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Real Identity: Trigontholomew
Appearances: Dog Hand, Dreams (Dream), Caramel Apples, Thanksgiving, Crazy Day, Nean, I'm The Sauce, The Titans Show, TV Knight, Justice League's Next Top Talent Idol Star: Pt 1, Justice League's Next Top Talent Idol Star: Pt 2, Demon Prom, Flashback: Pt 1, Real Orangins, Lil' Dimples, What We Learned At Camp, Ghost With The Most, Cool Uncles, and BBRAEBDAY
Powers/Skills: Magic
Voiced By: Kevin Michael Richardson

The demon Trigon is one of the most powerful beings in the universe. He is said to be the devourer of worlds, conqeror of planets, enslaver of civilizations, destroyer of dimensions, and master of the dark. He feeds off the suffering of others, even his daughter Raven. While in his teens, Trigon enslaved his first dimension. He wanted Raven to follow in his legacy but from her infancy, Raven just wanted to dance. Raven failed to win the Jump City Children's Beauty Pageant with Trigon's complex dance choreography. A rift formed between them. He broke her dancing cane and told her demons don't dance. Some years later, he kicked her bedroom door down and took her blonde wig away and repeated demons don't dance. In her teens, Trigon sent her to take over Earth first and was annoyed she was taking her time in Jump City's city park. He leaned halfway out of a portal and pointed at his watch. Robin approached Raven and suggested she use her powers for good instead and told her about his Teen Titans try outs. Raven warmed up to the ideas since they would annoy Trigon.

After failing to enslave the universe in a timely manner, Trigon kicked her out of his house. She was forced to live on the streets of Jump City until she found the other Titans rejects and they banded together. In her teens, she chose to be a hero. Trigon allowed her to save a few lives in hopes of it being a brief jaunt. Trigon eventually came to Earth to visit Raven but was given the cold shoulder. He endeared himself to the other Titans and granted them one wish each. Raven decided to play along and Trigon instructed her to draw out nightmares in Jump City and focus them to open an interdimensional portal. Trigon then ordered her to kill all her friends, starting with Beast Boy as an example then kill the others after they swear allegiance. The Teen Titans fought Trigon on the roof of the Titans Tower. Raven used her powers on Trigon while he was distracted by the others and threw him through the interdimensional portal. Raven mused he would probably be back for Thanksgiving.

Trigon was enraged when Raven didn't get him anything for Father's Day. He came up with a plan to incite the Raven he remembered, by piting her against Starfire for his affection or whatever. Trigon crossed over to Jump City and lay waste. Starfire presented a hand drawn Father's Day card to Trigon. He decided to spare the city and teleported away. He soon returned and gave a cat to Starfire instead of devouring its soul. She in turn invited him to her silly dance party. As he planned, Raven's rage began to build up. Soon enough, Raven and Starfire fought each other. They quickly realized they were fighting over nothing and apologized then forced Trigon through a portal. He declared he would be back at Thanksgiving. True to his word, Trigon returned, uninvited, to the Titans Tower on Thanksgiving. He pledged he wouldn't devour any souls and tried to make the day perfect for his daughter. However, his proclivity towards evil won out. While volunteering to help salvage the meal, Trigon turned Cyborg into a turkey and tried to kill and cook him.

At Raven's urging, Trigon spared Cyborg but eventually tried to kill him again. Trying to salvage the second meal ruined by an impromptu food fight, Trigon turned Batman into a turkey. On a Crazy Day, Trigon possessed Raven's mind and body and tried to make her go evil by subjecting her to constructs that looked like the other Titans. Raven, used to being driven crazy by Titans, was able to get past the constructs and found Trigon. Raven gave him a taste of his own medicine and inserted the real Titans into Trigon's mind. In a very short time, Trigon went crazy and released Raven. After recovering, Trigon came up with another scheme. Tired of Raven teetering on the side of nice and mean, he cast a curse that forced her to be nice. That way, she would experience that kind of life and finally decide on choosing the side of good or evil. But Raven played along and enjoyed it until Trigon arrived to remove the curse. While fighting over the curse, Raven let go and Trigon was hit with a reverse curse and forced to be nice.

Raven demanded he stop bothering her and he promised. He soon reappeared at Starfire's chili wedding after Raven convinced her it was super dumb to marry a pot of vegetarian chili. Trigon consoled the chili and offered to take it out for ice cream. Trigon later helped the Titans cheer up the sad cloud raining on Jump City with a game of Head's Up Seven Up for chocolate milk. He later stopped by at the Tower for breakfast made by Raven. It felt like an eternity to him and pounded the table. Raven presented him with angry looking scrambed eggs and bacon. Trigon conjured a bottle of ketchup and drew a thank you note for Raven. Trigon continued to tell Raven demons don't dance. He even opened a portal to her bedroom at the Titans Tower and took her glow sticks away. Raven decided to audition in the Justice League's Next Top Talent Idol Star just to prove Trigon was wrong. During an interview with the host, Birdarang, Raven showed off her dance outfit that she took two weeks to make. Trigon appeared and ripped it in half. He repeated demons don't dance.

Raven used magic to restore her suit and continued with her performance, a fusion of rock and ballet. For the finale, she blew up a globe of the Earth. Trigon was impressed and declared his approval. He hugged Raven hard until she had a portal suck him in. He disagreed with the judges' choice with Robin's dummy and declared they didn't know talent. Trigon was eager for Raven to attend demon prom since she was a shoe-in to win the title of prom queen, which was how demonkind decided who rules the underworld for the next 1000 years. He felt it was where she belonged and part of fulfilling her destiny. Raven refused but Trigon threatened to destroy Earth. Raven agreed to go but brought the other Titans to humiliate her and take her out of the running. The Titans, unaware of the ruse, did as she predicted but Trigon tricked them into helping boost votes for Raven with a song titled "Straight Outta Azarath". Raven and Robin were crowned. She used her sceptre to order all the demons to obey her. They carried Trigon through the portal to the underworld. He vowed to see her at demon graduation.

Trigon still wanted Raven to win the Jump City Children's Beauty Pageant. He found a VHS recording that had her childhood on it and took it to the Titans Tower. He told the other Titans to surprise Raven with it. She eventually got annoyed with their cryptic answers and squeezed them. Trigon was amused. Raven tried to push him back through his portal but Trigan teleported away and promised he would leave after they took a trip down memory lane. Raven became upset when the part about the pageant came up and stormed off. Trigon told the others he didn't mean to upset her and admitted he remembered those days fondly because she was so happy on stage. The other Titans checked in on Raven. She believed messing up that dance was what messed up her relationship with Trigon and created a rift. She wanted to surprise him with her decision to try and compete in the pageant again. They learned Robin also entered it as "Lil' Dimples" to their disgust. Starfire, Cyborg, and Beast Boy suspected Trigon was up to his usual tricks.

Raven agreed but hoped seeing her dance would make him forget about enslaving the world. Trigon arrived late to the pageant with a bouquet of roses but Dimples swiped it. Trigon remarked he gave children's beauty pageants a bad name. He told Raven he would be in the front row and asked her if she remembered the dance steps. She promised she wouldn't mess up again. He gave her both thumbs up during the dance. She got a perfect score from the judges, Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman. Trigon hugged Raven. The portal opened and a monster rose up through it. Trigon was pleased they could finally rule the world. Raven told him she didn't want to and just wanted him to be her dad. Trigon finally got it. Together, they forced the monster back through a portal and sealed it. Trigon crowned her but Robin swiped it and proclaimed himself the winner. They were all grossed out. Trigon cursed the Super Hero Summer Camp participation medals and amplified the self-esteem of whoever wore it and fell was under his control.

Trigon moved to take over the world from his Camp Trigon. He inquired why the Titans didn't have any even though all they had to do was participate a little bit. Annoyed with them messing up his plan, Trigon sent the other heroes after them. Raven teleported herself and the other Titans into another part of camp. Trigon tasked his army in making evil arts and crafts weapons that were just as deadly, or more so, than their real counterparts. After Trigon retired to his cabin, the Titans made their move to neutralize the heroes. He blasted them back with an energy wave then teleported his army to him. The Titans leaped to their pirate ship and fought back. They fired cannonballs but they bounced off Trigon's force field. He became irritated and unleashed an energy wave that shattered the ship to pieces. He found them pathetic and realized they weren't worthy of the power of self-esteem. Bumblebee disagreed and revealed being with the Titans for a week gave her more self-esteem than anyone.

Trigon saw her sense of self-worth and found it astounding. She punched him off his feet then fired her stingers at him and launched him through a portal. He promised Raven he would see her next year. While Trigon read a copy of Handbook for the Recently Deceased, he was elated to see the Titans on the other side of his door to the Netherworld. He waved at them but his demeanor changed when Beetlejuice tried to hide. Beetlejuice remembered he owed Trigon money. Beast Boy opened a door to a Sandworm. Beetlejuice pulled the Titans to safety just in time but the Sandworm flowed out of its door into the room where Trigon was and swallowed him whole. Beast Boy was concerned but Raven shrugged it off and was sure he would be fine. After Beetlejuice double-crossed the Titans and continued with his plan to take over Halloween, Raven opened a portal. A sandworm emerged and descended upon Beetlejuice, crashing through the asphalt. Beetlejuice lit a match and walked around in its stomach until he bumped into Trigon. Trigon zapped his head and it shrank. He couldn't believe it got shrunk again.

Trigon wanted to go play golf so he came up with a scheme to lie to Raven about an important business meeting so she would babysit her three younger brothers Russ, Lyle, and Suge. Raven bemoaned she and the other Teen Titans had a fun day planned at the Wacka Doodles amusement park. Trigon implored her to take her brothers. Trigon made his cute eyes and used "please." She begrudgingly agreed to babysit them. Trigon told her he would return that night to pick them up. Trigon returned, clad in golf gear. Raven couldn't believe she was lied to. Trigon pointed out he was a demon and wasn't always honest. He reached for his sons but inadvertently knocked their cones to the floor. As they combined into one giant demon, Raven quickly handed them to the befuddled Trigon then knocked him through his portal. Trigon emerged in his giant form from a red portal that formed on the surface of the bay and interrupted Beast Boy's birthday party on the roof of Titans Tower. Trigon stated he came to take Raven home to celebrate her birthday party.

Everyone was surprised Beast Boy and Rave shared a birthday. Trigon clarified Raven's demonic side was turning 16,000 years old so he was throwing her a Sinister 16 party. Raven turned him down. Starfire thought it sounded delightful. Raven warned Starfire that Sinister 16 parties were notorious for turning teenage girls into horrible, spoiled monsters. The Titans failed to convince her to do it. Trigon insisted it was an important part of every young demon's life and her magical birthday wish would come true if she made it in Azarath. Raven specified the emotional powers at play would be intense. Beast Boy realized he would get a wish, too, and promised they would help keep her in check and pleaded with her. Raven caved in. Trigon snapped his fingers. Thorpighor drove through green portal in a party bus rented by Trigon. They arrived at a suburban home in Azarath. Trigon changed Raven's cloak to a pink party dress. Raven pointed out he knew she hated the color pink. Trigon switched it to purple but Raven started to growl and demanded black. He complied then they went inside.

Trigon introduced them to Raven's grandma, and his mother. Nana was elated to see how much Raven had grown then asked Trigon, referring to him by his full name of "Trigontholomew," and asked about her Epsom salts. He admitted he forgot to buy some. She pointed out he could enslave an entire dimension but couldn't remember to buy Epsom salts for his mother. She presented one of her swollen feet. Russ, Lyle, and Suge happily kissed it. Trigon introduced Raven's Uncle Grim, the Grim Reaper. Trigon wanted to do the father-daughter dance but his dance moves were outdated. She refused to do it. Trigon claimed he brushed up on all the latest dance crazes like the camel walk, the funky chicken, and the stanky leg. Nana remarked he had two left hooves and didn't get that from her. Trigon quipped she wasn't helping. Raven got embarrassed and then angry. After Starfire calmed her down, Trigon cued three young demons to start the music. He tried to assure it wasn't so bad dancing with her dad. Beast Boy joined in as a turkey.

Nana busted out some moves with Cyborg to Trigon's embarrassment. Trigon moved on to opening presents. Cyborg calmed Raven down after she got angry about a smelly cloak from Grim. Trigon gave her a present he and Nana made for her, a blanket. She shredded it then wanted to know why he didn't get her something cool like Pretty Pretty Pegasus. He incanted and turned one of the demon musicians into a pink pegasus. Raven got angry and reduced him to a pile of pink ash. Trigon presented the birthday cake and sang the birthday song. She wished to become all-powerful so she could destroy everyone and have whatever she wanted. Raven became a demonic behemoth and began eating demons. Robin told Trigon to shut the party down. He casually lined up a hot dog with Raven's flame breath then took a bite. He admitted the whole point of the party was to turn Raven into a spoiled monster since she was of age. Raven grabbed Trigon and ate him, too. He shouted he was proud of her as he fell into her open mouth. Soon, only Beast Boy was left. He used his wish to reset the timeline and undo them going to Azarath and also wished to turn Robin into the bicycle he wanted.