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Back to Supporting Main > Hippolyta

Real Identity: Hippolyta
Powers: Enhanced Physical Attributes and Immortality
Voiced By: Virginia Madsen

Hippolyta is the queen of the Amazons. They were slaves of Ares and made into loyal servants of Zeus. Hippolyta was raped by Ares and she later went on to lead a revolt for the Amazons' freedom. With the Lasso of Truth and Boomerang Tiara, Hippolyta killed Eris, killed her son Thrax, and defeated Ares.

Over the centuries, she came to teach that man could be trusted because their very nature was to deceive and the Amazons should always be vigilant. But Hippolyta was often overcome with a desire to have a child of her own that was not conceived from an unholy union. She was instructed to create a baby from clay, dab it with her blood, and hold it to the sky. The baby came to life and she named it Diana.

As Diana's mother, Hippolyta felt the urge to protect her from experiencing the outside world, for all its ills would prove too much. However, Diana's resolve convinced Hippolyta to concede and allow her to escort Steve Trevor back. When they discovered Ares had escaped, she ordered Diana to stop Ares, as well.

In the final battle, Hippolyta took to the battlefield again and encountered the traitor, Persephone and killed her. She learned that Persephone was bitter that she was denied the chance to start a family whereas Hippolyta was allowed to. In the aftermath, she made Diana the ambassador of Themyscira.