

Galactic Egg

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Real Identity: Not Applicable
Appearances: Five Bucks and Wild Card
Powers/Skills: Unrevealed
Voiced By: Not Applicable

The Galactic Egg was one of three rare items Starfire wanted to collect on the long journey to her home planet Tamaran. Starfire's crew located a Galactic Egg on an asteroid but the surface was too hard for their drill. Tooth Fairy turned her wand into a dentist's drill and successfully revealed the egg. It was still lodged in the asteroid. Folding Paper Man turned himself into a crowbar but the egg would not budge and a piece ricocheted and hit Freaky Face's mouth. His top middle tooth fail off and he threw a tantrum. Starfire opted to have everyone teleported back to The Ship and came back after he calmed down. Two days later, Tooth Fairy used the teleporter to simply beam the egg onboard. All ingredients were used to make Slurp Cake for Blackfire.