

Joe Henchy

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Real Identity: Joe Henchy
Affiliation(s): Bedlam Syndicate
Appearances (Episodes): Coldhearted, Princes All, Royal We, Eminent Threat, Private Security, Leverage, Illusion of Control (Impersonated), and Antisocial Pathologies
Appearances (Comics): Ominous Tidings, Sorry Excuse: Memory Two, Evocative Intel, Narrow Escapes: Memory Three, and Angry Wounds: Memory Four
Powers/Skills: Armed Combat and Infiltration
Voiced By: Steve Blum

Joe Henchy was born in 1974. He later became a henchman of Count Vertigo. On September 29th, Team Year Zero, Henchy posed as a photographer inside Star City International Airport with orders to assassinate Queen Perdita Vladek. He opened fire with his gun, disguised as a camera, and shot Denny Nielson, Vladek's personal bodyguard. Henchy tried to get a clean shot at Vladek through the smoke screen created by Green Arrow. He spotted him but it was too late. Arrow fired a regular arrow through his camera and destroyed it. Soon after Arrow and Vladek entered a chute heading towards baggage claim, Henchy attacked with a crescent wrench and vowed to kill him. Arrow joked he thought Henchy was after the girl. He hit Henchy in the head with his bow. Henchy fell off the conveyor belt. On November 11th, 17:08 PST, Henchy posed as a doctor and met with Kid Flash outside the main entrance to the Seattle Medical Center. He lied that Vladek died waiting for Kid Flash to deliver her transplant heart. He took the case and lied he would try to find another patient who could use the heart. He took an elevator down to the parking structure just as Kid Flash figured out the truth.

Before Henchy could hand the case over to Count Vertigo in his car, Kid Flash stole it back. Henchy and the other henchment opened fire. Vertigo took him on personally but was knocked off his feet. Henchy fired again but was kicked to the ground. On July 28th, Team Year Six, Henchy led a team of Bedlam Syndicate traffickers in London and kidnapped Princess Tara Markov. On July 4th, 22:16 EEST, Team Year Eight, Henchy wheeled a young girl named Ana von Furth to the morgue in Markovburg Children's Hospital then through the secret passage into the Bedlam Syndicate's base. On July 29th, 03:00 EEST, Henchy bribed Gabrielle Daou, a servant, to open a certain door at the Markovian Royal Palace. Jaculi ran in and killed King Viktor Markov and Queen Ilona DeLamb-Markov. Henchy knocked Daou out and took her to the Bedlam base. He preferred to shoot her but Dr. Jace administered an overdose of morphine to kill her.

On the night of July 30th, Johann Mintz, Piotor Platz, and Joe Henchy buried the latest who failed to meta-activate in Bedlam Syndicate's lab and died. As usual, they used the mass grave in the Markovian National Cemetery. However, the body of Gabrielle Daou was revived by the spirit of Mother Box. Platz and Mintz simply tried to cover the grave faster. The light projected by Daou's body alerted a nearby Tigress. She investigated and easily took out Platz. Henchy, Platz, and Mintz later alerted Vertigo about the incident. On July 31st, they were ordered to move the metamorphosis pods holding the trafficked teenagers to a new location. Count Vertigo, Dr. Simon Ecks, Henchy, and Plasmus boomed to Nightwing's covert team and attacked with Apokoliptian weapons. Henchy managed to temporarily disable the Super-Cycle but the tide soon turned. Once Black Lightning liberated Plasmus from a Control Chip, Henchy remarked the fight was not going well. Vertigo opened a Boom Tube and fled the battle with Henchy.

On November 22nd, Devastation posed as Henchy and Psimon as Vertigo, using the latter's psychic powers, to run interference while the other members of Onslaught kidnapped the drugged meta-humans at the Meta-Human Youth Center in Taos but were thwarted by Beast Boy, Kid Flash, Blue Beetle, Static, and Thirteen. Henchy maintained regular contact with Vertigo and actively searched for a way to bust him out of prison in Markovia. He was unaware of there was a plan in motion. On November 10th, 03:10 CET, Team Year Ten, the Outsiders' Raptor Squad, consisting of Robin, El Dorado, and Looker closed in on Joe Henchy in Paris. On November 10th, 05:59 CET, Henchy was on the run and spotted Robin swinging after him. El Dorado teleported in front of him and called his "Bat-Brat" comment rude and continuing to run even ruder. Dorado teleported in front of him again. He swore repeatedly. Robin ensnared him with a line and yanked, dropping him to the ground. Robin gave Looker her cue. She used her telepathy to read his mind. Dorado then released Henchy who then ran off.