

The Jabbawockeez

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Real Identity: Various
Appearances: Justice League's Next Top Talent Idol Star: Dance Crew Edition Pt. 1 and Justice League's Next Top Talent Idol Star: Dance Crew Edition Pt. 2
Powers/Skills: Dancing
Voiced By: Not Applicable

Crewless during Justice League's Next Top Talent Idol Star: Dance Crew Edition, Robin used a rig to attach himself to four puppets he called the Jabbawockeez. The Justice League, Vibe, and the audience laughed at Robin's expense but he seemed oddly confident. The opening routine was awful, prompting Vibe to ask the audience if anyone had a miracle they could spare. On the sly, Robin used Raven's Spellbook to suddenly give life to the puppets and pull off a stunning routine. Vibe was so impressed, he pressed the platinum buzzer and passed Robin and the Jabbawockeez to the final round automatically. Using hand motions, during a confessional, the Jabbawockeez revealed they thought Robin was whack and were cutting him from the crew. They broke the news to Robin. He asked why. One motioned they thought he was a bad dancer. Robin ran backstage and cried in the restroom. For the final round, the Jabbawockeez went first and performed a routine with explosive SFX. They lost to the united Teen Titans.