

Axis Chemicals

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Real Identity: Not Applicable
Appearances: Pig in a Poke, Go!, Porch Pirates, and 50% Chad
Powers: Not Applicable
Voiced By: Not Applicable

The Joker used money including life savings he scammed off Starfire to purchase an Axis Chemicals plant in Gotham City and planned to use it in his latest scheme to flood the city with his Joker toxin. The Titans vowed to beat the Joker at his own game and drove to the plant in a cheap convertible. They took Exit 311 and parked outside Axis Chemicals. It was fortified like a fortress and a password was needed to get past the gate. The Titans opted to use phishing to find out the password and impersonated the Joker. Cyborg pretended to be the Joker portrayed by Jack Nicholson in the 1989 Batman movie. Beast Boy went next as the Joker portrayed by Heath Ledger. The henchman guarding the gate fell for it but Robin butted in as the Joker portrayed by Jared Leto. The henchman immediately saw through the facade and opted to send the henchmen to the gate. Beast Boy took back control of the situation by doing his best Mark Hamill impression and even got the henchman to give him the password: jinglebellsbatmansmells1939.

As the Titans moved through the lot, they spied two more henchmen. Raven decided to use a pig in a poke. She conjured a hot dog stand and dressed the part. When the henchmen opened their paper bags, angry cats jumped out and attacked their faces. Cyborg blasted a hole into the facility but the Titans ran into all the henchmen. Robin went with the biggest scam of all, a financial planning seminar. Robin reeled them in with an appeal to be their own bosses and achieve their dreams of financial success through his specialized program then presented false celebrity testimony from Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman. He then revealed space was limited. The henchmen all fought each other. The Titans burst into the Joker's office. Joker was happy to see them, assuming Batman was around since Robin was. Robin declared he was present on official Teen Titans business. Joker's demeanor dropped and tried to brush them off because he was busy using the facility to fill a giant whoopee cushion with his Joker toxin.

Joker refused to return Starfire's money so the Titans tried to outscam him. Raven presented a crystal ball and told him he should stop his evil ways or terrible things awaited him in his future. Joker activated his squirt flower and doused Raven in a gush of water. Beast Boy kept a giant mallet hidden behind his back and told the Joker he dropped his wallet. Joker claimed he had it and lifted his coat back. A boxing glove shot out and punched Beast Boy. Cyborg pretended to be Joker's long lost nephew. Joker held out his hand to embrace him but he was armed with a joy buzzer. Cyborg was charred to a crisp and fell over. Robin ordered the Titans to retreat. Starfire pretended to slip on a puddle of toxic waste and wore a neck brace. Joker pointed out that was clearly an accident. Cyborg started pointing out it was an accident caused by the terrible upkeep of the facility. He punched out a ceiling light, kicked over a barrel, and pushed a henchman through a guard rail to verify his claim then declared the plant was a liability.

Joker insisted he just bought it so he didn't have time to bring it up to code yet. Starfire informed Joker he would be hearing from her lawyer. Joker became concerned as he didn't want to deal with a lawsuit and mess up all his evil schemes. They walked towards the door. Joker rushed over, shut the door, and asked them to reconsider. He would do anything to make it right. Starfire asked for her money back. He complied and threw her a stack of bills. She then asked for the deed to the plant to pay for her pain and suffering. He scoffed at the notion. Starfire took out her Titans Communicator and asked Robin what the number to their lawyer was. Joker caved and handed the deed over. Starfire then demanded his henchmen. Joker couldn't believe it and asked if she wanted his clothes next. She did and he complied. Starfire laughed nefariously and tossed her neck brace in his face. Joker realized he was scammed. Starfire deflated the giant whoopee cushion. Starfire opened her Starfire's Scoops store right outside the perimeter of Axis Chemicals and Joker was reduced to the role of janitor.

The Titans were extorted by Porch Pirates into stealing a package for them to replace the new smoothie machine they stole from them. After several failures, the captain chose Axis Chemicals. Robin decided on a direct approach. Cyborg morphed into a vehicle not unlike the Batmobile and the other Titans boarded him. On a gunner seat, Starfire destroyed the front gate with starbolts. Raven put up a raven shaped shield to defend against the Joker style turrets. The box was in sight but there was an acid pit before it. Beast Boy changed into a snake and wrapped around a pole. As Cyborg swung past, a strapped Robin lunged for the package. They swung back and drove out. Cyborg left a bomb behind that destroyed the factory. Kid Flash visited an Axis Chemicals but was pushed into a vat of chemicals. Instead of emerging as a mutated, vengeful villain, a skeleton rose up. Robin quickly ran away.