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Back to Beasts Main > Pegasi

Real Identity: Pegasi
Powers: Enhanced Physical Attributes and Flight
Voiced By:

The Pegasus was a winged horse. Its origin is not agreed upon. In one story, the original Pegasus leapt from Medusa's neck as Perseus decapitated her. Another story reveals that the Pegasi were born on Earth when Medusa's blood spilled onto it. A third story says the blood mixed with the sea foam and created them.

In any case, Pegasus is carried the thunderbolts for Zeus. The hero Bellerophon was told by Polyeidos to sleep in the temple of Athena. The goddess visited him in the night and presented him with a golden bridle. The next morning, still clutching the bridle, he found Pegasus drinking at the Pierian spring and captured him with it. Bellerophon tamed Pegasus, and presented him to the Muses at Mount Parnassus. After he became the horse of the Muses, he was at the service of the poets.

Eventually, populations of winged horses grew and in particular, they were domesticated by the Amazons along with regular horses.