

Codsville National Forest

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Real Identity: Not Applicable
Appearances: Beard Hunter
Powers: Not Applicable
Voiced By: Not Applicable

Beast Boy went with the Doom Patrol on a camping trip to the Codsville National Forest. It was Robotman's first time. Elasti-Girl wanted to kick back and relax. Negative Girl wanted to look for bugs. Chief thought the camping grounds were for losers and revealed he was taking them to a campsite that was extreme. He switched the van tires to tank treads, mowed down Detective Chimp and Swamp Thing's campfire, drove through some trees, drove off a cliff, switched the treads to a flotation device, rafted down a treacherous river, went down a waterfall, and made a hard landing at the site. The van quickly set up camp. The others found the location awesome and worth having their lives put in danger. Suddenly all kinds of wild animals came to pay respect to the Chief's awesome beard. He formed a hand and arm with it and shook some nuts loose for the squirrels, grabbed some honey for the bears, and gave a piece of cheese to a mouse who was carried off by the eagle. Beast Boy wondered why they never saw the beard in action before. Chief stated he kept a low profile.

On Elasti-Girl's prompt, Chief demonstrated it could lift a boulder, use axes to carve a wooden statue of Robotman, dig a poop hole for Beast Boy, and make tea for her. The others wanted an awesome beard, too. Chief let it slip all they needed was a drop of his beard oil then denied them, saying it took hard work like rigorous daily grooming. He then revealed it was dangerous and he had to keep a low profile to avoid attracting the attention of the Beard Hunter, a twisted fiend who stalks people with luxurious beards and slices them with off with his sharp razors and wears them on his belt like obscene little trophies. The others didn't believe him. Beast Boy poked his beard and some of the oil got on the campfire, setting off a huge explosion. Chief frantically cleaned it all up then went to sleep in the van. The others stole some of his beard oil and grew their own beards and threw a forest rave. Chief was irate their facial hair high jinks would attract the Beard Hunter to their location. Beard Hunter surfaced from the river and threw a razor, slicing off the bottom of Beast Boy's beard. He yelled hysterically and chased after the Patrol.

Beast Boy turned into a kangaroo and hopped ahead right into a rope trap. He was propelled up a tree and shaved. Chief warned each beard he stole made him stronger. Elasti-Girl fell into a hole covered up by leaves and landed on a chair, was restrained, shot with shaving cream, and shaved with an electric shaver. Negative Girl slipped on facial wax and had her beard waxed off. They made it back to the van but Hunter took out the fires with his razor-firing guns and they crashed into a tree. Robotman assured them the Hunter could not get in because the van was made of reinforced steel. Beast Boy pointed out it had a sun roof. Hunter pulled Robotman's head off and returned it beardless. He dropped a grenade inside. Chief declared he would never get his but Beard Hunter revealed he already had enough to form the ultimate beard. The beard combined into a giant blonde beard and attached to him. Beard Hunter declared he would use it to take over the world. He easily captured Beast Boy, Robotman, Elasti-Girl, and Negative Girl.

Beard Hunter and Chief agreed to settle it in a beard battle. Chief was hit with multiple beard fists but he countered with a shark beard. Beard Hunter formed a jet plane beard and fired. Chief formed a chopper and returned fire. The collision caused an explosion that freed the Patrol and Beast Boy. Beard Hunter formed a beard armor over himself but Chief declared his beard was extreme then formed it into a giant dragon beard. Beard Hunter was frightened. He was picked up, kicked to the ground, and blasted with flame breath. The ultimate beard crumbled away. Beard Hunter cried and admitted he just wanted a nice beard so he could look like a big man. He pounded the ground like a baby. Negative Girl gave him a new beard to cheer him up but it was made of bugs. Beard Hunter ran off cursing them and vowing they hadn't seen the last of him. Beast Boy still couldn't believe he was real.