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Real Identity: Not Applicable
Appearances: The Batman/Superman Story Part One, Part Two, and Lost Heroes Part Two
Powers/Skills: Radiation
Voiced By: Not Applicable

When the planet Krypton exploded in the early 20th century, the remains were irradiated and was scattered across space. A modest amount accompanied Jor-El's rocket as it warped to Earth. Chemically it is found to contain 10.62% Dialium, 3.94% Mercury, 15.08% Plutonium, 24.02% Promethium, 18.06% Tantalum, 27.71% Xenon, and 0.57% of a previously unknown element.

Characterized by its green glow, Kryptonite was later found to cause Superman and Kryptonians pain and direct exposure, such as injection, would be fatal. Kryptonite is also fatal to humans over a long period of time, often causing cancer. Advances in technology are also able to simulate the radiation of Green Kryptonite. Lex Luthor continued to covet as much Kryptonite as he could but faced failure after failure.

Kryptonite was the main power source of the super villain, Metallo. When he attacked Superman in Gotham City, Batman confiscated the sample. Despite Superman's demands, Batman handed over a fake in a lead cannister. After Superman was taken over by Lex Luthor, he came to trust Batman with the sample, in case they same thing happened again. It remained hidden in a lab underneath WayneTech. Batman also constructed a ray gun that could fire blasts of simulated Kryptonite.