

Space House

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Real Identity: Not Applicable
Appearances: Space House - Part 1, Space House - Part 2, Space House - Part 3, and Space House - Part 4
Powers: Not Applicable
Voiced By: Not Applicable

The Space House is a smart home with artificial intelligence and is fully mobilized for space travel. It has eight bedrooms that sleeps 20, a spacious open floor plan, strong WiFi, a private entrance, accesible to asteroid belt, and free spaceship parking. The kitchen is equipped with a 3-D printer that can make anything, including burritos, pizza, and nuggets. There is a virtual reality room that can accomodate up to four players. One bedroom is called the "Toilet Room" and has two Queen beds equipped with toilets and convenient flush handles on the headboards, great for night time relief. Another has a great view of space. Another has no gravity. One has two vibrating beds. One has a holographic entertainment system. One has a water bed. One is well protected with thick iron walls. The last has exposed ceilings and pipes, leaks dangerous fumes, and has a large cryo-tube.

The Teen Titans got an invitation in the mail for a free vacation in space aboard a Space House. Raven had some misgivings since they didn't know who invited them or where they were going. Cyborg and Beast Boy marveled at the kitchen's 3D printer snack machine. They started to quarrel but it making a burger or a burrito but the machine made a burgerrito to their delight. The Space House Artificial Domestic Intelligence (S.H.A.D.I.) introduced itself and informed the Titans it was voice activated and controlled everything in the house. The other guests assigned to that house arrived soon after, the Super Hero Girls from a parallel universe. Batgirl and Robin immediately started to compete with each other, starting with back flips, swinging around, and arm wrestling. Supergirl and Green Lantern took a liking to the snack machine, too. The latter hoped there was a Non-GMO setting and Beast Boy confirmed. Bumblebee worried that even a small meteorite could shatter the glass dome and suck them all out into the cold dark void of space. The other girls pointed out Bumblebee had a lot of irrational fears.

S.H.A.D.I. Informed them all it was time to pick bedrooms. They decided to use the most fair method. Everyone for themselves. Green Lantern got a room with a view. Batgirl got the room with no gravity. Cyborg and Beast Boy took the one with toilet beds. Robin got one with a water bed. Zatanna and Raven got one with the vibrating beds. Supergirl got the one with thick reinforced walls. Bumblebee was left with the last one, one with exposed ceilings, metallic finishes, smoke, and a cryotube. Hours later, the smoke made Bumblebee wake up coughing. She saw an alien creature crawl around and screamed. Robin and Batgirl responded but were skeptical until Bumblebee pointed out a slime trail. They thought it was the perfect opportunity for Bumblebee to master her fears. She retorted some fears kept you alive. Batgirl and Robin elected to track the creature with their detective skills. Batgirl's scanner determined the slime was derived from a creature of asterozilic nature. Robin tasted it and broke out in a rash. He continued to eat slime and mutated at each turn.

Supergirl came out of her room and was briefed on the situation. Batgirl traced the slime trail to a room. When they saw one of the creature's limb through the port hole, they agreed some armor would be needed. They spotted a power lifter but it was a tight fight. Bumblebee begrudgingly agreed to use the suit. After she went in the room, Batgirl and Supergirl learned Robin had mutated into a talking starfish. Starro turned out to be the alien creature. It tapped Bumblebee from behind and startled her. She slammed him around repeatedly, shoved him into the door, and stomped him. Supergirl pushed her way in. Bumblebee panicked and slammed Robin around, too. The others found them in the room and asked what was going on. Bumblebee quickly summed things up then declared she was throwing one into space but wasn't sure which one. The others were undecided, too, to Robin's chagrin. Ultimately, Starro was thrown into space. He froze up a little and cursed the invitation for a free vacation he got. Robin was placed in the cryotube and kept droning on about how he finally had powers and Batgirl would be jealous. Bumblebee noted maybe Starro wasn't so bad after all.

S.H.A.D.I. marveled at the incomprehensible majesty of the Orion Nebula but to its dismay, the Titans and Super Hero Girls were glued to the television and watched Muffin Wars. S.H.A.D.I. reminded them of the Space House's amenities but Cyborg turned it off. Green Lantern obliged the majority vote to skip the credits and made a hand construct to press the remote control and skip to the next episode. Raven remarked her ring was pretty powerful. Lantern noted she could create anything with it and made a pizza slice construct. Beast Boy became enamored with the ring and wanted to try it on. Robin and Cyborg admonished him be being rude to someone he barely knew. He started talking in the third person and leaped at her but Cyborg grabbed him by the head and asked him what had gotten into him. Beast Boy believed the ring was making him crazy. Supergirl noted power could have that effect on people. Raven added especially to people of limited brain capacity. Lantern demonstrated her oath but Beast Boy stole the ring.

They fought over it but the ring was tossed up and landed in Zatanna's magical top hat. Zatanna could only pull out rabbits and despite her warning to never go in it, Beast Boy then Green Lantern jumped in. She followed along with Raven, Robin, and Wonder Woman. The others opted to stay and continue watching Muffin Wars due to production constraints. Eventually, a portal appeared above Zatanna's hat and Lantern's hand reached down into the hat to pull Beast Boy up. Once Lantern had her Power Ring back, she tossed Beast Boy out of hat, reduced to tiny size. Starfire was overcome with glee and gave the little Beast Boy a crushing hug. Lantern vowed to hold onto her ring's power tight and never let anyone take it away, especially Beast Boy. Wonder Woman, Cyborg, Supergirl, and Starfire relaxed and talked about how they loved sitting around and chilling out without an unforeseen negative circumstances. S.H.A.D.I. burst into the living room and warned them about a meteor made entirely of meat that was on a collision course with the Space House.

Cyborg had a plan based on the movie "Armageddon" to become rugged oil drillers, dress up like astronauts and walk real slow to the space shuttle, say some emotional goodbyes, blast off into space, and plant a bomb deep inside the meteor then blow it up. Supergirl recognized the plot. Cyborg was annoyed she called it dumb and called it the greatest and most implausible movie with all the sappy Aerosmith songs and starred America's apathetic action hero Bruce Willis. Supergirl recalled Willis's character died at the end of the movie. Cyborg conceded that was true but he got to ride the bomb like a horsey. Wonder Woman thought the idea was terrible. They were unable to agree with what to do. S.H.A.D.I. informed them the house had a holographic projector and could test out their ideas. Starfire hugged it. Supergirl tried her idea first. It was to simply punch the meteor. However, her uppercut only reshaped it into a giant meat butt. She tried heat vision then freeze breath but it only got worse with each attempt and the frozen meat butt collided with Space House.

Cyborg was still sure he knew how to solve the problem. Wonder Woman told him they weren't using the Armageddon plan and he could never rock out to Aerosmith. Starfire proposed they live on the meteor instead. They composed a town made of meat but it began to go bad. The resulting smell attracted meat bears and they got attacked. Starfire ceased the simulation. Wonder Woman believed there was only one person who could solve their problem: Steve Trevor. She believed his military background and brilliance would save them. Supergirl added she also had a crush on him. Wonder Woman pushed her away and stated they were dealing with a major crisis and there was no time for romance. The simulation started as a dinner date between Diana Prince and Steve Trevor while everyone else worked at the Italian restaurant. Supergirl wasn't having it and flipped their table. Wonder Woman assured her they would come up with plan but kept prolonging. Soon, the simulation shifted to their wedding. A meat bear from Starfire's failed simulation was their priest. The bouquet was tossed into Supergirl's face.

Supergirl showed Wonder Woman a tablet and informed her they had 30 minutes and 18 seconds left. Next, Prince and Trevor successfully bought a home after finally getting out of virtual escrow. Supergirl demanded a plan. Wonder Woman promised to. The meteor struck them. She ended the simulation. S.H.A.D.I. warned them meteor impact was imminent in 11 minutes. Wonder Woman conceded there was no time to run another simulation and had to do Cyborg's plan. They quickly practiced drilling for oil in the front yard so they could dig a hole deep enough to plant a bomb inside the meteor. Supergirl thought they were wasting time and should just use their superpowers to make the hole. Cyborg was amused and pointed out there were no superpowers in "Armageddon." He batted her into the drill, it collapsed, and Supergirl was shot up by a stream of oil. They dressed as astronauts and walked super slow to the rocket shuttle. Cyborg still managed to slip over the stepping stones Beast Boy was mopping. Cyborg and Beast Boy had an emotional goodbye but Cyborg told him not to worry since he was only going to fly through space with a nuclear bomb strapped to 40 tons of rocket fuel.

The flight was terrifying until Cyborg hit a button marked "Smooth." He decided to leave the pilot's seat and ride the bomb. The others wanted him to get back the chair but he didn't think they would hit anything. The shuttle drifted into a patch of space debris that damaged both engines. Cyborg opted for an emergency landing and spun the wheel. The shuttle spun towards the meteor at high speed and burrowed into the center of it. Supergirl confirmed the bomb was fine but Starfire revealed the remote detonator was destroyed. Wonder Woman believed the honorable solution was to draw straws. Cyborg volunteered to stay behind because it was his fault for looking to Hollywood for ideas when he should have used his head. Cyborg separated his head and programmed the body to stay behind and manually detonate the bomb. It was a success. Beast Boy watched the feed and thought Cyborg died. He sadly listened to Aerosmith and stated Steven Tyler was his only friend. The girls returned and presented Cyborg's head. Beast Boy was elated he was mostly okay. Cyborg's body floated into space giving a thumb's up.

The Titans and Super Hero Girls were content with the Space House. Zatanna tossed aside the suspicious circumstances of their invitations and declared it was the best. S.H.A.D.I. informed they were approaching their destination in a few moments. They speculated where that could be. Green Lantern guessed the Emerald Forest of Oa, Starfire guessed the Fire Springs of Tamaran, and Beast Boy hoped it was that good space beach. The final destination turned out to be the skull ship of Brainiac's mother. It pulled the Space House in through its mouth into a part of the ship that simulated a typical American suburb. They noticed several superheroes and supervillains from various parallel universes at their own Space Houses. The Space House landed on the last empty lot and the dome retracted. S.H.A.D.I. implored everyone to follow it outside for answers. Brainiac pulled in a golf cart and greeted the Titans. He admitted they technically already met him through S.H.A.D.I. then tossed it aside where it exploded. He officially introduced himself and gave himself the title of "The Multiverse's Most Brilliant Mastermind."

Robin wanted an explanation. Brainiac revealed he was collecting heroes and villains from across the Multiverse by offering the one thing they want the most, a free vacation. The arrival of the Teen Titans and Super Hero Girls signaled his collection was now complete. Robin jumped on his chest and demanded he free them. Brainiac shoved him off and stated he did not listen to anyone. Suddenly, a big screen lowered down behind him and his mother came on. She informed him he forgot to clean his room again. Brainiac insisted he was busy lately. She only saw him playing with his toys. He clarified they were collectibles. She asked him if he at least put on clean underwear. The atmosphere started to get awkward and Supergirl asked if they should wait in the house. Brainiac told his mother to stop embarrassing him and that he was an intergalactic supervillain. She retorted he was more like an intergalactic disappointment, a full-grown android who lived with his mother. He reiterated he was working on moving out. She pointed out he had no money, no job, and no girlfriend then told him it was to to grow up.

Brainiac had enough and turned off the screen and threw his remote at it. He noted it was really hard to be an adult. He kicked the screen away the face planted on the lawn. Robin suggested they could help him. He was intrigued. Batgirl proposed they would teach him how to act grown up. Wonder Woman added that in exchange, he would let them go. Brainiac agreed to the deal especially since it would get his mother off his back. Robin, Cyborg, and Beast Boy taught him to get a job, the handshake was the key to making a good first impression, not academic credentials, letters of recommendation, and a polished resume. Cyborg told him to make sure the webbing that connects his thumb and forefinger connects with the webbing of the other person. Beast Boy and Cyborg emphasized he not finger shake, not have a swamp hand, and never give a weak handshake. Beast Boy added he had to commit to the handshake. Cyborg reminded him to wash his hands for at least 20 seconds and not touch his mouth, eyes, or mouth after.

Brainiac found it all so confusing and was hesitant. Robin reassured him he could do it and reminded him to look his employer straight in the eye, maintain a strong grip, and don't let go until they let go. He offered to practice. Brainiac removed his hand glove to reveal pincers and tried out the handshake. Robin shrieked in agony and yelled at him to let go. Brainiac thought he was supposed to go first. Green Lantern, Raven, Zatanna, and Supergirl worked on teaching him how to date. Green Lantern revealed they were going to hold a mock date with Supergirl. He looked at her, with an armful of food and pizza hanging out of her mouth. Zatanna told him the first thing he should do is compliment her then give her a little gift. Brainiac understood and told Supergirl she looked very adequate then presented the Bottle City of Kandor. He admitted he liked to shake it up and watch the tiny people freak out. Supergirl found that horrible. Brainiac tossed it then offered her a three eyed Snapping Sea Turtle.

Zatanna took it away and tossed it and gave him a bouquet of roses. He laid it over the candle on the table and it vaporized. Raven told him to ask her about her interests. He asked. Supergirl talked about how she was originally from Krypton but Brainiac got bored and tried to skip to the goodnight kiss. Supergirl got the turtle and it clamped onto his lips. He winced and fell on his back. Batgirl, Bumblebee, Wonder Woman, and Starfire worked making him look like an adult. Brainiac thought he had a slick pink vinyl white collar shirt, totally fly Go-go boots, and hipper than hip jet black short shorts. Starfire was blunt and told him he looked like the mixture of the nerd and the dweeb, the nerweeb. Brainiac realized she was right and declared he was a complete disaster and wasn't cut out to be an adult. He sobbed and balled up on the floor. The girls consoled him. Batgirl asked him to have a little more patience and they would make sure he got the hang of it. He perked up and they completed the makeover with glasses, a combover, sweater vest, and slacks.

Brainiac drove back to Space House and thanked the Titans and Super Hero Girls for giving him a makeover and helping him getting a job and girlfriend. He held up his end of the bargain. He pushed down the arrow on their mailbox and the Space House was released and levitated. Bumblebee thanked him. Brainiac assured her she didn't have to and shared his realization that collecting superheroes and villains was kid stuff so he moved onto destroying planets. He pushed a remote that activated a giant cannon that rose from the top of the skull ship. Starfire pointed out all the innocent lives that would be lost. Brainiac retorted she couldn't tell him what to do since he was an adult. A piece of the sidewalk under him rose up to the open spot in the ceiling. Cyborg agreed with his point. Zatanna pointed out they had to do something. Wonder Woman told everyone they could take out the laser if they worked together. Raven pointed out they changed Brainiac from a sniveling dweeb into a full-grown adult. Beast Boy realized they could do anything.

Robin asked Cyborg if he could pilot the Space House. Cyborg produced a USB port from a fingertip and ran back into the living room where he connected to a port in table. The Space House activated and a pilot's chair rose up below Cyborg. They took off for the exit but the mouth of the ship was closing. Robin instructed someone to shoot the uvula. Supergirl, Starfire, Green Lantern, and Raven opened fire. The skull ship gagged and coughed out all the Space Houses. The Titans and Super Hero Girls fired on the ship in unison but it wasn't enough to even ding it. Wonder Woman reminded them they weren't alone. Robin directed every superhero and villain to go. The combined attacks successfully destroyed the skull ship. Brainiac clung to the big screen as it drifted into space. His mother was exasperated at the destruction of her ship and called him a disappointment. Brainiac meekly apologized. Cyborg congratulated everyone. Raven wondered how they were going to get everyone back to their parallel universes. Robin stated they weren't. Wonder Woman declared this was where they would live. Batgirl accepted that. Beast Boy declared they should hit up that space beach. Their Space House activated its dome and it plowed through several of the others.