

Doom Patrol Headquarters

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Real Identity: Not Applicable
Appearances: That's What's Up, Crab Shenanigans, Brobots, Brain Flip, A Doom Patrol Thanksgiving Part 1, A Doom Patrol Thanksgiving Part 2, Our House, Elasti-Bot, Negative Feels, and New Chum
Powers: Not Applicable
Voiced By: Not Applicable

The Doom Patrol Headquarters is a run down looking mansion in Codsville on the east coast of the USA where the Doom Patrol lives. On Beast Boy's first day back for his annual summer visit, Chief blew up the front door and chased after Robotman and Negative Girl because they stole his dinners. Elasti-Girl reminded Chief and Robotman about the rules, no fighting on the lawn then placed them on the driveway. Beast Boy complimented Brain's lawn. Brain retorted it would be nice if they would cut theirs and the neighborhood would appreciate it. Chief thought he was being dumb because their long grass was hiding the garbage that the rats lived in. Brain joked he considered calling pest control but doubted they would get rid of the Doom Patrol. Only he found the joke amusing. Beast Boy invited him to their clambake later that day. Brain revealed he was already throwing a clambake for the Homeowners Association at the beach. Robotman was delighted and hoped their clambakes could be "neigh-bros" like they were. Brain asked if they had the proper permits for their clambake.

Chief lied they did. The rest of the Doom Patrol played along. Brain called them a family of degenerates and doubted they could do anything right, much less get the proper permits. Elasti-Girl implored him to check with City Hall. Beast Boy and Negative Girl were about to leave to hang out with crabs. The Chief and Elasti-Girl voiced their disapproval. Chief warned those "bottom-feeders" would get them into trouble. Negative Girl argued he thought everyone was one. Robotman announced he was going, too, but they weren't concerned since he was a nerd. Elasti-Girl blocked the door with a huge hand and asked Negative Girl if she did her chores. She tried to delegate them to later but Chief stood to the rules. Negative Girl put on her act and pretended to feel sick. Elasti-Girl fell for it and told her to go to her room and rest. Chief refused to do her chores. Negative Girl projected her energy form outside to Beast Boy and Robotman and they headed to the beach.

After getting into shenanigans with the crabs, Negative Girl had to return to her body before she peed herself and went nuclear out of embrassment. Beast Boy invited the crabs to come along back to the Doom Patrol's house despite not having permission to have friends over. As soon as they went in, the crabs turned on them and punched them then start pillaging the house. More crabs arrived in a van and stripped the house interior. They even stole Negative Girl's body. Robotman elected to stay behind to fool Chief and Elasti-Girl while Beast Boy and Negative Girl tracked down the crabs' hideout. Robotman caved and told them the truth when they returned home. They set out to save Beast Boy and Negative Girl.

Robotman and Beast Boy hung out in a backyard above-ground pool. They talked about how it was more natural and classy. Beast Boy became evasive when Robotman asked if he was the only best bro in his life. Cyborg suddenly cannonballed into the pool and revealed the Titans happened to be in Codsville fighting a sea monster but he decided to hang out with Beast Boy instead. Beast Boy was nervous and finally introduced the two. They soon realize they had similar origins and hobbies. The trio went out of ice cream then went back home to play charades with the rest of the Patrol. Elasti-Girl got "cat" but it was a terrible impression according to Chief and Negative Girl. She snapped at them. Cyborg got President Zachary Taylor and Robotman guessed it within seconds without much of a hint. They were accused of cheating. Robotman presented his collection of 1980s situational comedies. He and Cyborg looked back fondly on an episode of Alf. Elasti-Girl realized how much in common they had.

Chief offered to combine them into one person. Beast Boy thought that was messed up but Robotman and Cyborg were all for sharing a body. They all went deep down to Chief's lab below the property. Cyborg and Robotman were fused into one but the process mistakenly advanced their friendship to such a close personal level that the entire relationship turned toxic and unnatural. They flew to Codsville and went on a rampage. After Beast Boy got them to split up over Cyborg's crippling credit card debt, Chief told them they couldn't hand out ever again or the world would be destroyed. Robotman decided to temporarily take Cyborg's place on the Teen Titans so he and Beast Boy could hang out some more. The Chief completed his highly advanced virtual reality machine in his lab and explained to the Patrol it was designed to trap the Brain in a simulated classroom lecture for the rest of his life. Beast Boy revealed he was returning to Jump City the next day. They tried to trap him but he dodged it and took the elevator back up.

Elasti-Girl tried to get him with vegan cookies but Beast Boy knew something was up and offered some to Robotman. Robotman ate one and passed out. Negative Girl and Robotman waited around a corner with a bat. Robotman swung but Beast Boy was in his gorilla form. He roared and they bolted. Beast Boy went down the stairs as a dog. Elasti-Girl revealed herself and made her body rigid. Beast Boy slid down into a dog carrier held by Negative Girl but he turned into a mouse and escaped. Chief put the house on lockdown and sealed it up but Beast Boy unleashed a toot. They went into a panic and fainted. After Beast Boy went to sleep, they subjected him to the Chief's virtual reality machine. The Patrol started to critique the jinky graphics, use of their voices for the Titans, and a second Beast Boy but things backfired when Chief adjusted the Titans jerk protocols in attempt to drive Beast Boy to them. The Titans decided to destroy Beast Boy, which would kill him in real life.

The Doom Patrol went into the simulation but could not defeat the Titans. Beast Boy got them to try his "brain flip" idea. It worked and the simulator was unable to converse with their brains anymore. They were all released. Beast Boy made sure they were finally okay with letting him go back to Jump City. They put on a false front again then Chief sprung his trap and Beast Boy was caught to his annoyance.

Beast Boy visited the Doom Patrol in Codsville on Thanksgiving. Elasti-Girl frantically tried to finish preparing the meals before the Codsville Thanksgiving Parade started while preventing Robotman from touching the turkey. The Chief watched football in the room next to the kitchen. Elasti-Girl extended her arms around Beast Boy then pulled him for a big hug and coddled him like a baby. Negative Girl introduced him to her new friend, Mr. Turkey, assembled from last year's leftovers. She did his voice and implored Beast Boy to call him "Sal," because he was full of salmonella. Robotman ruffled his hair and suggested they go wrestle in the fall leaves and dislocate their body parts. They passed by Chief, who gave Beast Boy a hard hand shake and warned him to stay away from his TV remote. Robotman protested he didn't want to rewatch the football all day long. He cartwheeled and snatched the remote and changed the channel to the dog show. Chief demanded the remote back. He complied but revealed he took the batteries out.

Chief's wheelchair transformed into a robot suit. He charged and tackled Robotman through the TV and wall into the kitchen then bopped his jaw repeatedly. Elasti-Girl told them to stop but was ignored so she picked them both up and reminded them it was Thanksgiving, not Christmas. Chief retorted Robotman started it. Robotman apologized then asked if he could get Chief a warm bottle or some nursery rhymes because he was acting like a big baby. They started arguing. Elasti-Girl slammed them on the floor and told them to help Negative Girl set the ping pong table for dinner. They complied. Beast Boy noted to Elasti-Girl she had a lot on her plate. She showed him the center piece she made out of locally sourced weeds. A possum peered out from it and hissed at Beast Boy. She noted she cleaned the bats out the attic, including chasing Batman out with a broom. She then revealed she spent all morning making Beast Boy a tofu turkey.

Elasti-Girl extended her neck to check the time on the clock and hoped she got the rest of the cooking done before the parade. She shared with Beast Boy that it was her dream to be in the parade ever since she was a young girl. Beast Boy implored her to do it. She didn't think she could ever be in the parade. Beast Boy got an idea to build a parade float for her and recruited Robotman and Negative Girl in secret. They liked the idea as a way to thank her for everything she did for them on Thanksgiving and went to work in the underground laboratory. While in possession of a saw, Negative Girl accidentally sliced off Robotman's left arm but they both laughed about it. Once the float was done, they called to Elasti-Girl. She peered out the window on the second floor. Robotman hinted they had a surprise for her. She got excited, ran downstairs, and burst through the wall as a spring with Chief in tow. Chief stated it better be good because he was missing the game. Robotman extended his arm and pushed the button on his chest.

The driveway opened up and the float was revealed. Elasti-Girl was amazed. Robotman explained each part of the float represented each member of the family like the football player to represent the Chief's love of extreme sports injuries and dogs to represent his love of the dog show. Negative Girl presented a giant mechanical turkey that breathed flames, after her friend Mr. Turkey. Beast Boy explained the giant toilet represented his tradition of eating so much food that he had to take a big Thanksgiving poop and the mama bear represented her, their mama bear. Its leash was held by the football player. Elasti-Girl teared up and called it the best float ever. She hugged the trio very hard. They drove the float to the parade. The Doom Patrol played football in the living room Chief passed it to Robotman. Robotman threw it but it cracked a photo frame, bounced off the floor between Elasti-Girl's legs, bounced off the wall, and rolled under a couch. Beast Boy turned into a gorilla and flipped the couch. They found the football next to a projector and a box of film reels.

Chief started to get nervous and said they were just old home movies about how each of them got super powers. They were eager to watch them but Chief wanted to do something else. They all yelled "No!" at the same time and watched Robotman's reel. Beast Boy wondered what Chief was doing in the same night club as Cliff Steele. Elasti-Girl recalled he hated music. Chief replied he couldn't remember because it was years ago. He didn't kindly to being put on trial and suggested they get something to eat. Negative Girl played her reel next. She realized it was about the day Chief helped her beat the Test Pilot arcade game so she could enough tickets to win her Squishy-Mushy Face teddy bear. Robotman was suspicious Chief was spending his leisure time at the arcade. Elasti-Girl agreed but Chief didn't and declared he was starving. Elasti-Girl played her reel. She realized it was about how she made it as a Hollywood actor. She wondered what Chief was doing on the set that day. Chief didn't find it important and wanted to eat.

Beast Boy stopped him from leaving the room and played his reel. Robotman thought it was fun watching all those home movies. Negative Girl wondered who filmed all of them. Robotman didn't care. They cheered. He accidentally knocked over the projector and box the reels were in. They found a folder marked "Top Secret" and learned Chief planned to turn them into a team of superheroes the whole time. Chief claimed he did it to turn them into a family. They were moved he cared enough to turn them into a family of freaks. They did a group hug. Chief told them not to get all gushy on him. He turned away from them and smiled.

The Brain was enjoying some gardening outside his house in Codsville and planted a bush but he was disrupted when his petunias were blown up by the Doom Patrol hooking up the old power generator. He stated their whole house could use maintenance and it was a nuisance, plus it was lowering the property value of his house. Negative Girl teased they loved living next to him because they knew it drove him crazy. Brain believed the house should be demolished. Chief thought it was a good thing he didn't have the power or authority to do it. Brain got an idea. Two weeks later, Brain visited the Doom Patrol and revealed he was now the president of the Codsville Homeowner's Association. He was visiting for a surprise inspection and if he detected three violations, he had the authority to condemn the house and have it demolished. He had Mallah on stand-by in a backhoe loader. He was amused Elasti-Girl claimed they were just tidying up because the house was in shambles. Two fighting raccoons fell on the floor behind him and rolled off without him noticing.

Chief claimed the house was state of the art and had the world's most advanced security system. Brain scoffed and mused he would be the judge of that. He ran over a floor trigger and several darts were fired. Negative Girl used her powers and threw her body to act as a shield before Brain saw them. Brain thought it was drafty and checked the thermostat but was working. He moved the lever up and triggered twin ceiling flame throwers. Chief jumped behind him and took the brunt of the flames. Elasti-Girl was annoyed Chief booby trapped the thermostat. He claimed it was the only way to keep everyone else from messing with it. Brain ran over buttons on the floor, triggering an anvil, boxing glove in a wall that punched Beast Boy, and an alligator that fell on top of him. He ran past an infrared laser, activating a trap door but Elasti-Girl stretched over it and was run over. He checked the living room and saw an unsanctioned missile defense system. Beast Boy lied it was just a video game but Brain wanted to play and launched the Boom Patrol missile outside.

Robotman begged it not to fire and was launched, scaring ducks and Superman. Brain wanted to blow up a house but in reality, the missile headed for Brain's house. Robotman managed to change the trajectory but it still blew up and Robotman fell through the ceiling and landed on Beast Boy. Chief tried to convince him he didn't need to check the dishwasher because he kept an unethical experiment in there. To everyone's surprise, the dishes and utensils inside were neat and clean. While the Brain looked inside, the experiment came out from behind the refrigerator: a purple cephalopod as tall as the room. The Doom Patrol attacked but it fought back and chased them out of the kitchen, slamming Robotman around. They managed to stuff it into a box of Upbeat Cereal before the Brain saw anything. While he was pointing out an outlet that wasn't tamperproof as required by law, Beast Boy then Elasti-Girl stuffed a tentacle back in the box. It managed to grab Beast Boy and pulled him into the box. Brain gave them a violation for the outlet.

Brain checked a closet and discovered it was dedicated to how much the Patrol despised him. There were crude drawings making fun of him, a dart board with his picture on it, and a pinata based on his appearance. Beast Boy pointed out they decided against making a second closet. They demonstrated the pinata was for celebration. Negative Girl offered a candy but Brain declined. He went to inspect the bathroom but was shocked to see it was in way better shape than he imagined. There were no leaks and water pressure was good but there was a powerful toilet bomb that shot Brain out of the house. He landed on the driveway and gave a second violation. He told Mallah to turn on the bulldozer. The Patrol tried to trick him the inspection was over but Robotman accidentally mentioned Chief's laboratory. During the elevator ride, Brain insisted nothing escaped his keen optic nerves. He failed to see the cache of dynamite and explosives, toxic dump site, and an imprisoned Starro escaping. Brain was aghast by the lab. Chief claimed he had permits for the mutants and weapons stored.

Brain stated he couldn't store dangerous equipment under a residential. Brain touched a freeze ray and got frozen. Beast Boy used a heat ray but Negative Girl thought he was too hot and used the freeze ray. After some back and forth, Brain condemned the house and signaled Mallah. However, once Mallah got the signal and approached, the home's defense system activated and it produced robot arms and legs then defended itself. Mallah got in a shot with the backhoe but the house kicked the loader off, shot tiles at him, and shoved it aside. Mallah hit a green button and a wrecking ball activated along with the two arms with loaders as hands. The house used a tree to bat the wrecking ball and the aparatus snapped off. Mallah charged but the house ripped Brain's house off its property, tossed it, and smashed Mallah and the loader. Brain was infuriated. Beast Boy pointed out he now had a beachfront property. Brain learned his house's value tripled and he was no longer neighbors with the Patrol. However, the Doom Patrol's house settled next to Brain's and blasted its stereo. Elasti-Girl repeated they loved living next to him and Negative Girl added they would be neighbors forever. Brain howled "No!" in despair.