

Clayface (Karlo)

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Real Identity: Basil Karlo
Appearances: Clayfaces, The Batman/Superman Story Part One, and Part Two
Powers/Skills: Shape Shifting, Rapid Cellular Regeneration, and Acting
Voiced By: Wallace Langham and Lex Lang

Basil Karlo was born in Denver, Colorado and at age five, he was abandoned by his mother. Karlo went on to a career in acting. After filming "Revenge of the Atomic Clone," Karlo didn't work for 10 years. At the age of 40 and a height of 5'11'', Karlo was constantly rejected.

After a failed audition for Waggie Time Dog Food, Karlo overheard a news report about Wayne Industries and their cure for Clayface. Wanting that power for himself, Karlo infiltrated the lab as Dr. Norvoff and stole the original Clayface mutagen. He escaped capture after ingesting the highly concentrated agent. Karlo then returned to the dog food try outs and attacked the advertisement agents.

With newfound fame as the second Clayface, Karlo went on a rampage unchecked. The original Clayface lured him into a trap and convinced the Batman to inject them with the antidote. The two reverted to their human forms and were taken to Arkham Asylum. Karlo soon discovered he still retained his powers, because he absorbed the concentrated version.

Karlo escaped and a year later, he was hired by Lex Luthor to help kill Superman. When that plot failed, Clayface escaped and returned to a LexCorp lab in Gotham. When the Batman discovered Poison Ivy in the lab, Clayface appeared and attacked. However, the Batman was ready and hit him with a flash dehydrant. Clayface was reduced to dust and later confiscated by the police.