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Real Identity: Not Applicable
Appearances: Walk Away
Powers/Skills: Transportation, Transformation, and Energy Blast
Voiced By: Not Applicable

During some car shopping at Dr. Light's dealership, Robin became interested in the Jokermobile. Dr. Light was hesitant and tried to steer him away from it. Robin knocked him over and inspected the car. He liked the roomy interior, leather seats, and the clown motif reminded him of growing up in the circus. Robin wanted to take it out on a test drive. Sticky Joe became furious after Robin drove into his shopping cart. A man on ladder was tipped over and he accidentally painted a mustache on a mural of Wonder Woman. Light politely asked Robin to slow down but he refused and asked about the features. Light pointed out the laughing gas launcher. Wonder Woman, Flash, and Aquaman stood at Superman's grave solemnly until they were doused with the laughing gas as the Jokermobile sped by. They laughed and Superman popped out of the grave laughing, too. Light pointed to a button that released an oil slick. Robin tried it and George Clooney happened to drive over it. He spun out and his car exploded. Light then pointed out the novelty horn.

Robin asked about another button that was covered up. Light nervously told him the feature was no longer available. Robin thought it was a scam. He did a hard brake. Light was launched through the windshield. Robin was ready to talk numbers. Light went to start the paperwork. Robin was offended by the $22,000 price. Light insisted it was fair deal and he was losing money from the deal. Robin was operating under the rule of never accepting the first offer. He wanted a lower price and all the features. Light insisted the last feature was unsafe. Robin decided to prove it wasn't and pressed the button. The Jokermobile turned into a giant Joker robot and destroyed Light's dealership. Robin told the other Titans it was time to walk away and come back the next day to negotiate a better price. Light was horrified at the carnage. The Jokermobile unleashed a huge energy blast from its giant novelty horn and leveled the area. Light's helmet rolled past the Titans.