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Real Identity: Not Applicable
Appearances: Beebo Saves Christmas
Powers/Skills: Various
Voiced By: Chris Kattan

The Elfin-Mark-V is the right hand robot of Sprinkles. It was designed to figure out what each person in the world needed for Christmas. Elfin detected a coffee intruder and found an incognito Santa Claus with a very big coffee cup. He grabbed both and returned to Sprinkles's office. He was shocked Elfin predicted he wanted coffee but soon deduced the barista was Santa Claus and met the four Bos. To show how his way of machines and efficiency was good for Christmas, Elfin wrapped several presents very quickly. Santa was impressed to see Elfin used a flattened Victorian tri-fold. It played a piano while Sprinkles sang about efficiency then put Santa and the Bos in a yellow present and wrapped it. The box was put on a shelf with a tag not to open until after Christmas. They decided to reprogram the Elfin to think like they do. Tweebo believed she could pull it off if she could get to Sprinkles's control panel. With Beebo's help, she programmed Elfin withi all the good things associated with Christmas like ornaments, sleigh bells, sowballs, and cuddles.

They confronted Sprinkles but Elfin went haywire. It hugged the heads off stuffed bears. Beebo was about to show him how to hug but it hugged a machine console so hard it got crushed. Santa, Sprinkles, and the Bo's all ran for it. They ended up in Santa's old workshop. Sprinkles confessed if they waited for Elfin's battery to die, it would take 36 hours. After Fleabo spit out hot chocolate made with chestnut milk and complaining it ruined everything, Beebo got an idea to trick Elfin into drinking it. Sprinkles noted the best way to get it in Elfin's system was to pour it directly into his main oscillator tube. Turbo asked where that was. Sprinkles replied it was its mouth. Beebo volunteered to face Elfin because he was the one who filled it with dangerous levels of happiness and joy and the hot chocolate would be his way for filling him with a healthy dose of reality. Elfin finally got into the workshop spouting off Christmas things like reindeer, snowmen, ribbon, mistletoe, garland, and cuddles.

Beebo offered it hot chocolate first. Elfin accepted and drank it. It detected chestbut milk and fell back onto the assembly line. A fire was triggered then Sprinkles's entire factory blew up. Elfin's pieces were thrown up into the sky and fell back to the site of the former factory in the shape of a Christmas tree.