

North Pole

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Real Identity: Not Applicable
Appearances: The True Meaning of Christmas, The Teen Titans Go Easter Holiday Classic, Halloween v Christmas, Easter Creeps, Beast Boy On A Shelf, Christmas Crusaders, Pepo the Pumpkinman, and Welcome to Halloween
Powers: Not Applicable
Voiced By: Not Applicable

Santa Claus' Village is located in the North Pole. It is populated with his home, a giant toy factory, reindeer stables, and gingerbread houses. The Teen Titans infiltrated the village disguised as elves in an effort to find the Naughty List and erase their names after three years of no presents. Cyborg went to the toy factory but was so loud he stopped the converyor belts and the Elf Boss stepped out. Cyborg pinned the noise on a fellow elf and got him fired. Beast Boy went to the stables and ended up insulting Rudolph. Raven and Starfire met the Gingerbread Man and ended up eating him, his pet cat Gumdrop, belongings, and house. Robin entered Santa's home and found the Naughty List but couldn't erase the Titans from it. The Titans voiced their beef with Santa but were lectured about the true meaning of Christmas. Robin opted to blow up the toy factory. Santa did not relent and tried to prove his point of the importance of spending time with family and friends. He cracked under the pressure of the awkward silence and realized he was wrong. Presents mattered the most. Raven used her magic to return the factory to normal. Santa and the Titans departed the village and delivered presents.

In search of any information regarding the Easter Bunny, who went missing, the Titans paid a visit to Santa. He shared a rumor he heard the Easter Bunny went crazy. Santa decided to help and deliver eggs in his place. Robin later suspected Santa was the culprit and flew the Titans back to the North Pole. They sneaked into his factory and discovered various representatives of holidays locked up. Santa revealed his plan to take over the entire holiday calendar and put on a super suit. Raven released George Washington, Turkey, Cupid Baby, and a Leprechaun. The Leprechaun and Washington defeated Santa. Robin tied him up with a grapnel line and vowed he would pay for his crimes. After the Titans and Creatures of the Night tricked Santa on Halloween with a bag of dynamite, he was blown all the way back to the North Pole just outside his village. After another failed attempt to steal Easter, Santa was punched by Raven through a portal back to the outskirts of his village.

Beast Boy was knocked out by a reindeer and whisked away to the North Pole. He awoke to Santa. Santa revealed he was watching and Beast Boy was very, very naughty, plus he had the evidence. Beast Boy asked what he wanted. Santa revealed he was being investigated by the North Pole Bureau of Internal Affairs for cutting corners with assigning people to the naughty list. He needed proof of naughtiness to keep his operation from being shut down but the Titans' anti-surveillance system was blocking his magic. He wanted Beast Boy to be his spy. Beast Boy refused despite being beaten by the reindeer and being threatened with getting no more presents. He eventually agreed to the deal. Santa asked for some cheese for their "rat." The reindeer slammed it on Beast Boy's face. He asked if it was vegan. Santa warned him not to break his promise or his reindeer would break him. Beast Boy returned to inform Santa about Cyborg sneaking cookies before dinner. He got slapped. Santa wondered if he needed more "persuading." Beast Boy promised to do better.

Santa vowed to get his evidence one way or another and wanted to put a wire on Beast Boy. He refused. The reindeer put a bell strap around his knuckles. Beast Boy caved again. Eventually, Robin deduced Beast Boy was informing on them and decided to have him spy on Santa. The Titans waited in the T-Car outside of the village while Beast Boy sneaked into Kringle Manor and hid in a Christmas tree. He snapped photos of Santa putting an innocent girl named Jane on the naughty list. Santa sniffed him out and yanked him out of the tree. He demanded to know who sent him. The other Titans arrived to bust him but Santa still had his evidence. They were at an impasse. They agreed to keep what they knew to themselves. But they were still concerned with Beast Boy and took aim at him. Beast Boy turned into a rat and fled the manor.

One freezing day, Santa was irritated with Dick Grayson's sloppy gift wrapping. Grayson contended it was the thought that counts. Santa told him lack of precision today becomes a life in the dumpster tomorrow. He threw the present into the fire. Grayson promised to get it right next time. The Coal Miner threw a present into the manor, breaking a mirror and hitting Grayson in the back of the head. Santa smacked Grayson before he could open it and pointed out how unusual it would be for Santa to have a present. Grayson cautiously opened it. It was a lump of coal. Santa knew it was a message from the Coal Miner. Grayson didn't understand and noted it was one of the cleanest forms of energy. Santa threw the coal at his head and admonished him for his coal industry propaganda then clued him about how coal was given to naughty kids and the naughtiest were the Teen Titans. They ran to Santa's desk. Grayson pressed the hidden button in the snowman figure, revealing a set of Claus canes behind the fireplace. They descended to the Claus cave and left on Santa's sleigh.

After the Coal Miner was defeated and the Titans were back home, Santa smacked Grayson for not being quiet and eating his cookies. Grayson saw the Santa signal outside. Santa bemoaned they were the only ones without a holiday and threw his plate of cookies on the floor. They made their way to the Claus canes. The Teen Titans took Pepo the Pumpkinman on an epic journey to the North Pole so that the cold temperatures could keep him fresh year round. However, there was a border checkpoint manned by the Abominable Snowman and fruit and vegetables were considered contraband. The Titans hid Pepo under bales of hale while Robin drove up to the checkpoint. The Abominable Snowman burst out of the guard shack and roared then walked over with a clipboard. He repeated the same general welcome to the North Pole and asked Robin if he had anything to declare. Robin was nervous and sweated. He told him there was nothing but his boring, lifeless hay. He inspected the hay, sniffed it, and poked it with a pitchfork. The Titans stumbled out. He saw Pepo and was enraged at their attempt to ignore customs regulations. He stomped the ground and they went flying. The tractor landed on the Titans and exploded.

Raven and Cyborg emerged from the wreckage and charged, screaming and blasting. The Abominable Snowman tossed a huge snowball at them and they rolled into a palm tree. Beast Boy turned into a moose and charged but the Abominable Snowman effortlessly stopped him with one hand while drinking his soda then tossed him into Starfire, pinning her to a palm tree. Robin charged with his staff but he was repeatedly bashed with a giant ice club. The Abominable Snowman inspected Robin then tossed the club onto the other Titans. Raven implored Pepo to defeat him. Pepo pointed out he was in no shape to fight. She instructed him to unleash the magic from his hat. The magic activated and he levitated into mid-air. Pepo summoned the Halloween night frights. The Abominable Snowman was freaked out by the spiders, bats, and skeletons. He plowed past the checkpoint to the North Pole screaming like a monkey.

Pepo continued to waste away and knew he wasn't going to make it. He puked all over them. They wouldn't accept it. He told them he was cool with heading to "the big abandoned department store that turns into a Halloween shop once a month out of the year in the sky." Robin carried Pepo into the North Pole until he couldn't walk any further. He bid the Titans goodbye and melted away. Frosty the Snowman suddenly greeted them. Cyborg blasted his head off and told someone to quickly put Pepo's head on. Robin checked Pepo's head on and the magic revitalized him. They marched through a Halloween blizzard. Pepo spotted someplace to take shelter. Robin was elated with the cozy alpine village. He shoved Robin aside and pointed out a creepy castle above the village. Pepo declared it would be a Halloween adventure. They ran over Robin, the lone voice of concern. Robin sped in front of Pepo and knocked softly. He tried to usher everyone back to the village but the door creaked open. Pepo called out and wished anyone a Happy Halloween. The door slammed and Raven admitted the place was creepy even by her standards.

They heard a roar and saw a shadow approaching them. Robin ordered them to cower in fear. Beast Boy thought he was just a harmless old man. Krampus suddenly greeted them and they screamed. Raven informed he they were just trying to get out of the cold. Krampus understood and welcomed them inside his castle and offered to show them to the fireplace to warm their feet. Pepo thanked him and called him friend. Robin was still concerned and pointed out he had horns on his head and a long forked tongue. Pepo complimented the castle. Krampus mentioned it was in his family for generations. Robin still thought he seemed off. The others did not. Robin looked at portraits that illustrated how he scared children, ate them when they were naughty, and he was friends with Santa Claus. Robin realized who he was. Krampus implored him to speak up because he considered whispering to be rude.

Robin correctly identified him as Krampus. The others had no idea who he was. He called himself one of the more obscure holiday legends then tossed Robin. He gave him a cup of hot tea but it was a prank. Robin pulled his tea bag out to find a spider at the end of the string instead and shrieked. Krampus laid down some rules for their stay in his castle. The first rule was to not make a mess. Rule 2 was "Do not disobey the Krampus ever!" The last rule was to never go into the forbidden room nearby. Pepo was curious and wanted to go inside. The others tries to dissuade him. Beast Boy guessed it was filled with an army of undead reindeer. Raven thought it was full of monsters. Starfire thought it was a room filled with precious memories of his youth. Robin thought it was filled with the bones of all the children Kramus ate for dinner. Krampus overheard "dinner." Robin improvised and lied they were hungry. Krampus chuckled over his lack of manners and went to make them dinner. It was a pile of eyeballs, a brainloaf, and a purple glob trying to eat Starfire. She blew it up with starbolts.

Krampus was upset with the mess. He told her it was okay and asked her to go in the kitchen and help him with something. Robin panicked and thought Krampus was going to eat her. They heard Starfire scream then Krampus emerged from the kitchen. He told them she was baking but they thought the worst. He had a surprise for them, a jigsaw puzzle. They started with the edges per his suggestion. They complied out of fear. It was an image of Black Manta on an octopus monster attacking dolphins, Aquaman, Superman, and Wonder Woman. Krampus thought it was funny the monster was eating the dolphins. They nervously nodded in agreement. Pepo was amused with something but Krampus hit their heads with his stick for whispering. Krampus noticed a piece was missing from the puzzle and frantically looked around. Pepo clued the others in that he had it and was playing a prank on Krampus. He started to lose his patience. Pepo revealed he had it. The Titans wrestled Pepo for it but the piece landed in the fireplace and vaporized on contact with the flames.

Krampus declared they were naughty children and would be eaten. He chased them around the castle. Pepo directed the Titans to the forbidden room. Starfire's theory was right. Raven noted he looked so young and full of life. Krampus admitted he never wanted to be Krampus but he had no choice because it was handed down from generation to generation. He even stated he hated the job. Starfire arrived with desert, a plate of chocolate chip cookies. She explained she burned her hand and screamed. Krampus pointed out they thought the worst of him and that's why he hated the job but he wasn't so bad. Raven pointed out he was scary. Krampus explained he scared children so they behaved for Christmas otherwise there would be no presents. He felt no one appreciated him and just hated him. Starfire suggested he worked on the wrong holiday. Pepo suggested Halloween since he wouldn't have to change much. Krampus admitted he didn't leave his castle much.

They sang a song to explain Halloween to him. Krampus pulled two trick-or-treaters into the castle and scared them to the point they fainted. Krampus was truly happy for the first time in his life but needed someone to take over for him. The others reasoned it would have to be a control freak, a stickler for rules, and someone who smelled like a goat. They elected Robin to take over as the next Krampus. Robin accepted. Krampus used his stick to make antlers for him then gave him most of his fur as a coat. He took quickly to the new role and chased after them.