

Justice League Satellite

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Real Identity: Not Applicable
Appearances: The Joining Part Two, The Batman/Superman Story Part Two, and Lost Heroes Part Two
Powers: Not Applicable
Voiced By: Not Applicable

After the Joining was defeated, the Martian Manhunter began to recruit super heroes to form a team. For months, construction began on a space station satellite headquarters. Batman secretly monitored it until the Martian Manhunter offered him membership into the Justice League. Batman accepted and quickly interfaced the satellite's computers with his own Batwave. The satellite established itself on geosyncronous orbit about 22,300 miles above the Equator. Members could teleport to and from the satellite thanks to a cutting edge teleportation station. In order to pass equal responsibility on everyone in the League, the members established a revolving watch duty in which one member was required to monitor Earth from the satellite's command center and dispatch the League on missions.

Despite housing some of the world's most advanced technology, its sensors still are unable to detect some alien arrivals. Sinestro was one known to avoid discovery. During the second Joining invasion, the League patched into the Satellite and uploaded command codes to shut down the Joining once and for all. The Justice League reunited in the Satellite with two visitors, Batgirl and Robin.