

--COTE: Wonder Woman stands in the bay of the Owlplane and reels up Flash.

--FS: J'onn fights free of the electrical blast and flies towards Black Power but is blindsided by Uncle Super with a left hook.

--COTE: Omitted.

-Page 36

--FS: Luthor's battle suit starts shorting out. Owlplane shoots Uncle Super.

--COTE: Luthor fights back against Uncle Super. Owlplane shoots Uncle Super.

--FS: After Luthor asks Wonder Woman to swing around for him, Wonder Woman replies, "Soon as I can."

--COTE: Omitted.

--FS: Superman blows Aurora away with super breath. Continues fighting Superwoman and Captain Super. Green Lantern fires beams at Vamp while shielding against her flames and dodging Super Jr.'s attacks. J'onn morphs into a Martian creature to absorb electrical current then fires it back at Black Power.

--COTE: Omitted.

-Page 37

--FS: J'onn morphs into a dragon and helps Green Lantern. Lantern blasts Super Jr. repeatedly.

--COTE: J'onn knocks Super Jr., Uncle Super approaches, Superman stuck between Superwoman and Captain Super.

--FS: Superwoman says, "Stay on top of him. I got the plane."

--COTE: Superwoman says, "Stay on top of him. The plane is mine."

-Page 38

--FS: Wonder Woman says, "Lantern, get everybody close together." Lantern replies, "I'm on it." She tells Flash, "Find the control for the cargo bay doors." Wonder Woman says, "We're cloaked, right above you." Lantern replies, "Hold fire, our ride's here!"

--COTE: Wonder Woman says, "Lantern, we're cloaked right above you." Lantern replies, "Hold fire, our ride's here."

-Page 39

--FS: Wonder Woman yells, "Hang on!" The Owlplane accelerates. The Made Men all fire at the Owlplane.

--COTE: Wonder Woman yells, "Hang on!" Flash exclaims, "Whoa!" The Owlplane accelerates and runs Superwoman over. Superwoman orders the Supers, "Strafe the skies." The Supers cause thunder and lightning. The Owlplane is struck.

--FS: Luthor says, "Lucky shot. It doesn't matter anyway, we're still cloaked."

--COTE: Luthor says, "We're still cloaked."

-Page 40

--FS: All murmur

--COTE: Johnny Quick says, "Yeah, handed them a right thumping... I heard, let the blinking side down a bit."

--FS: Ultraman says, "First order of business. We've got to decide who we're calling up to replace Manhunter and Angelique."

--COTE: Ultraman says, "First order of business. We've got to decide who we're calling up to replace J'arkus. God rest his soul."

--FS: Owlman says, "We should dissolve them and split up their territories."

--COTE: Owlman says, "We should dissolve them and split up his territory."

--FS: Johnny Quick says, "Seems to me you've already helped yourself to Manhunter's crew."

--COTE: Johnny Quick says, "Seems to me you've already helped yourself to the Martian's crew."

-Page 41

--FS: Superwoman says, "Owlman's right. We'll divide Manhunter and Angel's action between the five of us."

--COTE: Superman says, "I'm with Owlman. We'll divide his action between the five of us."

--FS: Superwoman says, "Want to arm wrestle for it?"

--COTE: Superwoman says, "You want to arm wrestle for it?"

--FS: Ultraman says, "For now, Owlman can keep the Manhunter's guys."

--COTE: Ultraman says, "For now, Owlman can keep J'edd J'arkus's guys."

--FS: Owlman says, "Last meeting, six of seven family heads approved of Project Damocles."

--COTE: Owlman says, "Last meeting, five of six family heads approved of Project Damocles."

-Page 43

--FS: Marie Taylor, the First Daughter, has a photo-op at a playground. Maria tells a group of children, "The most important thing to remember is what we don't have to be afraid of the Crime Syndicate." A skeptical kid says, "My dad says we should do whatever they tell us to. They're in charge. End of story." Marie says, "I think your dad is wrong. He's saying that might makes right. It may seem that way sometimes but in the long run, it's the other way around. We're always stronger when we're doing the right thing." The skeptical kid doesn't buy it.

--COTE: Rose Wilson, the First Daughter, has a photo-op outside the New York Public Library. Rose says, "The thing to remember is what we don't have to be afraid of the Crime Syndicate." A reporter asks, "If that's true, why do you have bodyguards?" Rose replies, "Come on, my father's the president. I had guards before I  started speaking out." Another reporter says, "Isn't it irresponsible of you to be out here making speeches...in direct contradiction of your father's policies?" Rose says, "I love my father, but we disagree about this, and I have to right to free speech." A reporter says, "If we leave the Syndicate be, they'll let us live our lives. We don't have the power to fight them." Rose says, "No. Might doesn't make right. It may seem that way, but in the long run... it's the other way around. We are always stronger than when we're doing the right thing."

--FS: The Owlplane enters the loading dock of the Jester's headquarters. Cargo bay doors open. Heroes climb out. Lights turn on in the headquarters to reveal a Joker-esque wonderland.

--COTE: Omitted.

-Page 45

--FS: Luthor says, "These are the big guns, the heads of the Seven...I should say, Five Families."

--COTE: Luthor says, "These are the big guns, the heads of the Six...I should say, Five Families."

--FS: Luthor says, "No more than three or four at a time."

--COTE: Luthor says, "No more than seven or eight at a time."

-Page 46

--FS: Flash says, "What's the call, Supes?"

--COTE: Flash ways, "What's the call?

--FS: Superman puts arm around Luthor's shoulder.

--COTE: Omitted.

-Page 47

--FS: Superman says, "Don't worry, Lex. I've got your slack."

--COTE: Flash says, "Don't worry, Lex. He's got your slack." Superman says, "Flash." Flash replies, "Well, you do."

--FS: Owlman says, "Did you at least bring me something?" Superwoman kisses him and says, "I always do. Doubt you have time for it though." Owlman goes back to the monitor. She's a bit put off but tries again.

--COTE: Omitted.

-Page 48

--FS: Superwoman says, "We wouldn't have to share our vigorish with the Syndicate."

--COTE: Superwoman says, "We wouldn't have to share our cut with the Syndicate."

-Page 49

--FS: Flash dodges Warwolf, who smashes into a crate, destroying it. Flash zips back and forth as Warwolf repeatedly tries to tackle him and missing.

--COTE: Warwolf atop a crate plummets. An arrow zips by Flash, he dodges, and Flash goes, "Whoa!"

-Page 50

--FS: J'onn concentrates, becomes super dense, the planks in the deck buckle under him, he dives down through the dock, flying through level after level until he punctures the bottom. J'onn turns and makes a second series of holes. J'onn bursts up through the deck and the geyser of water follows.

--COTE: J'onn is surrounded by Johnny and Warwolf. He tosses Warwolf into Johnny then flies up and through the ship.

--FS: Johnny Quick says, "Right, then. Abandon ship if you can."

--COTE: Johnny Quick says, "Right, then. Abandon ship if you can." Warwolf says, "Oh, oh!"

--FS: Bales of money are loaded into an 18 wheeler.

--COTE: Crates are loaded into an 18 wheeler.

--FS: Wonder Woman pulls the truck over, spilling men and money all over the street.

--COTE: Wonder Woman tosses the truck and it explodes.

-Page 51

--FS: Olympia attacks Wonder Woman with an Olympic torch. Wonder Woman uses it to light the money on fire. Workers run in a panic. Green Lantern destroys the drugs and says, "Just say no."

--COTE: Green Lantern destroyes the drugs.

--FS: Olympia throws her javelin through the torch.

--COTE: Olympia has the drop on Wonder Woman with her telescoping javelin. Wonder Woman throws her down.

-Page 52

--FS: After Wonder Woman knocks Olympia out, armed criminals shoot at Wonder Woman. Green Lantern uses a shield to block the gunfire then it morphs into an energy globe around them. Lantern flicks it up and down shaking the criminals. He removes the globe. Power Ring flies away, turning invisible. Workers panic.

--COTE: Omitted. Power Ring flies away.

-Page 53

--FS: News copters train their cameras on Superman and Luthor.

--COTE: Omitted.

--FS: Luthor: Ultraman, I know you can hear me with those Ultra Ears of yours. Bring your arrogant hide out here or we'll come in and get you.

--COTE: Luthor: Ultraman, I know you can hear me. Bring your arrogant ass out here or we'll come in and get you.

-Page 54

--FS: Superman says, "I'd rather not have to hurt you."

--COTE: Superman says, "I'd rather not have to hurt you, Jimmy."

--FS: Jimmy plows into Superman. Superman says, "Alright, it's your call." Superman wails on him.

--COTE: Omitted.

--FS: Superman puts Jimmy in a headlock and asks, "You had enough?"

--COTE: Superman puts Jimmy in a headlock.

--FS: Jimmy twists the dial on his wristwatch and it emits a high pitched tone. He holds it to his mouth and speaks into it, "Ultraman, help me! Please hel--" Superman tightens his grip.

--COTE: Omitted.

-Page 55

--FS: Luthor says, "If it's going to mean anything after you leave, it has to be me."

--COTE: Luthor says, "If it's going to mean anything after you're gone, it has to be me."

--FS: Ultraman says, "You getting cocky, Lex?"

--COTE: Ultraman says, "Getting cocky, Lex?"

--FS: Ultraman says, "You think you can come to my place of business and just call me out?"

--COTE: Ultraman says, "You think you can come to my place of business and call me out?"

--FS: Lex is driven back into a wall so hard he's embedded in it.

--COTE: Lex is knocked through a building, lands hard on a roof, Ultraman pounds him, grabs him and lifts him by the throat.

-Page 56

--FS: Ultraman says, "Everybody who ever stood in my way is gone."

--COTE: Ultraman says, "Anybody who ever stood in my way is dead."

--FS: Ultraman says, "Except you."

--COTE: Omitted.

-Page 57

--FS: Ultraman falls towards the ground, far below.

--COTE: Ultraman bounces hard off a building, and falls towards the ground.

--FS: Ultraman can't stand and falls back into the crater and closes his eyes.

--COTE: Ultraman sits and says, "You are so gonna regret this."

--FS: Ultraman's POV goes from black to a blurry upshot. He gets a bad black eye from where Luthor hit him.

--COTE: Omitted.

--FS: One of the children takes his Ultraman shirt off and throws it to the ground.

--COTE: Omitted.

--FS: Ultraman says, "I got a message for you. You got the drop on me now..."

--COTE: Omitted.

-Page 58

--FS: Ultraman destroys the blue Kryptonite with laser vision and says, "...but next time's a different story." Superman cuffs him with a piece of steel I-beam and says, "What's the expression? Tell it to the judge." Ultraman is put in a police wagon with Jimmy already inside.

--COTE: Ultraman is put in the police wagon restrained. Jimmy is already inside. Luthor tosses the blue Kryptonite inside.

--FS: Secret Service Agent #1 says, "Good afternoon, Mr. Luthor." Luthor replies, "You have me at a disadvantage." They flash their badges.

--COTE: The agents flash their badges.

-Page 59

--FS: Luthor says, "That should be obvious, sir."

--COTE: Luthor says, "That should be obvious, Mr. President."

--FS: Flash says, "Yeah! We're taking it to the bad guys."

--COTE: Flash says, "We're taking it to the bad guys, sir."

--FS: Luthor says, "Don't talk to me as if I were a child."

--COTE: Luthor says, "Don't talk to me like a child."

--FS: Luthor says, "Forgive me, Mr. President but that's a load of manure."

--COTE: Luthor says, "Forgive me, Mr. President but that's a load of crap."

-Page 60

--FS: President Taylor says, "Be that as it may, I've already ordered the release of Ultraman and his associate."

--COTE: President Wilson says, "Be that as it may, I've already ordered the release of Ultraman."

--FS: President Taylor says, "You want to lower your tone?"

--COTE: President Wilson says, "You wanna watch your tone?"

--FS: President Taylor says, "Do you think if anybody were willing, we would keep them alive?"

--COTE: President Wilson says, "Do you think if anybody were willing, we would keep them alive until trial?

--FS: President Taylor says, "Are you going to protect their families, too? Are you going to protect mine?"

--COTE: President Wilson says, "Are you going to protect their families, too?"

-Page 61

--FS: President Taylor says, "Not now, Marie!" Marie says, "Then when, Daddy?"

--COTE: President Wilson says, "Not now, Rose!" Marie says "Then when, Dad?"

--FS: Marie thinks, "Dad, you were a war hero, when did you turn into a coward?"

--COTE: Rose thinks, "My God, Dad, you were a war hero, when did you turn into a coward?"

-Page 62

--FS: Superman says, "I stand up to guys stronger than me all the time."

--COTE: Superman says, "Sir, I stand up to guys more powerful than I am all the time."

--FS: Luthor says, "Not when we finally have a chance to win it."

--COTE: Luthor says, "Not when we finally have a chance to win it." Luthor then the Justice League and Rose walk out. President Wilson turns back to the window.

--FS: News crews are gathered all around the front gate of Ultraman's estate at night. They react to something coming down from the sky.

--COTE: Omitted.

-Page 63

--FS: Jimmy asks the reporters what they're doing at the estate. A reporter tells him a Daily Planet/Network Cable News poll shows that 45% of the public now thinks that the government should begin a formal investigation into Crime Syndicate activities then asks for a comment on Ultraman being humiliated by Lex Luthor. Twin laser beams streak from the main house and engrave "Get off my property, or die" on the side of a news van. Jimmy smirks as the reporters scatter. He implores them, "You can quote him, if you want."

--COTE: Omitted.

-Page 64

--FS: Ultraman flies up, away from his home in a hurry.

--COTE: Omitted. The story shifts to the Crime Syndicate base on the Moon seen on page 66 of the FS draft then back to the Rose Garden scene on page 64.

--FS: President Taylor says, "I thought I might find you out here."

--COTE: President Wilson says, "I thought I might find you here."

--FS: Marie says, "When I was a little girl, you were a great man. You were my hero, what's happened to you?"

--COTE: Rose says, "You know, when I was a little girl, you were my hero, what's happened to you?"

-Page 65

--FS: Ultraman says, "I've been watching you. And your daughter. She's on television a lot these days."

--COTE: Ultraman says, "Saw your daughter on the news the other night. She's got a mouth on her."

--FS: Ultraman puts an arm around Taylor's shoulders.

--COTE: Omitted.

--FS: President Taylor says, "If you come near my daughter, I'll nuke you."

--COTE: President Wilson says, "If you come near my daughter, I will nuke you."

--FS: Ultraman says, "The great equalizer, huh? Well let me tell you something, "Mr. President," my boys are working up a bomb of our own."

--COTE: Ultraman says, "Yeah, the nukes. The great equalizer, huh? Well let me tell you something, "Mr. President," my boys are working up a bomb of our own."

-Page 66

--FS: Owlman takes Superwoman's arm and leads her into an alcove, away from the others.

--COTE: Omitted.

--FS: Owlman says, "After all, what good is a bomb if you don't use it?"

--COTE: Owlman says, "After all, what good is a bomb if you don't detonate it?"

-Page 67 --FS: Owlman says, "Don't sell yourself short."

--COTE: Owlman says, "I do find it attractive."

--FS: Superwoman says, "I meant in addition to the obvious."

--COTE: Superwoman says, "But you never make a move without a reason."

--FS: Superwoman says, "You never do anything without a purpose. Why would you want to destroy the world?"

--COTE: Superwoman says, "Why would you want to destroy the world?"

--FS: Owlman says, "Because it's the only action anyone could take that would have a purpose."

--COTE: Owlman says, "Because it's the only action anyone could take that would have any purpose."

--FS: Superwoman says, "Sorry. You lost me there"

--COTE: Superwoman says, "You lost me there"

-Page 68

--FS: Owlman says, "Every decision we make is meaningless, because somewhere, on some parallel earth, we've already made the opposite choice."

--COTE: Owlman says, "Every decision we make is meaningless, because somewhere, on a parallel earth, we've already made the opposite choice."

-Page 69

--FS: Owlman says, "Every Earth is a variation of this, the original."

--COTE: Owlman says, "Every Earth is a variation of this one, the original."

--FS: Superwoman says, "To the contrary. I'm in." The next scene is Marie Taylor making a speech on the front marble steps of a court building. She says, "The past few days are just the beginning! We can take back our world!"

--COTE: Superwoman says, "To the contrary. (kisses Owlman) I'm in." The next scene is the Rose Garden scene on page 64 then the Crime Syndicate meeting on page 71.

-Page 70

--FS: The crowd cheers. J'onn poses as one of the reporters in his John Jones form. He smiles with satisfaction and phases through the ground unnoticed. Marie's speech is on a monitor at the Crime Syndicate conference room. Everyone but Owlman is riveted to it. Superwoman watches Owlman. Ultraman mutes the monitor and notes Owlman isn't very interested in the news. Owlman quips, "Maybe it's because I wasn't the one who had his cape handed to him." Ultraman warns him, "Watch your mouth Owlman, or I'll-" Owlman cuts him off, "What? Make empty threats? You need me." Johnny retorts, "We also needed you when we were out there fighting." Owlman snaps, "What do you wnat from me? I'm busy." Power Ring is very angry and pounds the table next to Owlman with his fist.

--COTE: Omitted.

-Page 71

--FS: Power Ring says, "Too busy to help? Luthor and his Justice League--" Owlman shuts off his PDA and stands, "Will shortly be completely irrelevant." Ultraman asks, "You think they'll quit just because we have the bomb?" Owlman chides them, "You guys are getting soft. All of a sudden you forgot how to handle a loud-mouthed civilian or two?" Owlman exits. Ultraman's eyes narrow. He's made a decision.

--COTE: Omitted.

--FS: Superwoman asks, "Why'd you leave, did you find Earth Prime?"

--COTE: Superwoman asks, "I'm getting bored again. Did you find Earth Prime?"

--FS: He touches a button and an image of Earth with numerical X, Y, Z and W coordinates superimposed appears. Owlman says, "This one."

--COTE: Omitted.

-Page 72

--FS: Superwoman says, "I'll get right on it."

--COTE: Omitted.

-Page 73

--FS: Batman shields his eyes from the brilliant light of a ring or energy forming. Superwoman and Supers step out.

--COTE: Superwoman and the Supers warp into a different section of the Watchtower. She says, "It's here. Spread out and find it."

--FS: Batman says, "You're on my property. Stand down."

--COTE: Doors open. Batman says, "You're on my property. Stand down."

--FS: Batman drops a container and ignites the torch built into one of his Power Loader's hands. With the other hand, he gestures them to "come hither."

--COTE: Batman gestures "come hither."

-Page 74

--FS: Superwoman blows out the torch. Batman swats Captain Super away with a backhand. Clamps Power Loader's pincer hands on Superwoman and Uncle Super's waists. Superwoman rips the arm off.

--COTE: Batman extends an arm to pin Uncle Super to wall. He swats Super Jr. into a wall. Superwoman and Captain Super tackle him into a wall and punch him. Batman gets a mini welder gun out of a compartment and shoots Captain Super in the face. She decks him. Batman nail guns her hair to wall. She rips hair loose and tosses him through a wall.

--FS: Captain Super and Superwoman try to pry the Power Loader apart. Batman ejects just as the pair crushes the loader. Batman unbuckles himself near the transporter platform.

--COTE: Omitted.

-Page 75

--FS: Aquaman, Supergirl, Metamorpho, Static, and Steel are teleported to the Watchtower.

--COTE: Aquaman, Black Canary, Firestorm, Black Lightning, and Red Tornado are teleported to the Watchtower.

--FS: Static says, "Man, are you guys in trouble. Batman?"

--COTE: Firestorm says, "You guys are in trouble."

-Page 75-77

--FS: Supergirl attacks first, roundhousing Captain Super.

--COTE: Aquaman attacks first, tackles Captain Super down a level.

--FS: Batman says, "Careful, Kara! They're as strong as you are."

--COTE: Batman says, "Careful, Aquaman. They're stronger than you are." Aquaman retorts, "That remains to be seen."

--FS: Supergirl is blindsided by Uncle Super. Metamorpho changes into a cloud a gas. Super Jr. charges them him and crashes into the bulkhead. Metamorpho turns arm into a stream of water and a stream of phosphorous, crosses them, explodes over Super Jr. while Static dodges Captain Super. Aquaman is knocked around by Uncle Super. Steel strikes Uncle square in the back with his hammer. Batman swings after Superwoman. Aquaman delivers an elbow drop to Uncle. Super Jr. punches Metamorpho who transformed his body into metal. Supergirl gets up, mashes metal pile into a huge ball and smashes it over Super Jr.'s head. Static gets drop on Captain Super, hands over his eyes like peek-a-boo and fries Super. Aquaman and Steel double team on Uncle without pause in their punching.

--COTE: Captain Super is shot by Black Lightning. Superwoman punches Lightning. Black Canary uses her sonic scream. Superwoman goes through a hole in the wall, Batman follows. Red Tornado sweeps up Captain Super in a tornado, Aquaman decks him through a wall, he bounces off some Javelins, Firestorm turns floor under Super Jr. to quicksand, he screams and bursts the floor apart. Firestorm admits, "Okay, this is gonna be tougher than I thought." Everyone takes on Uncle Super. Lightning powers up on a loose conduit and fries Uncle. There is a temporary black out. Back up power activates. Uncle collapses.

-Page 78

--FS: Superwoman says, "But I don't have time to play with you."

--COTE: Superwoman says, "But sadly I don't have time to play with you."

--FS: Batman crashes into a table full of equipment and it collapses under him.

--COTE: Omitted.

-Page 79

--FS: Superwoman says, "Let's go, let's go!"

--COTE: Superwoman says, "Let's go!"

--FS: Captain Super dodges another bolt from Static to get back to the portal. The others are cut off by the heroes.

--COTE: Omitted.

-Page 80

--FS: Superwoman says, "I'm sure I'll think of something..."

--COTE: Superwoman says, "Oh, I'm sure I'll think of something..."

-Page 81

--FS: J'onn says, "Maach'fru." Archer asks, "What?" J'onn explains, "It's a curse. In my native language, it was a word never used in polite company. It was the very worst thing you could call someone." J'onn lifts Archer up with one hand and his eyes glow red. J'onn continues, "In English, it means "assassin."

--COTE: Archer backs up and accidentally falls off the edge of the roof.

--FS: Archer stares off into space in shock. Secret Service agents cuff him without incident. Marie impulsively hugs J'onn and says, "Thank you!" J'onn replies, "You are welcome." She is amused with his growing discomfort.

--COTE: Archer is dragged off.

-Page 83

--FS: J'onn says, "My apologies for the deception. There may be double agents in your security detail." He gently disengages from the hug.

--COTE: J'onn says, "My apologies for the deception."

--FS: Marie says, "That'd be just fine."

--COTE: Rose says, "That would be just fine."

--FS: Superwoman drops the base of a statue. Pieces of the statue fall on Batman.

--COTE: Superwoman drops a column on Batman.

-Page 84

--FS: Superwoman says, "Allow me."

--COTE: Superwoman says, "Here. Let me do that."

-Page 85

--FS: Superwoman says, "Just for that, I've decided to pull your limbs off, one at a time."

--COTE: Superwoman says, "That's going to cost you a rib." She pinches a left rib. He recoils, "Ah! Ow!"

--FS: He backflips away and throws a capsule at her feet.

--COTE: He throws capsules down. Superwoman says, "I like my lovers to make a little noise. What else can I break?"

--FS: Capsule produces a black smoke.

--COTE: Capsules produces a green smoke.

--FS: Superwoman coughs, chokes, passes out.

--COTE: Superwoman coughs, chokes, passes out while trying to reach for Batman.

-Page 86

--FS: Flash says, "You sure that'll hold her?" He glares. Flash says, "I'm just saying...!"

--COTE: Flash says, "You sure that will hold her?"

--FS: Batman says, "What was that thing you left on my Watchtower?"

--COTE: Batman says, "What did you hide on my satellite?"

--FS: Luthor says, "Did you take it from her? Where is it?"

--COTE: Luthor says, "Did you keep it from her?"

--FS: Batman says, "Her henchman got away with it, whatever it was."

--COTE: Batman says, "Her henchman escaped with it, whatever it was."

--FS: Green Lantern says, "Break it down for us."

--COTE: Omitted.

--FS: Luthor says, "Without it, we had no reason to fear them but now...

--COTE: Luthor says, "Without it, we can still fight them but now..."

-Page 87

--FS: Luthor says, "They could use it to create an explosion that would wipe out the entire Earth."

--COTE: Luthor says, "They could use it to set off an explosion that would wipe out the entire Earth."

-Page 88

--FS: Power Ring says, "Archer actually got arrested."

--COTE: Power Ring says, "Archer actually got himself arrested."

--FS: Ultraman says, "Public opinion wouldn't be a problem if the bomb were ready."

--COTE: Ultraman says, "Public opinion wouldn't be an issue if the bomb were ready."

--FS: Owlman says, "Now I have everything I need..."

--COTE: Omitted.

-Page 89

--FS: Marie says, "Just the opposite. You saved my life, I'd like to get to know the real you."

--COTE: Rose says, "Just the opposite. I'd like to get to know the real you."

--FS: Marie says, "I didn't mind, it seemed...I dunno, natural." J'onn says, "Our minds are attuned."

--COTE: Rose says, "I didn't mind, it seemed...I don't know, natural." J'onn says, "We are attuned."

--FS: J'onn says, "We are in psychic sync to a degree that was rare even among my own people. I never imagined I'd meet a human whose mind was so similar to my own."

--COTE: J'onn says, "Our minds are in sync to a degree that was rare even among my own people. I never imagined I'd meet a human so complimentary to myself."

-Page 90

--FS: As a young girl, playing with her Mother and Father.

--COTE: As a young girl, walking between her Mother and Father.

--FS: J'onn's memory on Mars with his wife and children.

--COTE: J'onn's memory on Mars with his child. Then White Martians invading Mars and spaceships shooting down buildings.

--FS: Marie older now, with her mom, at her father's presidential inauguration.

--COTE: Rose older now, runs up to limo, two scorch marks on roof, mom in limo implied to be dead - assassinated by Ultraman.

-Page 91

--FS: J'onn fights invaders on Mars. Destruction of Mars by the invaders.

--COTE: J'onn fights White Martians. Two Martians alone in field combust.

--FS: Marie cries as med-techs carry off someone on a stretcher, her face covered by a sheet.

--COTE: Omitted.

--FS: On Earth, being released from the Army holding cell by Superman ("Secret Origins")

--COTE: Teleported to Earth by accident by Dr. Erdel.

--FS: J'onn and other heroes fighting invaders on Earth ("Secret Origins")

--COTE: Justice League vs. Starro.

--FS: Kissing in limo a few moments ago.

--COTE: Omitted.

-Page 92

--FS: Marie says, "All the battles you and your friends have won."

--COTE: Rose says, "All the battles the Justice League have won."

--FS: J'onn says, "If we could find them dependably, I have little doubt."

--COTE: J'onn says, "If we could find them, I have little doubt."

--FS: Reveal of Crime Syndicate base being on the Moon. Flash says, "Are we there yet?"

--COTE: Reveal of Crime Syndicate base being on the Moon. Next scene is of Crime Syndicate finishing assembly of the QED seen on page 93.

-Page 93

--FS: Wonder Woman tears a piece of cloth from Superwoman's cape then ties it around her mouth like a gag. Wonder Woman says, "Doesn't mean we have to listen to her."

--COTE: Wonder Woman punches Superwoman out. Wonder Woman says, "Doesn't mean we have to listen to her though." Flash asks, "How are we supposed to get in again?"

--FS: Wonder Woman says, "We're closing on their airlock. How are we supposed to get in again?"

--COTE: Omitted.

--FS: Luthor says, "Multi-frequency key code analyzer/replicator pack." Flash looks at him blankly.

--COTE: Luthor says, "Multi-frequency band encryption analyzer/replicator pack." Flash says, "Some of us don't speak Star Trek."

--FS: Docking door slides open. Power Ring, Ultraman, and Johnny work on finishing the QED.

--COTE: Docking door slides open. Johnny says, "C'mon then. Pitch in." seen on page 94.

-Page 94

--FS: Owlman says, "Final calculations. Very delicate." Johnny says, "C'mon then. Pitch in."

--Cote: Owlman says, "Final calculations. Very delicate." Back to page 92 scene of Flash asking "Are we there yet?"

--FS: Johnny says, "Having a kip, there?"

--COTE: Johnny says, "Having a kip, are we?"

-Page 96

--FS: Power Ring says, "I had a chance to scout you earlier. You know what your weakness is, pal? You've not no imagination." Green Lantern replies, "Want to know the secret of the ring, "pal"? It's not about imagination. It's about willpower." Green Lantern fires a beam through Power Ring's buzz saws. Ring tries to make a shield but the same beam shatters it.

--COTE: No dialogue. Green Lantern fires a boxing glove, shatters the buzzsaws, grabs and tosses Power Ring.

-Page 97

--FS: Green Lantern readies a giant hand to thump Power Ring. Power Ring says, "You wouldn't..." Lantern contends, "Sure I would." Thumps Power Ring across room. Lantern says, "I get so tired of that stupid argument..."

--COTE: Omitted.

-Page 98 --FS: Johnny grabs a hand full of bolts from a bucket. Matrix time of Flash plucking bolts out of air. Johnny remarks, "Sweet Fanny Adams..." He dodges bolts, looks for Flash, gets decked by Flash.

--COTE: Johnny grabs debris on the ground. Flash spins in tornado. Hands Johnny an assembled device. Johnny remarks, "Bugger." Decked by Flash.

--FS: Wonder Woman vs. Superwoman.

--COTE: Scene is moved up in the sequence to after Green Lantern tosses Power Ring.

--FS: Wonder Woman gets Superwoman in a headlock and says, "Yield!"

--COTE: Wonder Woman also uses lasso and says, "Submit."

--FS: Superman vs. Ultraman.

--COTE: Scene moved up to after Flash and Johnny.

-Page 99

--FS: Superman hits Ultraman in the midsection.

--COTE: Superman tackles Ultraman to the floor. Luthor regains consciousness. Goes to a console but his attempt to override is denied.

-Page 100

--FS: Superwoman says, "Owlman's just taking the bomb to a hiding place on Earth."

--COTE: Superwoman says, "Owlman's just taking the bomb to a hiding place."

--FS: Luthor says, "No way to follow him." Batman states, "Maybe not."

--COTE: Luthor says, "There's no way to follow him." Batman states, "Not yet."

-Page 101

--FS: Batman asks, "How many sets of coordinates does this thing keep in memory?"

--COTE: Batman asks, "How many sets of coordinates does this thing keep in its memory?"

--FS: Luthor does some calculations on a scrap of paper on the console.

--COTE: Luthor does some calculations on his gauntlet computer.

--FS: Flash says, "I'm your guy."

--COTE: Flash says, "I'm your man."

-Page 102

--FS: Flash says, "Listen..." Johnny says, "You're soft, mate. I'm hard. Right hard enough to do this. We're talking about my world, too." Luthor says, "All right, go. When you reach the proper speed, I'll give you a mark. You have to hold that speed precisely. Got it?"

--COTE: Flash says, "Listen... I--" Johnny says, "No, you listen. He's talking about my world, too. I'm not letting that happen." Batman warns, "It could be dangerous--" Johnny says, "The bloody universe is at stake. Of course it's dangerous." Luthor says, "All right. When you reach the proper speed, I'll give you a mark." He types. Luthor, "You have to hold that speed precisely. Got it?"

-Page 103

--FS: Luthor says, "You'd be torn apart."

--COTE: Luthor says, "You'd be torn apart by the event horizon."

--FS: Owlman says, "One Earth, with one history."

--COTE: Owlman says, One Earth, with history."

-Page 104

--FS: Owlman says, "Quite. Every version of reality balances precariously on this singular Earth. It seems very different from the Earths we know, doesn't it? I can't imagine what series of decisions led to this world hurtling out of its orbit, wandering the heavens thousands of light years from where it should be. But I know this, the source of this cataclysm was the same as it always is...Man.

--COTE: Owlman says, "Every version of reality balances precariously on this singular Earth. It seems so different from the Earths we know. I can't imagine what series of decisions led to this world hurtling out of its orbit. But I know this, the source of this cataclysm was the same as it always is...Man.

--FS: Owlman cuts off Batman with an imperious wave of his hand.

--COTE: Omitted.

-Page 105

--FS: Owlman says, "Everyone who ever lived. Who ever will live. The tyranny of man will be wiped from existence. I choose to make the only possible real choice."

--COTE: Owlman says, "Everyone who ever lived. Who ever will live. I choose to make the only possible real choice."

--FS: Owlman says, "Perhaps. But does it matter?"

--COTE: Owlman says, "But does it matter?"

--FS: Batman crashes into some of the ruins, they crumble around him, he sags to the ground.

--COTE: Omitted.

--FS: Owlman says, "From what I gather, we're already very much alike."

--COTE: Owlman says, "From what I gather, we're very much alike."

-Page 106

--FS: Owlman says, "I wonder, what terrible wrong was done to set you on this path?"

--COTE: Owlman says, "What terrible wrong was done to set you on this path?"

--FS: Owlman crushes a stone in his fist, considering Batman's path.

--COTE: Owlman grabs Batman by the throat.

--FS: Owlman says, "Given an infinite number of changes on an infinite number of Earths, mankind's choices always add up to the same things; greed, selfishness, avarice. No choice at all, really. You'll die like all the rest, merely a few minutes later."

--COTE: Omitted.

-Page 107

--FS: Owlman says, "Who could possibly be foolish enough to fall for that?"

--COTE: Omitted

--FS: Batman throws three exploding Batarangs into Owlman's chest.

--COTE: Omitted.

--FS: Owlman says, "You should have sent your flying man. With his enhanced strength and laser vision, he might have actually have had a chance. But you don't trust anyone to do what needs to be done, other than yourself. I feel the same way."

--COTE: Owlman says, "You should have sent your flying man. With his strength, he might have had a chance. But you don't trust anyone else to do what needs to be done. Hah. I feel the same way."

-Page 108

--FS: Batman says, "If we're so much alike...you must know this is wrong...Before this obsession twisted you out of shape... you were a good man once. You must have been." Owlman says, "No. Not good. Never good. I was born bad. After all. I'm only human."

--COTE: Batman says, "If we're really alike...you know this is wrong...you must have been a good man once." Owlman says, "No. Not good. Never good. After all, I'm only human."

--FS: Batman throws a desperation haymaker.

--COTE: Batman plants an explosive on Owlman's helmet.

--FS: Owlman lifts Batman off the ground and brutally punches him.

--COTE: Owlman says, "No more debate. I'm going to kill you now, then everyone else."

--FS: Batman says, "You know the difference between you and me?"

--COTE: Batman says, "There is a difference between you and me."

-Page 108-109

--FS: Batman reaches in Owlman's utility belt, slaps Transmit Device on his back, pulls feet up to Owlman's chest and shoves.

--COTE: Batman flips over him, kicks him to QED, throws bola to tie him to console, after saying "You blinked" he uses the Transmit Device.

-Page 109

--FS: Owlman says, "Nothing matters."

--COTE: Owlman says, "It doesn't matter."

--FS: A battered and weary Batman limps towards the wormhole and dives through.

--COTE: Omitted.

-Page 110

--FS: Batman returns, slams to ground.

--COTE: Batman returns, Wonder Woman holds him up.

--FS: Batman yells, "Johnny, I'm back, stop running!"

--COTE: Batman yells, "Johnny, I'm back, stop vibrating!"

--FS: Flash says, "Oh, man..." Johnny collapses into Batman's arms aged and emaciated.

--COTE: Flash says, "Oh, God." Johnny collapses into Flash's arms aged and emaciated.

--FS: Batman says, "I...thought it might."

--COTE: Batman is silent.

-Page 111

--FS: Ultraman says, "Get off my moon."

--COTE: Ultraman says, "Now get your asses off my moon."

--FS: Green Lantern says, "That's not how it's going down."

--COTE: Omitted.

--FS: Luthor says, "We almost lost the whole universe."

--COTE: Luthor says, "We almost lost everything."

--FS: Ultraman says, "Now you're a bunch of would be cops, trying to take me in."

--COTE: Ultraman says, "Now you're a bunch of wannabe cops, trying to take me in."

--FS: Superman asks, "The cavalry arrives?"

--COTE: Superman asks, "Brought the cavalry?"

-Page 112

--FS: Multiple laser blasts rake across the battlefield drawing a line between the Syndicate and the League. In the lead is President Taylor.

--COTE: Omitted. President Wilson is in a tank, peering out from the top.

--FS: J'onn says, "The President was unhappy with the attempt on his daughter's life."

--COTE: J'onn says, "The President was displeased by the attempt on his daughter's life."

--FS: Superman looks over at Ultraman and folds his arms. Ultraman surrenders then the others.

--COTE: Ultraman surrenders then the others.

--FS: President Taylor says, "There's no way to properly thank you, you've given us back our world."

--COTE: President Wilson says,"There's no way to thank you, you've given us back our world."

-Page 113

--FS: Green Lantern comes over to J'onn and Marie.

--COTE: Wonder Woman comes over to J'onn and Rose.

--FS: Green Lantern says, "If you let her get away, there won't be a single day that you don't regret... If you love her, stay."

--COTE: Wonder Woman says, "This is what we fight for. If you love her, stay."

--FS: J'onn says, "I made a promise to myself to protect my new one."

--COTE: J'onn says, "I made a promise to protect my new one."

--FS: President Taylor talks to the others.

--COTE: Omitted.

-Page 114

--FS: President Taylor says, "...I may even be able to find federal funds..." Sees Marie and J'onn kissing. Flash says, "It's okay, Mr. President. He's checking for cavities."

--COTE: Omitted.

--FS: Green Lantern says, "Maybe there's another one like her on our Earth."

--COTE: Wonder Woman says, "Maybe there's another one like her on our Earth."

--FS: Green Lantern and J'onn walk back to the others.

--COTE: Wonder Woman and J'onn walk back to the others. President Wilson puts his arm around Rose's shoulder.

--FS: Luthor says, "There's still plenty of work to be done here, cleaning up the remnants of the Syndicate--" President Taylor claims, "But not more than we can handle. Not anymore."

--COTE: Omitted.

-Page 115

--FS: Superman says, "It's good to be back home."

--COTE: Superman says, "Ah. It's good to be back home."

--FS: Wonder Woman says, "It really is starting to feel like a home, isn't it?"

--COTE: Omitted.

--FS: Green Lantern says, "You drive a van."

--COTE: Green Lantern says, "You drive a car."

-Page 116

--FS: Aquaman, Supergirl, Metamorpho, Static, and Steel are lounging around, playing poker to kill time. The two Supers are bound securely.

--COTE: Aquaman, Black Canary, Firestorm, Black Lightning, and Red Tornado are simply standing in the room.