

Moon Flower

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Real Identity: Not Applicable
Appearances: Catpin Freak and Wild Card
Powers/Skills: Unrevealed
Voiced By: Not Applicable

The Moon Flower was one of three items Starfire wanted to gather as part of a surprise she had planned for her sister Blackfire. On the day they searched for it, Freaky Face had insisted his way into being the ship captain. Folding Paper Man checked the space guide and saw there was an Astro Market nearby. Platz offered his shuttle. They walked backwards while thrumming their lips and piled into the shuttle. Rather than wait, Freak flew with through the bay door, past the Astro Market, did loops then dove down to a barren planet. Freak led them through a life-threatening junkyard full of fatal encounters. Freak led them to a Moon Flower but to their annoyance, said it was no good. They all expressed how they didn't like him being in charge and went after the flower. Even with all four trying, the flower wouldn't budge from the ground. They were stuck. A giant alien angler fish rose up from the ground and proceeded to eat them. Freak got its attention and asked if it wanted to play with its food before eating it. The fish agreed to play Jenga with them only to be crushed by the pieces. Back at The Ship, Freak revealed a Moon Flower inside the freezer compartment of the refrigerator he used as a replacement shuttle. All ingredients were used to make Slurp Cake for Blackfire.