

New Orleans

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Real Identity: Not Applicable
Appearances: Denial, Terrors, Insecurity, Happy New Year, and Alienated
Powers: Not Applicable
Voiced By: Not Applicable

New Orleans is the most unique city in the United States of America and largest in the state of Louisiana. Founded in 1718, it is named after Philippe d' Orleans, Duke of Orleans, Regent of France. In the present, it is still popular for its distinct French Creole background and multi-cultural legacy. The city is also famous for the presence and practice of Louisiana Voodoo.

On July 27th, 21:57 Central Daylight Time (CDT), Kent Nelson was last sighted in New Orleans. He was visiting Madam Xanadu for a reading and was kidnapped by Abra Kadabra. On September 14th, 16:53 CDT, Cat Grant covered a live battle between Superman, Martian Manhunter, and the Terror Twins above a damaged bridge. The twins were hurled into a nearby warehouse filled with Mardi Gras paraphernalia and were neutralized by Aqualad and Red Tornado. On December 5th, the same warehouse was used by several supervillains to add several modifications to the stolen sample of Starro. The Team converged on the warehouse but was unable to capture anyone nor gathered any intelligence.

Over five years later, Kroloteans landed a ship in New Orleans and established a sizeable base of operations under the water line. They beamed in a few 100 Kroloteans, built more Zeta Platforms, brought in more Kroloteans, and began abducting and replacing humans. On January 4th, 21:59 Central Standard Time (CST), Gamma Squad arrived and investigated a junk yard. When their search turned up nothing, Robin directed Lagoon Boy to scout ahead underwater. He discovered an entrance and increased mass to hold it open for himself and the others. Soon after the squad communicated their findings, they were discovered and swarmed. Oddly, the Krolotean leader recognized Blue Beetle and ordered a swift evacuation while it activated the base's self destruct program. Gamma Squad apprehended a Krolotean and led the human prisoners to safety before the base exploded. The rest of the Team and some of the Justice League arrived soon after.