

Golden Lasso

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Real Identity: Not Applicable
Appearances: Two Parter: Part One, Two Parter: Part Two, Garage Sale, Collect Them All!, Witches Brew, Justice League's Next Top Talent Idol Star: Justice League Edition Pt. 1, DC, A Sticky Situation, 50% Chad, Teen Titans Action Part 2, and Utility Belt
Powers/Skills: Truth Manipulation
Voiced By: Krizia Bajos

The Golden Lasso is a weapon used by Wonder Woman. Those bound by it are forced to tell the truth. When Raven was given Wonder Woman's costume, she used the lasso on Robin and made him admit he lied about the wet spot on his pants and it was really pee. Some lassos were kept in the Titans Tower attic. During the Justice League's Next Top Idol Star: Justice League Edition, Wonder Woman used the Lasso to make many elaborate shapes like a star, a heart, her symbol for Jumpa, Aquaman's symbol for Storm, Superman's shield for Krypto, and an even more elaborate Batman riding Bat-Cow then going up into a Batplane and flying over Gotham City. In the end, the Batman did a fist bump with Wonder Woman. In the final moments of the battle between DC and The Competition, Wonder Woman summoned the Gold Armor and charged straight thru the latter for the finishing blow and retrieving the kidnapped heroes with her Golden Lasso.

After the Green Lantern's power ring failed to stop Krypto in the Hall of Justice, Sticky Joe grabbed the Lasso of Truth and captured Krypto. He scolded him and Krypto handed the can of beans back. However, he noticed Streaky and chased after him with Joe pulled along. Joe crashed into the Phantom Zone Projector display and was zapped into the Phantom Zone with his can. During a sack race, Wonder Woman used the Lasso on Raven and tossed her then she tapped Superman for the final segment of the race.

Robin wanted time apart to prove it to himself he was a hero and left his Utility Belt at The Thrifty Hero second hand store. He was befriended by other second hand equipment: Wonder Woman's Lasso of Truth, Hawkman's Mace, The Joker's Flower, Green Lantern's Power Ring, and Two-Face's coin. They thought Belt was in denial about being abandoned. Lasso revealed it was abandoned by Wonder Woman when the fibers began to fray. They were shocked to learn Belt was in perfect working condition. Lasso asked Belt to join them in their mantra, "Just because we're used, doesn't make us useless. We are super tools, and they are super fools." Robin and the other Titans arrived in search of the belt after they were easily defeated by Cinderblock. Lasso grabbed Robin and squeezed. Robin promised he wouldn't abandon him again but Belt didn't believe him. Robin pointed out the Lasso was making him tell the truth but it pointed out it couldn't do that anymore. Robin and Belt reaffirmed their love for each other.

Lasso slammed Robin around intent on making him pay for his hubris despite Belt's plea to stop. Belt returned to Robin and got him free then he used a stapler to immobilize Lasso to the counter. Belt could not leave without them and offered the second hand equipment and new home in its pouches. They accepted. Robin was elated to have more cool stuff but Mace fell on his head amid his celebration.