

Sergeant Cosgrove

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Real Identity: Sergeant Mike Cosgrove
Appearances: Huggbees
Powers/Skills: Law Enforcement
Voiced By: Edward Asner

Sergeant Cosgrove is gruff police officer with a heart of gold. He is a friend of Freakazoid but in contrast, lacks enthusiasm for anything. Sergeant Cosgrove went to the Yum Yum Kitty Diner and called up Freakazoid to invite him over for donuts. Freakazoid was hesitant to accept since he was on a mission with the Teen Titans. Cosgrove added he was buying. Freakazoid joined him in an instant. He asked Cosgrove what he ordered. Cosgrove replied it was a Bismark. Freakazoid asked if that was the same as a Long John. Cosgrove corrected him that a Bismark was round shaped and a Long John was shaped like a rectangle. Freakazoid understood and realized it was like a maple bar. Cosgrove confirmed but pointed out maple bars were called Long Johns on the east coast. Freakazoid asked that an eclair was then. Cosgrove told him it was a Long John filled with custard. Freakazoid was amazed and asked him how he knew so much about donuts. Cosgrove revealed he learned it all from an old woman named Gladys. After Freakazoid left to rejoin the mission, Cosgrove called him again to tell him Gladys wore an eyepatch.