

Book Wizard

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Real Identity: Unknown
Appearances: Magic Man
Powers/Skills: Mastery of Magic
Voiced By: Greg Cipes

The Book Wizard is an ancient and wise writer of all spellbooks, including one he wrote for Raven as a gift given by Trigon. For whatever reason, a second copy was made and stored at the Azarath Public Library. It took him a long time to complete the spellbook and got a lot of papercuts from the ordeal. In the present, both copies got destroyed by fire. Raven and Beast Boy set out on a long and dangerous journey from the library to the apartment complex where the Book Wizard resided. He recognized Raven's voice and buzzed her in. He became angry upon learning she lost both copies and refused to make a third one. He ordered her to leave. He broke a crawling book in half and conjured a blue fireball. Beast Boy came to her defense and threatened to get crazy on him if he didn't make a new spellbook. Book Wizard took offense to being threatened and conjured four fireballs. Beast Boy cast his burrito magic and wrapped all four fireballs into burritos and launched them like rockets. Book Wizard was knocked onto his back.

Book Wizard was impressed by Beast Boy's burrito magic. Beast Boy suddenly conjured a giant burrito then fired a massive ray on him. The Wizard shrieked and was transformed into a burrito. Beast Boy threatened to eat him. The Wizard yielded and agreed to make a third printing for Raven. He advised her not to lose it. They returned home but forgot to change the Wizard back to normal. A rotund demon the duo encountered at the library saw the Wizard and ate him.