

Trigon's Army

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Real Identity: Not Applicable
Appearances: The End Part One, Part Two, and Part Three
Powers/Skills: Enhanced Physical Attributes, Rapid Cellular Regeneration, Fire Mimicry, and Armed Combat
Voiced By: Not Applicable

On the day of the prophecy when Trigon the Terrible arrives on Earth, his army rose to aid Slade in escorting Raven to the site. They resemble living flames and are loyal only to Trigon. Slade and the army arrived outside Titans Tower to collect Raven but were blasted with Cyborg, who integrated into the Tower. They were undamaged. Once Slade fulfilled his function, the army quickly turned on him and prevented him from striking Raven.

Slade and Robin later fought the army as they journeyed underground for the furtherance of their own agendas. Robin raced back to the surface with Robin as they gave chase and as the chasm collapsed. After Trigon was resealed into another dimension, the army went back into dormancy.