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Real Identity: Howdy
Appearances: A Stickier Situation
Powers/Skills: Rat Skills
Voiced By: Not Applicable

Robin was horrified to find a rat bathing in his bowl in the sink. Beast Boy and Raven revealed he was Howdy, Sticky Joe's pet rat. Robin was further disgusted when Joe brushed Howdy's back and butt with his toothbrush. The Titans had to leave the Titans Tower to fight Brother Blood but Robin instructed Joe to get rid of Howdy. Joe put Howdy back into the sink. Using the bubble suds, Howdy pretended to be Superman, then Wonder Woman, and Batman. They high fived but Joe noticed Howdy has very long nails. He produced nail clippers but Howdy was scared and ran away. The chase wrecked the kitchen. Howdy hid in a cabinet. Joe opened it but all the cans of beans fell on him. Howdy made it to the elevator. Joe found a chute behind a portrait and climbed up a narrow passage to the roof. Howdy backed into the cockpit of the T-Jet but tripped on a button, turning it on. After the canopy closed, Joe clung to the exterior as the jet took off. It soon crashed into Killer Moth's Cocoon.

Kitten was smitten with Howdy. Killer Moth was upset by the presence of a rat and wanted to call an exterminator. He reminded her she had a lot of pets already and he always ended up cleaning up after them. He caved in but offered to mutate it with his Bug Beam so it could have two heads. Kitten liked that because he would be twice as cute and strapped Howdy down. Sticky Joe was horrified and jumped to the top of the Bug Beam, reversed the polarity, and reverted Howdy to normal. The Bug Beam accidentally tilted and fired on Killer Moth turning his face super handsome. Moth was horrified by his appearance. They chased after Joe and Howdy but they jumped out the cocoon. Hawkman scooped up Sticky Joe and Howdy before they fell on sharp rocks and ate them whole. He returned to his nest in the city and regurgitated them. He attempted to feed Howdy to his baby but Joe intervened and pulled on him in a tug-of-war. They both fell out of the nest and luckily fell down an open manhole down below.

Howdy was befriended by Penguin in the Jump City sewers and was offered a fish to eat. Sticky Joe arrived in search of his pet. Howdy was happy to see him but ran back behind Penguin when Joe produced his nail clippers to clip Howdy's long claws. Penguin brandished his blade umbrella. Joe grabbed an umbrella from Penguin's collection. It happened to be the electric jellyfish one and upon impact, Penguin was zapped. He grabbed a Sith light saber umbrella. Joe grabbed a Jedi light saber one but was knocked off his feet. Joe quickly grabbed another one but it was a saxophone. He started playing smooth jazz and Penguin liked it. Joe then smashed Penguin over the head with the saxophone and tried to run off with Howdy. Penguin, however, used his fishing pole umbrella to snag the back of Joe's jacket. Joe was pulled back but he landed in a pipe. It overloaded and shot him and Howdy out of the sewers on a life raft only to be swallowed whole by an orca whale. Joe and Howdy were forced to playe Go Fish with Aqualad, a shrimp, and a crab or face the business end of pincers.

Howdy became suspicious and revealed Crab was a cheater and a fight broke out. The orca's stomach was upset so it surfaced and blew Joe and Howdy back towards the city. They landed in Control Freak's apartment and watched an episode of Himguy. Howdy drank Freak's soda and put it on his remote. They were accidentally zapped into the Himguy series. Musclelor was upset with having intruders and bulked up with a protein shake. Joe produced a can of beans and became jacked then changed Howdy. However, Joe still tried to clip his nails. Musclelor was trampled and his gym gear and blender were wrecked. In anger, he zapped them back to the real world. Howdy jumped out the window, followed by Joe. They happened to fall through the roof of the Jump City Weapons Depot and found the Titans tied up to a bomb when the countdown was at 13 seconds. Joe realized Howdy's long sharp nails could cut the detonator and threw him at Robin's face.

Howdy climbed in but there was a green, blue, and red wire. At one second, he picked the red one and successfully disabled the bomb. Joe untied the Titans. Even Robin admitted Howdy wasn't so bad after all. Howdy kissed Robin. Robin was horrified and screamed for iodine and disinfectant. Joe and Howdy high fived but Joe still tried to clip his nails.