

Gobble-Gobble Land

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Real Identity: Not Applicable
Appearances: Wishbone
Powers: Not Applicable
Voiced By: Not Applicable

Gobble-Gobble Land is a far-away realm that is the source of Thanksgiving magic. A powerful being known as the Great Turkey resides there. Those that seek him must brave the Great Turkey Trot, a 5K that is guarded by beloved Thanksgiving traditions often in giant monstrous forms. The Teen Titans flew there in the T-Jet to get their wishbone repaired so their wishes would expire. After crashing the T-Jet into a giant canned cranberry stack, they started the trot. The first tradition was playing football against giant Brussels sprouts. Cyborg eventually realized the key wasn't getting around them but to go through them. Using his wish of having three more stomachs, he munched through them. Next, they rode a cup down a gravy river. Starfire listened to her Crock Cooker and went left. They went down severe rapids then off a waterfall. Though stuck in a state of sleep, Raven still saved them and floated them down to land safely. They encountered a cornucopia that was really a giant scorpion. It stung Robin in the face multiple times, but his Man Hands fought back then threw it high into the air where it exploded.

They were chased by other traditions, a potato, carrot, and radish. They passed the finish line and spotted the Great Turkey's lair, a giant squash turned into a home. The Great Turkey emerged but the lair was launched into the air. He welcomed them and asked what he could do for them. Beast Boy explained they needed a wishbone to be repaired so they would no longer be stuck as their Thanksgiving wishes. He easily fixed it but nothing happened. Great Turkey explained Thanksgiving was a day of giving but their wishes were selfish so a thoughtful deed of giving would undue it once and for all. Beast Boy got an idea to throw a Thanksgiving picnic. It was a success and the Titans returned to normal. Great Turkey was so impressed with the casserole Starfire and Crock Cooker made, the latter was given the gift of life. Crock was about to quote his best friend Yogi Bear but Robin exclaimed he was tired of his lies. Yogi Bear arrived and stole some food from the picnic. The Titans pursued in vain as Yogi and Crock took off in a flying magic basket.