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Real Identity: Slade Wilson
Affiliation(s): H.I.V.E.
Appearances: Divide and Conquer, Final Exam, Forces of Nature, Masks, Apprentice Part One, Part Two, Terra, Titan Rising, Betrayal, Aftershock Part One, Part Two, Haunted, Birthmark, The Prophecy, The End Part One, Part Two, and Part Three
Appearances (New Teen Titans): Red X Unmasked, Apprentice, Part Three and Mayhem at First Sight
Powers/Skills: Above Average Physical Attributes, Tracking, Acrobatics, Sciences, Martial Arts and Other Unarmed combat, Armed Combat, Electronics, Strategy, Leadership, Analysis, Deduction, Manipulation, Escape Arts, and Infiltration
Voiced By: Ron Perlman

In the line of duty, Slade Wilson lost the use of his right eye in battle. Near the end of his military career, Wilson volunteered for hormone experiments aimed at creating the perfect soldier. Instead of increasing brain capacity, Wilson drifted into a coma. Beneath notice, Wilson's body experienced a tenfold increase in agility, stamina, and strength while his brain achieved 90% utilization. Wilson awoke and kept his discovery a secret. After being honorably discharged, Wilson became obsessed with control and leaving a legacy and became known only as Slade.

Slade became intrigued by the Teen Titans of Jump City. On a trial run three phase plan, he sent Cinderblock to break Plasmus out of cellblock nine and awaken him. Slade watched the team in disappointment but was shocked when they won in the zero hour. However, a feeling of elation came over him. He not only found operatives who could function in the real world, but felt he found a kindred soul and heir in Robin. Rather than announce himself to the Titans, he hired Gizmo, Jinx, and Mammoth from H.I.V.E. and sent them to attack the heroes. To test Robin live, Slade created an elaborate plan to distract his team by manipulating Thunder and Lightning into creating a giant fire beast. Alone, Slade fought against Robin. After seeing enough, Slade vanished.

Slade slowly began to manipulate Robin into becoming his apprentice. As Robin continued to obsess about Slade and shun his allies, he secretly became Red X to ally with Slade and eventually arrest him. To prove himself, Red X stole three microchips for Slade, who already deduced Red X was Robin. With Robin in a vulnerable state, Slade misdirected the Titans to Pier 41 to stop a Chronoton Detonator. Everyone except Robin were infected with nanoscopic probes and could be killed at Slade's whim. In return for their safety, Robin agreed to become Slade's apprentice. Rather than accept Slade as his master, Robin infected himself and forced Slade to destroy the killswitch. Angered at his loss, Slade activated his base's self-destruct mechanism and fled.

Slade then turned his attention to another project and began to tempt Terra to his side. He played on her fears and offered to mentor and teach her to control her power. After Terra fled the Titans, she accepted his offer. Slade trained her then sent Terra back to join the Titans and destroy them from within. In order to aid her acceptance, Slade activated a group of giant worms and programmed them to destroy the Titans Tower. She provided Slade with valuable intelligence and technology on and of the Titans so he could conduct a thorough analysis. At Slade's command, Terra deactivated the Titans Tower security and allowed an army of Robot Commandos to invade and attack the team.

However, Slade was disappointed when he found Terra with Beast Boy and deviated from his original plan. To account for her loyalties, Slade implanted Terra with a neural interface that allowed him to access her nervous system and fight alongside her. One by one, they defeated each Titan and forced them underground. The Titans rallied and confronted Slade as a volcano under Jump City was triggered. Terra used her powers to stop the volcano and Slade once and for all. Slade died in the aftermath after falling into a pit of molten lava. Slade's corpse was never recovered and even Robin hesitated to accept his death was absolute.

Slade was indeed saved by Trigon the Terrible. In return for being restored to flesh and blood, Slade would aid Trigon in opening the portal that would allow him to arrive on Earth. In the meantime, Slade became the living undead and gifted with super powers such as enhanced strength, pyrokinesis, invulnerability, and immunity to time manipulation. Ever aware of Trigon's nature, Slade secretly acquired a Ring of Azar. Years later, Slade resurfaced in Jump City and applied inscriptions on Raven, the daughter of Trigon and key to his arrival. Then he lit a three mile radius of a block slated for demolition in the form of the Mark of Scath. When the planets were aligned properly, Slade was dispatched to seize Raven. He was met with resistance from the Titans but Raven accepted her destiny and was escorted to an underground chamber dedicated to Trigon. Claiming Raven came on her own terms, Trigon stripped Slade of his powers.

Rather than be killed again, Slade survived due to the Ring of Azar. He approached the Titans and revealed Raven's location because it would aid him in getting his life back. Robin and Slade ventured deep into a hellish dimension. After they parted ways, Slade confronted a guardian bearing the Mark of Scath and opened a massive door. Restored to life, Slade took the guardian's axe and helped the Titans fight Trigon in a last ditch effort. Raven was inspired and used her remaining power to banish Trigon and save the world. Slade disappeared from sight. Over a year later, while Beast Boy investigated Terra's return, he assigned a robot duplicate of himself to stop him. Through the robot, he implored Beast Boy to let her live her new life. In the aftermath of the Titans' war against the Brotherhood of Evil, Slade is one of the few remaining super villains that are active.