

King Shark

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Real Identity: Nanaue
Appearances: New Chum
Powers/Skills: Enhanced Strength, Survival Underwater, and Theft
Voiced By: Eric Edelstein

King Shark gained a reputation as a criminal. While in Codsville, he and the three suckerfish he hung out with, Roy, Richard, and Robert, sought thrills including conducting robberies. Wearing masks of superheroes Superman, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, and Batman, they got away from local police. They robbed a taffy store with an electric eel. The Doom Patrol happened to visit the store after their bag was ruined by Robotman. They followed a trail of the candy to Pier 25. They didn't see any suspicious individuals but encountered King Shark and his gang after they did some kite surfing than ended with them surfing into a whale's mouth and being blown to shore out of its blowhole. Robotman thought they were cool but got distracted. He swerved around the pier, launched off a hot dog stand, bounced off some coin operated binoculars, bounced off the roller coaster, and made a hard landing head first into the beach. King complimented his excellent driving skills. Robotman wished he could be as extreme as they were. King invited him to hang out with them so they could teach him how to be extreme.

Robotman accepted the offer even though the others warned him King was the baddest of the bad. While Robotman argued sharks were just misunderstood creatures, King plucked a seabird out of mid-air and swallowed it. The Patrol was shocked when Robotman told them they could find the taffy thieves on their own. King powerlifted 1000 pounds upside down pushing himself up and down with one finger while his homies sat on the weights. Robotman tried to do a standard power lift but his arms broke off. They tried kite surfing but Robotman took off with the kite. King skateboarded down a hill, though a flaming hula hoop, over a Extreme Baking Soda billboard, and dunked a basketball. Robotman fell down the hill, through the lighthouse, through the billboard, and hit the pole holding up the hoop. They kite surfed again but this time half of Robotman's body went with the kite. King was shot of a cannon, swung around a flag pole, and launched from swings to land on a mail bin in a hand stand to mail a letter to his grandma.

Robotman tried it but cut his lip licking the envelope and was blown up in the cannon then it lowered and shattered him to pieces. Robotman finally got the hang of extreme kite surfing, powerlifting , and dunking. Robotman thanked him for teaching the extreme lifestyle. King admitted it was all he knew and revealed his tattoos were for extreme things in his life like his puka shell necklace, longboard, himself, and his guacamole recipe. Robotman noticed an empty space. King was saving it for something totally extreme and special. Robotman thought he was special. They hugged but King's stomach grumbled. Robotman agreed to get him ice cream. Robotman confided in King the Patrol was trying to break them up. That evening, Robotman was shocked to discover they were the thieves when they stopped and robbed The Cheesy Cantina of its fish tacos and he was their getaway driver. He was forced to shake two police officers on segways by parking in an alley. Robotman pretended to be cool with it under the implication King would turn him into a chum bucket if he wasn't. King told him to rest up because they were robbing the arcade the next day.

During the theft, Richard noticed Robotman was in the arcade instead of waiting at the golf cart. King thought something smelled fishy. Beast Boy posed as a bear plushie, Elasti-Girl as the claw machine, Negative Girl on an arcade screen, and Chief as the fortune teller machine. King was shocked Robotman ratted them out and they fled the arcade in a stretch golf cart. Chief turned his wheelchair into one and they pursued. The suckerfish threw starfish, an electric eel, and a gasy pufferfish at them. King used an octopus to grab a stop sign and make a hard left on The Pizza Place. Elasti-Girl used her powers to do the same. King tried bumping their cart but Robotman bumped them back and King drove into a fireworks stand. They split up and ran in different directions. Beast Boy and the others went after the suckerfish while Robotman chased King to the pier. Robotman grabbed a long board off a boy and kite surfed off a wave to the pier. King was knocked off his feet by the wave.

Robotman vowed to bring him in. King pointed out he couldn't go to jail because he was a shark and had to keep moving or he'd die. King admitted to using him but revealed he realized how special Robotman was and called him the most extreme dude he met. Robotman didn't believe him. King revealed his new tattoo was Robotman's face. Robotman let him escape and he dived into the ocean.