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Real Identity: Not Applicable
Appearances: Catpin Freak
Powers/Skills: Energy Emission and Flight
Voiced By: Not Applicable

Freaky Face led Starfire's crew through a dangerous junkyard on a barren planet. Tooth Fairy could not resist a Skullbot's teeth and pulled one out from the upper jaw. The Skullbot angrily activated. Tooth Fairy tried in vain to put the tooth back. It chased Tooth and the rest of the crew while firing eye lasers. Freak directed them to take cover behind a junk pile but it was for an ice cream party. Folding Paper Man didn't think it was the time for a party but Freak folded him into a paper hat and put him on Starfire's head. He demanded three scoops of Superman ice cream with sprinkles. Tooth Fairy couldn't think of what she wanted but Freak pressed on and she asked for a tooth sundae with extra teeth and little toothy sprinkles. Freak gagged and ordered a Choco with sprinkly then dropped it on her head. The Skullbot approached. A laser knocked two scoops off Freak's cone. Freak declared the party was over and tossed his cone over his shoulder. It happened to land on the Skullbot's panel. He shorted out and exploded.